Count to a Million


We recieve you..over. Good to have you onboard grab your gear, we're heading out. You see that dense forest over yonder?....Thats where we're headed


Yes i't could be, that was a great movie, i remember in high school we watched it for English and wrote the "techniques used in the film" lol the biggest blag ever, the teacher just wanted to watch the film :lol:

Fox you have you had the pleasure of black and my 3rd morning buddy? im not entirely sure where he's gone,
has voddas ran away black??
7146 Voddas is away at the i34 tournament :p but i thought he was due back today so he may turn up any time.

@Foxstripe i thought you already had joined the morning team :p
BlackWolf said:
7146 Voddas is away at the i34 tournament :p but i thought he was due back today so he may turn up any time.

@Foxstripe i thought you already had joined the morning team :p

Haha not officially, , woo lol

So Where can I get Tenchi Muyo Vol.1 for dirt cheap, as I know I can get Vol.2+3 for 99p off Uk Anime store. just gotta get Vol.1 cheap. help me

Hows the game development goin Black? Will we get a tester ;)

:lol: well hopefully he's back tomorro at the latest,
sorry i can't help on where to find cheap manga fox :/

*yaaaaaaawn* i hate mornings at work -_______-
Nah not tried amazon, I tried play and its just not cheap enough! Plus amazon is blocked at my end :(

cheers for looking though.

So where do you guys both work anyway?

well depending on the blocks i can help you bypass them....
Go to tools, Internet options,connections, LAN settings and tick "bypass proxy" and you'll have no restrictions muhahaha....*coughs* like i said thats only for lower level blocks.

Im a Lead administrator for 3 counties (Herts, Beds and Bucks)
making sure hospitals have corect staffing levels ect ect. pretty monotonous and rather dull too but we have our fun moments,
also a trained and qualified comp technician about to start my A+ at college.

7151 It's no problem :) I work from home at the moment :p it would only be a sweeter deal if i actually got PAID for it but then again its works epxerince which is invaluable for the games industry

::crawls from under a rock::

Morning all.... YAAAWWN.... You'll have to bear with me today. I am absolutely shattered. Already fallen asleep at my desk twice lol. Boss ain't too pleased. Should have taken the morning off to recover from i34.

Back now tho :p