Count to a Million


Thanks Black, just posted my tag, same were not on the same format Tachi.

So Tachi, have you completed any manga's of your own yet, or have youi just drawn some samples of characters etc? I wish I could do that :(
7178 Not a problem Fox :p wish i had the skill to draw manga...i'm good with characters its just everything else i suck at...ah well good thing i only draw a hobby :lol:

I imagine we could all do it, just a serious amount of practice. I have a few books at home like How to Draw manga etc which do help. Its just keeping my drawings of the same character consistent

I have so many stories and characters in my head I just cant express them GAAH!! :twisted:

fox: if stickmen comics count, me and ben are pro's lmao
spent many-a english lesson drawing stickmen comics.
some got put in the school paper :)

this is my first time drawing a proper manga....usually stick to drawing characters....mainly chibi's are my strong suit.

UH OH!! Language barrier alert :!:

Whats a Chibi? sorry everyone who knows lol eek!

Haha stickmen can be inventive, depends on the weapons they carry ;) lol
7182 Fox have you tried writting? that's what i've been doing (yeah i seem do a lot these days) I've already wrote 2 full 60,000 word stories :p

@Tachi- your chibis were good though :)
@black: thanks mate :thumb: your pictures you drew and coloured on msn were great :D

and i agree with you fox. the weapons define the stickman lol

i write mini stories but they end up being dark and sinister...horror is much easier than a "happily ever after" story.
7184 we messed up Tach :p (i'll fix mine after this)

Chibi's are another name for SD characters (Super Deformed) usually characters which large heads and big eyes with little bodies, normally done for comedy and pardoy (hence the SD Gundam shorts) hope that clears it up for you Fox :)

@Tachi- thanks i do have some new ones to show you :p including a new one based on the the Tsukihime anime

@BLACK Yeah I used to write a few years back from lyrics to storytelling. The longest story I have written is'nt near 60,000 words haha. I should write again, I enjoyed it so much, usually stuck to the Fantasy Genre when I did. I'll try an anime theme next time, I want a laptop though, I hav'nt got one as then I could write on the train.

And I agree Tachi, its so much easier to give someone a horrfic death than keeping them alive and keeping a story going for a dead end character haha
BlackWolf said:
7184 we messed up Tach :p (i'll fix mine after this)

Chibi's are another name for SD characters (Super Deformed) usually characters which large heads and big eyes with little bodies, normally done for comedy and pardoy (hence the SD Gundam shorts) hope that clears it up for you Fox :)

@Tachi- thanks i do have some new ones to show you :p including a new one based on the the Tsukihime anime


So a good example of Chibi would be Super Puzzle Fighter. The street fighter characters but alot smaller and big heads? correct?

Arghhh nooooo dont talk Tsukihime, Ive just ordered Vol.1 and it should arrive tommorrow :p

anyone have a laptop they dont want lol

Omm Nom Nom.... Lunch was nice :p

I love to draw, infact my desk and work PC are covered in doodles. Used to draw mini storries for a local newspaper when I was hella younger. That's the closest I've been to doing anything professionally.

@Tach (i34) In answering your question, it's mostly PC and 360 played at the event however, being an open event there were still loads of Wii and PS3 players there. Just no comps for them (well, not officail ones anyway).