Count to a Million

7114 Anime yes, the whole series is just 12 eps long, there's a new boxset coming out for it soon as well. The manga though is 5+ volumes and i'm still waiting for vol 6 to appear overhere

Good good :D
im fine thanks :) haven't had a proper talk in a long while :( hopefully will have one tonight on msn :)

@Black: you love it *cries with laughter at the thought of the starburst ad*
7120 :lol: for some reason i always thought the cowboy in that add looked a little like Jackie Chan :p

@Foxstripe: cool hope you like it, its one of my favoruite series

Yup thats why I bought it. I figured as your avatar is a character you must like the series. Plus I trust your judgement so hopefully I should enjoy it.

Im off home now. Catch everyone tomorrow

cya :p