Count to a Million

A new day, a new conversation. How come when I left yesterday, everyone was saying they were girls? :S

lol If I was in Scooby Doo, I'd be the viallain of course :p
Yeah, well, I've had my fill. I was stuffing my face with them before you turned up :wink:

Guess What! The Forum is even more Dead than yesterday if it's possible 0_0
Soo boring on here. Oh! Bought tickets to take mt dad to Black Knight tonight. Woop!! XD
5944 I know, its very strange how dead its become lately :? Ah cool i may try to go see that film within the next week, will be watching Batman Begins again tonight :)
Batman Begins is an awesome film too XD That was one of the main worries about Black Knight. I was thinking that, with Begins being so good, I didn't want to be let down by all the Hype of the sequel. But, as far as I've heard, it's every bit as good (if not better) Really looking forward to it. XD XD XD XD
Finishing at 4 today. Which would be cool if it wasn't for the fact I'm going to the dentist :cry:
I really hate the dentist. My last one had diabetes (nothing to laugh about like). He had a funny turn while he was drilling in my mouth and several nureses had to get him off me!!! Now if that doesn't put the shits up you, I don't know what will.
Really not looking forward to it :cry:

Oooooh, Diabetics...they're a fun bunch. Living with a diabetic brother is a pain in the ass ¬___¬
Especially since he eats pretty much everything and ignores what the doctor people tell him.
5951 Its okay :p i can imagine it would be scary anyway just to have someone passing out on you while potentailly holding some tools...I not fond of dentists anyway the sound of the drill goes right through me
It wouldn't have been so bad if he just passed out. He went the opposite way and got really hyper?! He was looking and fiddling with other things in the room why he had a drill pressed against my mouth! I feared the drill was actually gonna run threw me.


He wouldn't stop, thus the nurse intervention.