Count to a Million

Series is 23 episodes long. Kinda wierd as series tend to last 13,26 or 51 episodes. I am really enjoying it too. Probably watch more tonight and catch up on some others (want to know what happened of Code Geass). =P

Did you say you were watching anything at the mo, or have you not really had time?
5921 that is a bit weird but then i've heard of 36 ep seasons before

Well at the moment i've ran out of new things to watch, so i've been rewatching a lot of old stuff, currently on the last 4 eps of Lunar Legend Tsukihime and then i may go back and rewatch Trigun...either that or Outlaw Star, i can't make my mind up as to which

Trigun then Outlaw Star! I love those series. No particular reason you should watch them in that order like. I love Trigun but I think Outlaw Star just gets ahead in my ratings. Two of the very series that got me inn to the anime too.

::No offence Vash:: :wink:
5923 :lol: Yeah i love both series as well, and a friend has decided to test my drawing skills by asking for a picture of Aisha Clan-Clan. I still have a quick sketch i did of Vash on my computer somewhere around here. Ah well if i keep on having problems deciding i guess i'll just have to flip a coin for it :p
"Aisha Clan-Clan of the Ctarl Ctarl!" It was an awesome show like. Always had wanted a 2nd series (used to). Now I'd be worried they'd screw it up. Actually, same goes for Trigun.
If you find that picture you should link it up so I can take a gander like. Love seeing other peoples drawings/doodles.
5925 Sure not a problem :) There is something new coming out for Trigun this year, Trigun X its suposed to be a movie but i've heard next to nothing about it, i'm hoping its not going to be the series spliced together to make a movie :(
Maltos said: i win now?

YAAAAAY!!! WE HAVE A WI............. HEY! Wait a sec....

MAAlltos, you nearlly had me there. :lol:


@Black I haven't heard of Trigun X????

::scurries off to do a search::
Didn't have time to search for it anyway. Just got hella busy in here, Typucal when it's 12mins till "Voddas does a runner time". Will look it up later and see if I can dig up some info.

@Maltos Wait, that's not Maltos, It's Old Man Smith from the souvenier shop. =P
5931 Well could be worse could of been 5 mins before runing away time :p

All we need now to complete our crime fighting gang is a dog...or some sort of quirky sidekick
BlackWolf said:
All we need now to complete our crime fighting gang is a dog...or some sort of quirky sidekick
So you two are the girls? :wink:

[does anyone else have to check there number at least twice to make sure its right or am i just really retarded?]