Count to a Million

5779 Well the meeting was to just exhange ideas mainly but it looks like things are more or less set in stone. What i can say so far is that the game can be replayed as many times as you have music tracks :wink: and that the visuals will cartoony with regards to the characters. Its also a 2D game with 3D Models for the characters
Oooh... sounds interesting. I guess the game engine will adapt music you play to pick up on the tomes, pitches and beats? Not that I know what kinda game it'll be like, heh. Love music games tho (Donkey Cong, GHero etc). Sounds like a challenge on your hands there Black.
5783 That's the most fun part...We have just under 2 months to get something playable out of this as after time, but if we do get something working and its good the people who are supplying us with this works experince have hinted at they may contract us to finish it once we have completed our fellowship (a 6 months course so we can start our own company)
Wow! :eek:
Sounds like you gotta under control like Black. I hope it all comes threw for you. That means by the time I get back from America in September you should already have a playable demo! That's be cool. Not that we'd expect to see it for a while later like.

Iy/when you end up with your own Company (woop), what would you call it?
Make it a good one :p

You working at the moment? I'm doing bits here and there but this week has been dead. And the temp in the office keeps going up and down. Mostly up, which is oribble.
Guess it's not all fun and games then mate. Too bad. I'm training again tonight for my COD4 clan. Played a match last night and was man of the match in the second round (had a good game ^_^).

Black, you said you had the house to yourself, who would usually be there like? Is it your mate that your doing the game with?
5889 Nah still at home, it was easier for me to commute to university (looking back i'm not sure if it was cheaper given the bus fares, at least i could walk to it i guess) Plan on moving out when things are looking more stable with my plans

you must be pretty good with COD4 then :p
Hey, don't diss it like. I would give my leg to live at home. So much easier than having to pay for everything yourself. I've got used to it now coz I moved out quite young like. Not coz I hated my home but I loved having my own space (if you know what I mean). Just no running around in the nude aloud (not that I do that ¬_¬)

I' gud at COD4 but wouldn't say awesome, I'm one of those payers that has his "unstoppable" days and then his "oh crap I held onto the grenade too long days". Never inbetween which is wierd.
5891 lol Yeah i know what you mean that's why i like these weeks to myself, means i have to do all the chores everyday but i get into a nice rhythm of doing things.

I used to have days like that when i played Counter Strike and Unreal tournament, of course my stupid moments was either accidentally killing my allies with an unforunate timed grenade/ or shooting them with a sniper rifle (it was a good headshot though)
Hah, yeah. They should be running infront of you when your on a mission anyway. XD Still gotta train tho. We must do better at i34. We got put in a bad first group. Got knocked out by Team Packard Bell (AND I HATE PACKARD BELL).


Sorry for the mini outburst there :p
Doubt we'll win like. There's people in these comps that eat and breath FPS every day. Couldn't do that myself, I just enjoy playing. Just hope to get further into the comp this time around. I did win a Gforce 8 series graphics card and 3 PS3 games like. (no ps3 tho :S).

Just went outside for my break and it's absolutely roasting outside. Def not shirt and tie weather.
5895 Things have brightened up here as well it seems, it was foggy out this morning. Well at least you didn't go away empty handed, plus what did you do with the PS3 games in the end?
Swapped 2 of them for SSBB on Wii with an extra free controler :p
The other is still in my bedroom (keep forgetting about it). Will go swap it I guess. Sooner I do it, the better the deal will be I guess.
Yeah, plus the game I have left is NBA'08 D8
Definatley not my thang!

Hey Black, have you ever watched Ergo Proxy?

::dramatic subject change::