Count to a Million

3739 Yeah, Max Payne was a good series, judging from past experinces i'll make an opinion about it after i've seen it, thing that's worrying me at the moment is the PG-13 rating, it seems to be conflicting with the memories i have from the game. Have you seen the latest pictures of Wii Sports sequel? With that new attachment they are offering proper sword fighting mechanics :D
Film has potential like. Not too keen on the PG-13 rating either. Lets just hope it's a high PG-13. They think it's aimed at younger kids but the game is getting old now. People playing it at the time have got older. Nay mind.
Wii Sports 2! I heard rumours but haven't seen any footage (bar 1pic) yet. Looking forward to it. No idea when it'll be released yet like.
3741 From the reports at E3 its out in next spring, bundled with the motionplus attachment, so far only three events have been shown swordfighting, not sure if its suposed to be kendo or fencing (but who cares its sword fighting \o/ ) Frisbee and jet ski which looks a bit like Wave Race. Its going to be an intresting couple of years for game to movie adapations, with Max Payne, the new Street Fighter movie and a prince of persia movie heading our way (along with maybe Lost Planet)
Just been reading up on the Sword fighting looks like it's be class. Once they've mastered that, we need a decent Star Wars light sabar game out. I mean, they already have a lightsaber controler out. How harsh is that. Anyway, it's looking good, as are a few other games I see heading our way. On of those, I wish I had lots of time and money to lose wishes.

3743 funnily enough i've heard rumours that lucasarts are planning a ligthsaber dueling game for the Wii...Actually am i the only one who thinks that a Tron game for the Wii would be quite fun? The controller would work so well for the light cycles and with Tron 2 coming out next year...Anyway i know exactly what you mean about money and games -_- There i was trying to get enough money together to just afford Spore (then cry after reasling my comp probably won't play it T_T)
ayase said:

Voddas! You sent us back 2000 places! And no-one noticed! :lol:
HOLY CRAP! :lol: What was I thinking. I'm totaly failing this game right now. At least you were on he ball. Getting too carried away chatting about games =P

Tron game for the Wii would be awesome Black. You ever play the PC one that came out about 4 year ago?
5747 wait...voddas you have a time machine :p I played demos of it it was okay, had a nice way of tieing it to the original movie although it did lead me to search the web for lightcycle games :lol: I also loved the brief appearance by Tron in Kingdom hearts 2

Feeling left out as I have no next-gen (no, wait this-gen) console. :( Last console I owned was an original Playsation.
Well I have a Wii coz their cheap as chips and good for a laugh. Plus it was my misses idea. And she HATES games usually. I have to get my play time when she's out of the house. =P

I'm more of a PC man myself anyway. Consoles more a group activity to me.

@Black: Always wanted to play the Kingdom of Hearts games but the Disney characters put my house mate off at the time (his cosole). FF games awalys kept me busy like.
5751 Thanks for sorting out the correct number :p Yeah i enjoyed the Kingdom Heart games, they did get repitive though, and the sephiroth battles in each almost made me break the controller in half and i did get a kick of seeing Squall fighitng back to back with Cloud.

@Ayase don't worry :p the current consoles will be cheap as soon enough

...and now you're skipping numbers!

Kingdom Hearts just looks freaking weird. Have heard it's a good game, but... weird.

Not skipping numbers, correcting double posts. =P

I wouldn't mind a new RPG to play actually Especially with i34 on the horizon. Any tips on good or soon to be released games?

OH! PC games that is. :D

Have you played all the old infinity-engine games? Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, etc. I've just recently got back into all those. They eat up your time something terrible though.

That's why I don't play them too often, plus the misses would have a fit. ¬_¬

Last ones I played were Dawn of War (+Winter Assault). Those were cool.

Did play BGate but I got so far and then lost my place. Cool game tho.

Depends what you consider a port really... I enjoy Oblivion but it's hard to keep track of what you have and haven't done (especially if you have multiple characters)
5758 Forgot about oblivion...which came first the PC version or the 360 version? Voddas: If winter assualt is the last Dawn of War you played you have to check out the two newest expansions, although you could wait i supose till Dawn of War 2 emerges next year