Count to a Million

I love having the house to myself. Tv, PC and Wii to myslef :p
Not so bad weekend like. Only downer was that I had a bit too much to drink on Saturday at my best mates house warming. Waisted half my Sunday feeling sorry for myself, plus the misses wasn't best please.
Yeah, think I'll be staying away from the devil juice for a week or two. Well untill i34 anyway. Two weeks left!! Then it'll be me, my pc and a another 4 thousand other PCs. =P
Playing in the BF2 and COD4 tournaments. Will be playing loads more like. Mainley FPS and Racing Games (GRID)! Looking forward to seeing what upcoming games they'll have on show. Mite enter the Rock Band comp too.

lol, was gonna ask if you were into games then (duh). What you most into Black?
5734 I like most games really, but on saying that i'm not into sports games or racing games (i suck at both -_- ) unless of course its a racing game along the lines of Burnout where being the last one standng is good enough to win :p I go through moods in what i play, with RPGs being the current trend, while before that it was action games since i managed to get ahold of Zone of the Enders 2 on PS2 ^_^ Haven't played on a good FPS for while like
I've always loved my FPS, not been a fan of sports games either (besides Wii Sports). Don't play many racing games either, just the odd one that gets me hooked for months then it dies a death. Looking at buying a new game or two before going. Something I can play into the night after hammering the shooters with my clan.
I'm still waiting on a Max Payn 3! Loved the Max Payn games, and the movie might be watchable too.
Voddas said:
(besides Wii Sports)

I tried persuading my PE Teacher to let me take Wii Sports as my chosen sport for GCSE :lol: They wouldnt let me. Then during my theory exam I was asked to write additional sports I was good on I'd like to get graded on and I wrote "Wii Tennis, Wii Bowling, Wii Golf, Wii Boxing, Wii Table Tennis and Wario Ware (Wii)". I lol'd and so did my friend when I shown him my paper (Yeah... It was only a MocK GCSE so meh).
