Count to a Million

5706-Don't worry,I left some dog food in his dish.Also, Blackwolf is now in charge of Mothadonias defence forces due to his experience as a veteran of both the puppet and sock puppet rebellions.Voddas will be in charge of technology because of his mouse drawing skills.

I'll be Governor of the Bank of Mothedonia then, as I just found a *huge* moth on my ceiling which must make me the land's first millionaire.
5710 lol fine mr governor, gald to know that my moth savings will be in safe hands :p While i as head of the defence force will make sure no one breaks in your bank or tries to hijack our precious insect cargo :lol:

Agreed. Being in charge of the nation's wealth is a good place to be. Especially if there's ever an, ah, military coup. :wink: