Count to a Million

OMG! I had TWO 2.2cm screws screwed into my top jaw yesterday. Now that was wierd. Damn brokebd tooth! DX

Thank god it's done now tho. I will probably eat mush for the rest of my life of fear that it happens again now. ;P

More metal shards in my body. Lets hope I never need an MRI or I'll be in a right mess :lol:
Hello! You've tuned in to "VODDAS RADIO" on frequency 2.30FM :lol:

2.30 = two thirty = toothe hurty :p
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Change the signal! :lol:

Well if i throw in some tinfoil, a spoon, and a magnet I've got myself a make shift police scanner! :lol:
5968 or you could create an anti-alien helmet :p

*pictures Voddas with a tinfoil hat and clutching a large magnet, mubling about things montioring his brain waves* :lol:
5970 Sure they told you to do it :roll: :wink: :p

Yeah i enjoyed most of that film, the ending kinda let it down in my opinion but the build up was good. Also i love the pardoy it recieved in Scary Movie 3 :lol:
:lol: I haven't seen that in ages.

Yeah, ending could have been much better like. We need a new (GOOD) alien movie. Not like AVP, coz they're just for laughs now. WOTW was a good film and good remake.

Just remembered there is a new film. "The day the World Stood Still" Another remake but potentially awsome. =P
5973 I saw the new trailer for that i'm not sure of what to make of it yet, but they still have the robot in that movie so it may turn out good. Though i'm not fond of remakes at the best of times. Don't think we'll get another one now for a while anyway (besides the day the earth stood still)

They can't remake Day The Earth Stood Still. They just can't. :(
That will suck harder than the new Planet of The Apes.

I just read the cast list. It also includes John Cleese. Don't get me wrong, I love Monty Phython, but The Day The Earth Stood Still starring Keanu Reeves and John Cleese. You have to laugh or else you cry.