Beez Entertainment Discussion

HdE said:
--Sigil--Otaku-- said:
I'm just waiting for the gurren lagann prices to drop or for a box set to come out. I saw an American version of the boxset for £31 (legal one too) on a site but I prefer buying from the UK to support the industry here.

Good on you! This is what I'm doing too. Since I became aware of the difficulties faced by UK distributors, I've vowed to support them as often as I can.
That's why I do it too, they need the support or we'll get worse and worse release times and less releases. In the end you either support it here or your stuck getting it from America by the end.
Durial666 said:
Well no **** sherlock! I was just wondering if it was a pricing mistake on their part. Just seems too good to be true.

It is or was true - was a special deal for limited number of stock :).

Sorry am sifting through the messages now I have the workaround of just going back on the site to login (what a hassle huh xD?) If anyone feels I've missed anything let me know too - I'll be sure to answer ASAP. Things have been mental of late!

HdE said:
Japanese prices may be one thing, but we're in the UK. It has to be said.

Not wanting to carp on, or come off like a jerk, especially as we've had some very candid, much appreciated input from Andrew on the issue, but it's a sad situation.

I mean, early on, I realised that Unicorn was going to be a 'wait for the box set' type of deal for me. Thing is, now I'm quite honestly dreading what the price for that beast will be when it eventually materialises.

I think you've all had my opinion on this so far! But to be fair - our meeting with the relevant people during Japan Expo was very fruitful and I'm hopeful something can be arranged to mitigate circumstances for future releases.

Fingers crossed anyway, rest assured it can't get any higher at least!

beez_andrew said:
I think you've all had my opinion on this so far! But to be fair - our meeting with the relevant people during Japan Expo was very fruitful and I'm hopeful something can be arranged to mitigate circumstances for future releases.

Thanks for the reply , Andrew - and rest assured I'm definitely sympathetic to your own point of view on the matter - not to mention grateful for the info you've given us here.

I'm watching the situation with interest. :)
--Sigil--Otaku-- said:
HdE said:
--Sigil--Otaku-- said:
I'm just waiting for the gurren lagann prices to drop or for a box set to come out. I saw an American version of the boxset for £31 (legal one too) on a site but I prefer buying from the UK to support the industry here.

Good on you! This is what I'm doing too. Since I became aware of the difficulties faced by UK distributors, I've vowed to support them as often as I can.
That's why I do it too, they need the support or we'll get worse and worse release times and less releases. In the end you either support it here or your stuck getting it from America by the end.

Yeah, people keep saying I should buy in region 1 stuff, but I actually WANT to support the UK industry as much as I can, plus I know if I import whatever I import will then come out in the UK and I'll be annoyed I don't have the UK version like with Custom Robot DS
I like to buy what gets released here as opposed to importing. But for some titles like Air TV I had to import. If I like the series enough and I have imported it, then I am likely to double dip and replace my R1 for R2 in the case of Lucky Star if it gets an R2 release.

Looking at I can get the R2 releases for Gurren Lagann for £75 of pay £45 for the R1. I am willing to pay the extortionate amount that Beez are charging just to help out the industry. But then again I don't have much interest in Gurren Lagann but that's a different story.
Durial666 said:
Looking at I can get the R2 releases for Gurren Lagann for £75 of pay £45 for the R1. I am willing to pay the extortionate amount that Beez are charging just to help out the industry. But then again I don't have much interest in Gurren Lagann but that's a different story.

Keep in mind Gurren Lagann was out in the USA earlier than the UK as well - so there will be an Anime Legends release for the show in the UK, but it'll be likely in Q1 or Q2 2011 :).

I also really appreciate you guys helping out and buying our releases where possible - its thanks to you guys that we're still here :). As ever any suggestions or comments are greatly welcomed.
beez_andrew said:
Keep in mind Gurren Lagann was out in the USA earlier than the UK as well - so there will be an Anime Legends release for the show in the UK, but it'll be likely in Q1 or Q2 2011 :).

This news makes me happy! One of my regular co-horts in comics continually raves about the show, and I've held off on it in hopes of an AL release.
Yeah, I got the first 2 Gurren Lagann episodes on iTunes, but the DVDs cost so much when they first came out. That being said Beez, Gundam and Outlaw Star will mean I'm paying your bills...and I still need to buy Witch Hunter Robin...
Is Beez negotiating for K-ON! rights?

Since I own all the titles you've released so far in the UK, it doesn't really matter what you license. But it would be good to be pleased sometimes :lol:.

By the way, you guys ever tried to license Bakemonogatari? Probably not, but it'd be really interesting to know (roughly) how much the Japanese are asking for it.
Kei-kun said:
Is Beez negotiating for K-ON! rights?

Since I own all the titles you've released so far in the UK, it doesn't really matter what you license. But it would be good to be pleased sometimes :lol:.

By the way, you guys ever tried to license Bakemonogatari? Probably not, but it'd be really interesting to know (roughly) how much the Japanese are asking for it.

I can't comment on it just now (which tells you something :p).

Re Bakemonogatari - I want it, but it's complicated. Last I heard it was again a complex story there but I'm confident it will be released in the UK sooner or later.
ilmaestro said:
This was mentioned elsewhere, but does the Anime Legends release of Gundam Wing use the remastered version?

Answered on the main thread just now!

To confirm again though it is using the same remasters, wouldn't make sense to do it any other way ^^.

JohnC said:
Invisible Crane said:
Is Eureka Seven Anime Legends sets still in print?, I want to get the show but I can't find them anywhere

They're both in stock on

As JohnC says - they're both in stock still on as well as and (when it's up!)


beez_andrew said:
ilmaestro said:
This was mentioned elsewhere, but does the Anime Legends release of Gundam Wing use the remastered version?

Answered on the main thread just now!

To confirm again though it is using the same remasters, wouldn't make sense to do it any other way ^^.

Awesome, and ordered. Cheers!