Animefreak17 And His All-Purpose General Chat Thread

Sparrowsabre7 said:
animefreak17 said:
i choose emos over chavs that how much i hate them
So... you hate emos too? Why? What have they ever done to you? :p
Hmm. I find it's best to reserve your hate for those who actively seek to interfere with your life and/or the lives of others. There are quite enough of those to hate on without starting on people who hate themselves already.
animefreak17 said:
chavs and asbos are bullys they knock other people down cause they have a crappy life.

most chavs are racists * i hate racists *

when they see someone that sticks out of the crowed they make fun of them and hunt them.

look at the riots we had a few mouths back most of them was chavs and asbos and the riots started cause a kid (chav) got shoot by a police man and look how many kids took everything in the shops and they said they did it for the kid who got killed ( i highly doubt that so many kids knew that kid ) they were opportunist, not cause they knew the kid.

Riot just happen.You say most of them was chavs and asbos but how you know they are chavs and asbos ? Have you meet chavs ? how do you know they are racists ? Some university student is involved riot too. Some children think it is fun damaged place. Parent should responsibility and control their children.
i only hate chav and asbos

i dont care what beliefs, how people look like, where there from, what culture there from gypsy, shik, christian, indian, ect. as long as others treat others with respect then theres no problem.

but with chav and asbos there thugs if there in a gang but if there alone there cowards and run away,

dont tell me you dont feel upset inside when a gang of them shouts horrible things at you that makes you feel like crap later *they made fun of me cause of the culture i came from*
sorry guys i had all that hate and rage in for so long i had to say something but i feel better now its good to talk about your problems lol

sorry vashdaman i feel iv upset you for some reason but hope were still cool ok ^_^

ok lets move along and start anew
ok moving on

does anyone know if the UK release of Darker Than Black Gemini Of The Meteor Season 2 will have the OVAs with it or will they be separate for future releases
animefreak17 said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
animefreak17 said:
i choose emos over chavs that how much i hate them

So... you hate emos too? Why? What have they ever done to you? :p

loads of people have negative thoughts on emos but i dont have a problem with them there ok same with goths * goths are cool *

Well by implication of "that's how much I hate them" it indicated that you disliked emos a lot but chavs were so much worse. That's all.
animefreak17 said:
ok moving on

does anyone know if the UK release of Darker Than Black Gemini Of The Meteor Season 2 will have the OVAs with it or will they be separate for future releases

I get the feeling they hadn't been confirmed yet, but so many shows get released sans ova I could be thinking of something else.
animefreak17 said:
sorry guys i had all that hate and rage in for so long i had to say something but i feel better now its good to talk about your problems lol

sorry vashdaman i feel iv upset you for some reason but hope were still cool ok ^_^

ok lets move along and start anew

Haha. What are you worrying about? :p It was only a healthy debate. And I do know where you coming from AF, and I don't like gangs either. But I also dislike sweeping labels with neagative conotations attatched to them which can lead to preconcived judgments about people. In fact I think I just dislike lables full stop (especially ones that aren't accurate) as I was called "New Agey" a short while ago, which caused me no end of blinding rage but my reply was simply "Nothing which I've mentioned believing in to you is in any way "new" in fact its mostly positvely ancient. I find the way in which the term New Age is used to be often very inaccurate and rage inducing, its hardly any better then "cults and sects"....sorry I'm going off on one ....

No worries AF we're always cool. Just remember not to judge people so quickly, even the bastard who drives by and calls you a "piss drinking mother of a whore" for no reason, he might just be having a bad day right? I know I've wanted to call someone a piss drinking mother of a whore, for no resaon in the past when I've been in a bad mood lol.
animefreak17 said:
ok moving on

does anyone know if the UK release of Darker Than Black Gemini Of The Meteor Season 2 will have the OVAs with it or will they be separate for future releases
Who knows, just keep posting the same thing over and over in a never ending row and maybe we'll find out.
ilmaestro said:
animefreak17 said:
ok moving on

does anyone know if the UK release of Darker Than Black Gemini Of The Meteor Season 2 will have the OVAs with it or will they be separate for future releases
Who knows, just keep posting the same thing over and over in a never ending row and maybe we'll find out.

will do thanks for the advice ^_^
Oh yeah you got zinged Ilmae, but so have I! At least a couple of times in the past now lol. You don't see coming and the you just think 'hang on, did AF just zing me?' What makes it worse is, your never quite sure if it really was unintentiomal or not.....

lol, I'm just playin AF.
vashdaman said:
Oh yeah you got zinged Ilmae, but so have I! At least a couple of times in the past now lol. You don't see coming and the you just think 'hang on, did AF just zing me?' What makes it worse is, your never quite sure if it really was unintentiomal or not.....

lol, I'm just playin AF.
you wanna know something......................... i dont even know i zing people
vashdaman said:
Oh yeah you got zinged Ilmae, but so have I! At least a couple of times in the past now lol. You don't see coming and the you just think 'hang on, did AF just zing me?' What makes it worse is, your never quite sure if it really was unintentiomal or not.....
Don't worry, it is a long-held and well voiced opinion of mine that it is definitely not unintentional. :)