Animefreak17 And His All-Purpose General Chat Thread

animefreak17 said:
Ian Wolf said:
I wonder why the BBC has not got around to showing any anime yet?

you really need to ask why.

Well, they've shown TV programmes in foreign languages. BBC Two is currently showing a sketch show in French. BBC Four earlier in the year showed a sitcom from Iceland and "The Killing" which is Danish.

I guess they don't take anime seriously.
animefreak17 said:
Ian Wolf said:
I wonder why the BBC has not got around to showing any anime yet?

you really need to ask why.

Because It Doesn't Have any Family Guys In it :p

BBC did show Spirited Away in both Original/Dubbed forms at some time or another and I think they have broadcast rights for Ponyo too!

Also they had that Japanorama series too.
Ian Wolf said:
I wonder why the BBC has not got around to showing any anime yet?

It has. In the mid 1990s I saw Akira & The Wings of Honneamise on BBC 2. Now they just show the odd Ghibli film that C4/Film 4 doesn't show like Spirited Away.
mangaman74 said:
Ian Wolf said:
I wonder why the BBC has not got around to showing any anime yet?

It has. In the mid 1990s I saw Akira & The Wings of Honneamise on BBC 2. Now they just show the odd Ghibli film that C4/Film 4 doesn't show like Spirited Away.

Has it? Oh, I didn't know that.
I think I remember watching that when it was on a new years eve or around that time, since I watched it with my family. which makes a change really
Just done a quick search on this site and BBC2 has shown Howl's Moving Castle in the past: Sunday 28 December 2008 - Howl's Moving Castle (BBC2, 10:05am). No doubt shown it again since then.
does any body on here get any grief from other people when they see you on the street just minding your own business with out a care in the world then suddenly they shout at ya calling ya names for no reason at all. its usually a chav or asbo or just stupid kids or people that wants to make them self look big or so on but how would you handle it.

i just ignore them and i know people say if you dont bite back there'll get tired and move on but i think they do it cause they know i want bite back but if i was with loads of my cousins they wouldn't say a word. i know cause there scared but i wouldn't go about doing that otherwise im no better.
i just ignore them and i pity them

what would you do
Yeah I get that sometimes. Normally in a passing car which makes me jump and I then feel pissed off because of it. I also get pillocks calling me Harry Potter, despite the fact I have a beard...

Once though it was kind of amusing because these chavs were stopped at the lights at a crossing while I was on the pavement, one of them looked at me for about 5 seconds before shouting "****" (c-word) and then they drove off. I was just left like "?"

normally when ***holes do stuff liek that they end up laughing obnoxiously at their own hilarity but they just yelled it once and did nothing so I was just left confused :p
@Sparrowsabre7 in a passing car you say........... that happens to me too.

im mot a violent person but i wish someone would come long and beat there heads in just to see how it feels being knocked down a peg or two.

when they shout it makes me angry and it knocks my conferdence down too

but im laughing at them cause they have kids and we have the freedom to do what we want. im not saying having kids is bad im saying they only have kids for the child benefits * this is a fact this is the only reason why chavs and asbos have kids *. if you want kids it cause you want a family of your own to love not for money
but im laughing at them cause they have kids and we have the freedom to do what we want. im not saying having kids is bad im saying they only have kids for the child benefits * this is a fact this is the only reason why chavs and asbos have kids *. if you want kids it cause you want a family of your own to love not for money

Come on AF, this is such an ignorant thing to say. Your just allowing yourself to be all wrapped in the foolish stereotype of a "chav" (how would you even define chav, out of curiosity?) like so many also are.
vashdaman said:
but im laughing at them cause they have kids and we have the freedom to do what we want. im not saying having kids is bad im saying they only have kids for the child benefits * this is a fact this is the only reason why chavs and asbos have kids *. if you want kids it cause you want a family of your own to love not for money

Come on AF, this is such an ignorant thing to say. Your just allowing yourself to be all wrapped in the foolish stereotype of a "chav" (how would you even define chav, out of curiosity?) like so many also are.

In fairness Vash, CHAV has come to mean someone who embodies the stereotype, it's not a catch-all definition of the working-class, when someone says Chav, they tend to mean all the bad eggs :p At least that is my understanding.
vashdaman said:
but im laughing at them cause they have kids and we have the freedom to do what we want. im not saying having kids is bad im saying they only have kids for the child benefits * this is a fact this is the only reason why chavs and asbos have kids *. if you want kids it cause you want a family of your own to love not for money

Come on AF, this is such an ignorant thing to say. Your just allowing yourself to be all wrapped in the foolish stereotype of a "chav" (how would you even define chav, out of curiosity?) like so many also are.

anti-social behaviour = asbos and chavs
if all of them disappeared off the face of the earth no body would care and loads of kids would be celebrating

heres a funny song that i agree with
While it's true that some people have a tendency to paint anyone with an overt accent and a penchant for designer sportswear as a "chav", to me it has pretty much the same meaning as "yob" used to (ie: loud-mouthed, violent, disrespectful idiots). It didn't start off as a term of endearment, I know that much; and I doubt the people AF is referring to are simply innocent followers of fashion.

People are bound to question others' motivation to have children when they don't have the means to look after their children or actually seem to do any parenting. Perhaps the moderately more intelligent/educated people tend to think the less intelligent/educated are as capable of cunning and manipulation as they are. They need to find rational motivation for reproduction which to them looks to have none. But anyone who actually knows what's going on realises that the main reasons for having children are biological impulse and emotional fulfilment. People have kids no matter whether they can afford to look after them or not (look at Africa). They are certainly guilty of not examining the consequences of having children, but that's because they aren't intelligent/educated enough to understand the implications. They aren't able to take a step back and say "Actually, it's not a good idea for me to have children because I can't afford to look after them / I have no parenting skills / the world is overpopulated enough as it is". The thought simply doesn't cross their minds. They have children because it's a natural thing to do.
off subject

does anyone know if the UK release of Darker Than Black Gemini Of The Meteor Season 2 will have the OVAs with it or will they be separate for future releases
In fairness Vash, CHAV has come to mean someone who embodies the stereotype, it's not a catch-all definition of the working-class, when someone says Chav, they tend to mean all the bad eggs At least that is my understanding.

No, but it has become a negative term that is often used to simply and easly lump troubled woking class teenagers in a nice a tidy label which can be conviently bradished by some when issues of violent crime, teenage pregnancy, anti-social behaviour arise while the true causes are often not discussed. The kinds of misinformation and misleading this label does can clearly be observed by AF's highly un-informed opinion that all people who fit into this chav cateogory or commit some form of anti social behaviour only ever have children as part of a scheme to get benefits and have no love for their children, while the truth of the matter as Ayase points out is that this is very rarely the case.
AF saw someone who fitted into his preformed idea of what a "chav" is and immediately made the assumtion he had children (and was probably living in a coucil estate and probably drinks white lightining outside the park).

anti-social behaviour = asbos and chavs
if all of them disappeared off the face of the earth no body would care and loads of kids would be celebrating

No, I would care.
Your sounding more ignorant by the post AF.

So when you see anyone committing anti social behaviour, even if they wear a suit a tie and briefcase and grey beard, you'd still call them chavs?

They are certainly guilty of not examining the consequences of having children, but that's because they aren't intelligent/educated enough to understand the implications

Exactly. This is the main cause of teenage pregnancy. Ignorance due to a lack of education and guidance, not due to a schemeing nature or insanely high sex drive.
chavs and asbos are bullys they knock other people down cause they have a crappy life.

most chavs are racists * i hate racists *

when they see someone that sticks out of the crowed they make fun of them and hunt them.

look at the riots we had a few mouths back most of them was chavs and asbos and the riots started cause a kid (chav) got shoot by a police man and look how many kids took everything in the shops and they said they did it for the kid who got killed ( i highly doubt that so many kids knew that kid ) they were opportunist, not cause they knew the kid.
animefreak17 said:
chavs and asbos are bullys they knock other people down cause they have a crappy life.

most chavs are racists * i hate racists *

when they see someone that sticks out of the crowed they make fun of them and hunt them.

look at the riots we had a few mouths back most of them was chavs and asbos and the riots started cause a kid (chav) got shoot by a police man and look how many kids took everything in the shops and they said they did it for the kid who got killed ( i highly doubt that so many kids knew that kid ) they were opportunist, not cause they knew the kid.

AF, I'm not even going to continue this, I have just realized after reading this post how wrong I was to even reply in the first place.
I'm still slightly confused by your definition of chav, which seems to include all bullys, all anti social teens, all racists and I'm guessing all the evil in the world? Also you seem to have fairly superficial knowledge of the riots that took place, and I strongly object to your labeling of Mark Duggan a chav. Which well illustrates my point and how ridiculous your being, You never personally knew Mark Duggan so how do you know he was a 'chav'?