Animefreak17 And His All-Purpose General Chat Thread

Zin5ki said:
Ian Wolf said:
a Yorkshireman living in Japan … cannot find a cricket manga.
One supposes he'll soon complain about the lack of sheep, dry stone walls and poorly-tuned brass ensembles.

Now that you mention it I don't recall seeing a sheep in anime either, save for chibi Mikuru dressing as one for Kyon to count to sleep in Haruhi-chan
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Zin5ki said:
Ian Wolf said:
a Yorkshireman living in Japan … cannot find a cricket manga.
One supposes he'll soon complain about the lack of sheep, dry stone walls and poorly-tuned brass ensembles.

Now that you mention it I don't recall seeing a sheep in anime either, save for chibi Mikuru dressing as one for Kyon to count to sleep in Haruhi-chan

Does a Mareep appearing in Pokemon count?
Ian Wolf said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Zin5ki said:
Ian Wolf said:
a Yorkshireman living in Japan … cannot find a cricket manga.
One supposes he'll soon complain about the lack of sheep, dry stone walls and poorly-tuned brass ensembles.

Now that you mention it I don't recall seeing a sheep in anime either, save for chibi Mikuru dressing as one for Kyon to count to sleep in Haruhi-chan

Does a Mareep appearing in Pokemon count?

Mareep, mareep, the lightning sheep! (No. :p)
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Ian Wolf said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Zin5ki said:
Ian Wolf said:
a Yorkshireman living in Japan … cannot find a cricket manga.
One supposes he'll soon complain about the lack of sheep, dry stone walls and poorly-tuned brass ensembles.

Now that you mention it I don't recall seeing a sheep in anime either, save for chibi Mikuru dressing as one for Kyon to count to sleep in Haruhi-chan

Does a Mareep appearing in Pokemon count?

Mareep, mareep, the lightning sheep! (No. :p)

The only other example I can thing of is New Zealand in Hetalia who is usually depicted with a sheep (his hair is also curled like that of a ram).
animefreak17 said:
speaking of Hetalia is there any news of the next season release for the uk

The only forthcoming release I can see is of the film, which comes out in Region 1 next month. The only other Hetalia related thing I can think of is Hetalia Day.
Hetalia s3 just went up for preorder with a January release date for the US, so if the UK release sold ok I think you can expect that to appear here a few months later.

Rui said:
Hetalia s3 just went up for preorder with a January release date for the US, so if the UK release sold ok I think you can expect that to appear here a few months later.

Great news, especially considering that TokyoPop have finally put to be the idea of releasing the other Hetalia manga.
id like to talk about magical girl animes
i watch this anime called sasami magical girl club and it reminded me of a few other magical girl animes like *card captor one of my favourite anime series* and *cutey honey i think its a magical girl anime* and pretear.
thats all i can think of from the top of my head at the moment.
what do you guys think about magical girl animes and why are we attracted to them?
I'm not sure about why we are attracted to them, but I must confess I do enjoy them (I've been trying to write a review for Sailor Moon, Vol. 1 for the site). Maybe it is just the cuteness of it all and the charm.
I must say it's not a genre I've seen anything of, so I don't think I can comment. I guess the answer is they don't appeal to me really. I'm not really a big fantasy person anyway, sci-fi is more my thing. This shows pretty heavily in my collection of films and games, I think the only fantasy thing in each is Lord of the Rings. In terms of magical/ swords and sorcery fantasy anyway.
i have a problem

i have a sister and she asked me to get vampire knights but i would of got it anyways cause im a collector and after i got both seasons and watched them my sister started to watch them and shes got it in her head i brought them for her and i said i got them for me not just youand she says you dont like romance animes tho so i want to keep them and i said no your not both together cost £34.99 and the second season was £24.99 and i like to keep them in good condition but your welcome to watch them anytime you want and she said can i keep them in my room and i said ok but you can't -
1 lend them to no one
2 they dont leave the house
3 you adknowledge there mine and not yours
4 put the discs back in the case

and she took them down her nans and its nagging me.

i have a terrible memory so i wrote a note saying * sister has vampire knights dont forget * so i wont forget
you know the first time you watched anime
what was your reaction
what was you thinking

i thought it was weird at first but after watch a few episodes of pokemon i was hooked it was the tv show then the cards the merchandise ect, then there was yugioh i played the game and it was fun to watch and play and after that i just watched the anime shows and i enjoy watching new and old ones. animes like an addiction with obsession with excitement and joy to me.
i really enjoy anime ^_^
The first time I watched anime was DBZ on toonami when I was in late primary school so around 2000 I guess. Anyway everyone in my class seemed to be into it although no-one knew it was anime at the time it was just a cool cartoon then as the years went past me and my brother started watching outlaw star, tenchi and gundam wing this was when I started to look into it and find out about anime and got hooked. Then I stopped watching it for years as I seemed to grow out of it and I was more interested in football and stuff. Then last year I decided to pick up naruto where I left off and then I started to collect anime dvd's and now slowly but surely my collection is growing. (Sorry for the story)