Animefreak17 And His All-Purpose General Chat Thread

Multi-media projects are great imo, as long as they are well planned. FMA worked across anime and manga, for example, but I wouldn't read the KH manga or play the game of some show that just happened to get popular so they thought "let's make a game".
its a pain you know
i mean id love to play khs games but i wouldn't buy a psp,DS just to play a few games

it just really annoys me
i did it once, back when the ps1 was in its golden days -
i played dino crisis 1 and i loved playing it, it had puzzles, killing dinosaurs, the story, ect i also played dino crisis 2 it was good but in the first game once the t rex got you, you was dead with one bite but with dino crisis 2 the big dinosaurs look like ther nipping at you and didn't die in one bite but it was a good game.

then i found out dino crisis 3 was only on the XboX so i brought one just to play dino crisis 3 and it was bad ass.......... the game i mean but after that i tried to play other games on the XboX but i couldn't get in to it so i decided to sell it.
i felt stupid after that cause i brought a XboX just to play this one game.

it just ticks me off when a continuation of a game gose on another format and doesn't go on the format you've got.
has there ever been a anime you wished you never had watched (for what ever reason) that it made you sad, empathy, terrifying, ect theres two
grave of the fireflys - sad
hell girl - i watched two random episodes and (it scared the hell out of me and i feel sorry for the people who was sent to hell both people )
animefreak17 said:
its a pain you know
i mean id love to play khs games but i wouldn't buy a psp,DS just to play a few games

it just really annoys me
i did it once, back when the ps1 was in its golden days -
i played dino crisis 1 and i loved playing it, it had puzzles, killing dinosaurs, the story, ect i also played dino crisis 2 it was good but in the first game once the t rex got you, you was dead with one bite but with dino crisis 2 the big dinosaurs look like ther nipping at you and didn't die in one bite but it was a good game.

then i found out dino crisis 3 was only on the XboX so i brought one just to play dino crisis 3 and it was bad ass.......... the game i mean but after that i tried to play other games on the XboX but i couldn't get in to it so i decided to sell it.
i felt stupid after that cause i brought a XboX just to play this one game.

it just ticks me off when a continuation of a game gose on another format and doesn't go on the format you've got.

My brother got Goldeneye for the N64 but ended up not buying the console (he got his Sega Saturn chipped and imported games for that instead).

As for myself - the Xbox has many 1st person shooters and driving games (not genres that are to my liking) so if it was me I would have just not got Dino Chrisis 3. There were 1 or 2 JRPGs released on the 360 that I would have got if they were released on the PS3 but I had no intention of getting a 360 so I never got the games.

animefreak17 said:
has there ever been a anime you wished you never had watched (for what ever reason) that it made you sad, empathy, terrifying, ect theres two
grave of the fireflys - sad
hell girl - i watched two random episodes and (it scared the hell out of me and i feel sorry for the people who was sent to hell both people )

Yes Grave of the Fireflies is a sad film. It is also one of the best war films around and is not a film I have ever regretted watching.

While there are a few choices I could go with for anime I wished I had never watched most were only 1 episode (I have plenty of cover discs from the likes of Newtype USA and Neo magazines) and if I did not like what was on the cover disc after watching it, I did not buy it - examples include Samurai Gun (crap) and Divergence Eve (so crap I stopped the disc half way through the episode).

Therefor there is only one choice for me which is Robotech: The Macross Saga - I watched the entire series and ,speaking for myself, it was both a waste of time and money. While I may get some of the money back if/when I get round to selling some of my stuff off, I will never get that time back.
mangaman74 said:
While I may get some of the money back if/when I get round to selling some of my stuff off, I will never get that time back.
One only needs the capacity for creativity. Be liberal with the time you spend at the lavatory in your workplace — you will eventually have spent a sufficient amount of time through such moments of solace to compensate for your deficit.
@mangaman74 dont get me wrong i dont hate grave of the fireflys i just can't stand sad, tragic, upsetting stuff.
i mean yeah its a good war film, its up there with bear foot 1 and 2 but grave of the fireflys im still upset about that film and its been a year since iv watched it. war films are important so people can see what the horrors of war dose to people
Vampire Hunter D. It was pretty rubbish. I get it's supposed to be a big deal but the acting was off, the transfer was pretty bad which didn't help the very dated animation and the plot was about 7 shades of turd. But I can't say I really REGRETTED watching it because I do enjoy a good thing to hate now and then.

Oh I did regret watching Strait Jacket. Utterly pointless anime which consisted of Crispin Freeman and Steve Blum yelling "EXIST!" while they pointed large guns at each other which don't seem to work. I like Crispin and Steve but it was just such a waste of my time.
animefreak17 said:
@mangaman74 dont get me wrong i dont hate grave of the fireflys i just can't stand sad, tragic, upsetting stuff.
i mean yeah its a good war film, its up there with bear foot 1 and 2 but grave of the fireflys im still upset about that film and its been a year since iv watched it. war films are important so people can see what the horrors of war dose to people

Bear Foot 1 & 2 - Don't think I have seen that. Is it a film about a boy who has a bear's foot?
mangaman74 said:
animefreak17 said:
@mangaman74 dont get me wrong i dont hate grave of the fireflys i just can't stand sad, tragic, upsetting stuff.
i mean yeah its a good war film, its up there with bear foot 1 and 2 but grave of the fireflys im still upset about that film and its been a year since iv watched it. war films are important so people can see what the horrors of war dose to people

Bear Foot 1 & 2 - Don't think I have seen that. Is it a film about a boy who has a bear's foot?
bare foot 1 and 2 my bad
I agree Strait Jacket was pointless. i think if Strait Jacket was successful by the creators the net work would of said * we want to make a 26 episode series * but your right it was a one shot unsuccessful movie. even i could see that there wasn't going to be a series that was based on this movie but you could see it was trying to get people to ask what happened in this guy and girls past in order to make the series but it didn't fly
Makyu Senjo.

Caught it on Sci-Fi once. Terrible in every conceivable way.

Guy gets punched through the head, guy then proceeds to talk for five minutes before dying.

Cracking line, though: 'Please don't remove your fist, or I'll die.'
Max Takeshi said:
Makyu Senjo.

Caught it on Sci-Fi once. Terrible in every conceivable way.

Guy gets punched through the head, guy then proceeds to talk for five minutes before dying.

Cracking line, though: 'Please don't remove your fist, or I'll die.'

I wish you hadn't said that because I kind of want to see it now because that's hilarious... Maybe that clip's on youtube...
animefreak17 said:
speaking of disability you dont see many animes with people with disabilitys do you
but yeah that is disturbing

I sensed the discussion from this might be a better fit in this thread. I think this came up not long ago, but there are a fair few series with disabled characters (from Code Geass to Slayers to Fullmetal Alchemist) and plenty with mental illnesses or quirks. Missing limbs and eyes are quite common in combat-heavy series as well.

All kinds of disabilities also seem to be well represented in mystery shows, probably because they introduce extra complexities to take into account rather than to be politically correct. I think quite a few episodes of Meitantei Conan and its peers use it as a plot device.

animefreak17 said:
speaking of disability you dont see many animes with people with disabilitys do you
but yeah that is disturbing

Having said that, there are not that many British TV shows which have it either. There's not that many TV shows that feature my disability Asperger's. The only one I can think of is a long-forgotten BBC1 sitcom called All About Me starring Jasper Carrott, and the role of the child with Asperger's was somewhat overshadowed by one in a wheelchair suffering from cerebral palsy.
The problem with mental conditions is that they're very hard to define and have a lot of overlap depending on current diagnostic trends, so going out of their way to focus on a specific one is tricky (unless it's the focus of the series itself). I personally far prefer they show a variety of personality types without necessarily limiting the scope of things with labels. Ayanami Rei in Evangelion was much more interesting to me before she got a backstory which explained away some of her weirdness. I liked the idea that she might be so withdrawn for no particular reason at all.

Yep this was pretty well covered serveral months back I believe, but just to recap on my thoughts.

I have seen very few(if any, I can't really think right now) anime shows that feature or deal with disability in any kind of meanigful way. The shows like FMA (from as far as I've seen anyway) just decided to throw in a robotic arm or two probably just because they look cool. The characters disabilty isn't really a disability as it has caused no real impact or hinderance to them, it' would be the equivalent of considering someone who wears glasses today to be disabled. Also any characters who are genueinely disabled(secondary characters that is) are often just used as sob story. We need more protagonists who are really living with a disability to be featured in shows.

Let me just point out that anime is by no means the only or worst offender of this. All media is nearly as bad when it comes to portraying disability, including childrens books. Its true anime does seem to be particularly devoid of decent disabled characters, but I guess thats because its audience is still a lot smaller (though by no means any where near small enough to justify the lack) and they still have not addressed the issue of more ethnically diverse protagonists (another rare thing in anime). So I guess it will take a long time before we see any real progress.

A manga that deals with disability pretty well is REAL.