Animefreak17 And His All-Purpose General Chat Thread

I think FMA does it pretty well to be fair. Of course the characters in FMA have superpowers so it's not entirely sensible, but the emotional impact and the physical pain/inconvenience both boys experience is quite refreshing to see. As opposed to the standard shows where someone just has a cyborg arm so that they can punch things harder or something :3

I dunno, it still usually isn't portrayed as a disability really. It's more "damn, my tech has broken" if something goes wrong. Thereare certainly lots of mentally disabled characters but they're either idiots or psychopaths, there's not really any positive interpretation.

It's funny you mention glasses Vash, because that generally does have the odd instance where someone loses there glasses and is subsequently essentially disabled. (Which is actually wrong... I have 100% dire-o-vision but it's never so bad as "my glasses x 2, I can't see without my glasses." Sure I might not recognise people but I could make out where they were.
Are you joking? There are loads of British and Indian films that have cricket in them. It's only niche when compared to soccer or something, there're still hundreds of thousands of people who play it.
Ian Wolf said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
ilmaestro said:
Are you joking? There are loads of British and Indian films that have cricket in them. It's only niche when compared to soccer or something, there're still hundreds of thousands of people who play it.

Name ten.

There's a whole list of cricket films here.

There is also the TV sitcom Outside Edge and the Dave Podmore radio mockumentaries.

Well I stand corrected, but I've never heard or seen anything of them and 20 is still not what I'd call "loads" in the grand scheme of movies.
I'm actually surprised to see a list that short, although I suspect that is just films that focus on Cricket and is not extended to films that simply include it in some way.
ilmaestro said:
I'm actually surprised to see a list that short, although I suspect that is just films that focus on Cricket and is not extended to films that simply include it in some way.

I'm guessing that there's probably a load of Bollywood cricket films that no-one in England has ever heard of and thus has not written about for the site.
Cricket is the backdrop of several Bollywood films I've seen, and none of them are on that tiny list. Of course to me, most sports look alike :s

I support going back to anime discussion. Incidentally I can't think of any about cricket, though there are bound to be manga series on the subject out there.

Rui said:
Cricket is the backdrop of several Bollywood films I've seen, and none of them are on that tiny list. Of course to me, most sports look alike :s

I support going back to anime discussion. Incidentally I can't think of any about cricket, though there are bound to be manga series on the subject out there.


According to this blog post from 2010 by a Yorkshireman living in Japan, he cannot find a cricket manga. ... f-cricket/
Chaz said:
animefreak17 said:
no were talking about things that we haven't seen or rare to see in anime
A cloud that's actually in the shape of a "9"? *shrugs*

Penis that's shaped like a vagoo?
