Animefreak17 And His All-Purpose General Chat Thread

this is a non anime question........ shocking i know but i just wanted to ask.

whats more important to you friends or family

me family always comes first without a second thought. blood is thinker then water. family is my world, he air i breath, without them i have nothing to live for.

friends are nice but friends come and go. buddys are good too but family always come 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ect
In my expereince it is family. I think over the course of your life you lose just about all your friends for one reason or another.
animefreak17 said:
this is a non anime question........ shocking i know but i just wanted to ask.

whats more important to you friends or family

me family always comes first without a second thought. blood is thinker then water. family is my world, he air i breath, without them i have nothing to live for.

friends are nice but friends come and go. buddys are good too but family always come 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ect

So all your friends have what, water-blood?

For me I dunno, I think friends though, I can rely on them more. No offence to my parents or anything, I love em but, they don't realy understand me the way some of my friends do.
I second Sparrowsabre's comment, Family members are great and all but you can talk to your friends about more things than you could with a family member - would you really talk to a sibling or parent about sexlife or other intimate things like that?

For the most part my best friends know me more than anyone else, second to that is the gf (because we've grown up together my friends have been there for nearly 10 years now, the gf's only been about for 2.5years) Friends you went to school with you tend to grow up with and see more in the day than you would a family member anyway.

Family is important to me though, why else have the word family tattooed onto me if i didn't believe in what it is/means :p
Growing up gives birth to independence and free thinking, you become your own person and in light of that you naturally grow away from the family unit as you get older, for some its a hard to deal with thing and they try t hold on, for others its not even a problem but regardless; family will always be there for you in one way or another (even past family can help if you believe if you believe in some kind of divine intervention that helped you in the past or merely advice they gave you before their end)

As for which is more important, to me they are equal; my family see my best friends as family and to lose any one of them i would feel equal sadness.
Thing is, they both help you through life so no matter what is said they are equal; who helped you get up and learn to “get back on the horse” when you fell and hurt yourself or had your first relationship go wrong? Family. Who was there to drag you out of the club/pub when you’ve had enough to drink and make sure you got home? Friends. Who was there to change you as a baby? Family. Who was there to have a laugh with during bad times? Friends
One half covers you at home, the others cover you whilst out until your strong enough to deal with a lot yourself and by that stage you’ve got a partner and a job lol so yeah they are both as important as each other.
I value friendship more highly than family by far. My close family members are friends to me, but they don't automatically have that right just through their relationship. I'm very close to my immediate family, especially my dad, but I'm not on polite speaking terms with most of my extended family (and that arrangement suits me fine).

My chosen group of friends, which includes my immediate family, is precious to me. Certain members of my extended family seem to believe I should automatically take their side no matter how incorrect they are just because we're related, which seems weird.

i never had a true friend in my life.
i used to have a few friends in primary school but after primary they forget you and move on and have new friends i only had like 2 or 3 friends in high school but that was because they was in the same boat as me -

a push over

and bullys would pick on us cause we were easy i never had a true friend in high school i had to endure the bullying for 3 and a half years til i cooled down about and i had no friends to help me or talk to.

i tried being me in school to college and everyone just finds me weird cause they didn't understand (asparagus syndrome) i was just being me.

my family was always there for me and i was happy to have them.

i have you guys after i joined (internet buddys) and thats all i need as far as friends go
I don't have any friends at all from school. I can't really blame them for ditching me though; I sort of ditched them :D

One of the problems with school (and this was especially obvious for me as I went to a girls school in spite of being terrifically unfeminine) is that there aren't that many different kinds of people there to choose from, so it's not always easy to find people you have a lot in common with there. I hung out with other quiet people but as soon as I left school I just drifted off and never spoke to them again, as there was no longer any reason to stay in touch.

I found more interesting people to befriend on the internet, and we then became fully fledged friends, so I'm happy how it worked out.

While family should be important, things sometime happen that you have no control over. I have relatives on my mums' side of the family I have never seen. This is due to a argument my mum had with her sisters from before I was born - they refused to stop smoking while my mum was pregnant with my brother so my mum left.

As for friends from school/college - I don't have any close friends from back then but if I see anyone I know from back then I do speak to them.
I'm often told Uni is where you make your best friends, but most of the people on my course are very different from me. Far too normal :p they like clubbing and drinking and dancing, which I like too, but in moderation :p There is/was an anime club, but the guys there freaked me out. They were further down the weeabo/otaku path than I care to tread :p They were just walking clichés. That may be judgmental of me but feh.

My school friends are the people I have closer ties with and have stayed in contact with the most, as well as my ex-girlfriend. We're really good friends, to the point I'd say she's like a sister to me, if it weren't for the whole gross incestuous implications that would create :p
Hmm, in terms of family or friends I essentially agree with Rui, it comes down to whose more deserving really. HoweverI do happen to be very close with my family and as such I do make a distinction between them and most friends (although I have some friends which basically are family to me) and do prioritze the needs of my family if need be. But if my family wern't deserving of that respect(similar to the families of certian friends of mine) it would be a different story all together. Its not any filial piety (which I very much dislike, like so much Confucian philosophy, shame he had so much influence on China and Japan) type ********, It just depends who deserves that respect more with some people its friends with others its their family, or some times its equal (which is probaby best).

In terms of you finding it hard to find friends, I do feel for you AF and I know what its like. But its really not as difficult as you think to find comrades. We meet so many great people throughout our lives, you just have to have the confidence that people will accept you as you are. If you worry about people finding you strange or whatever then they will if you don't then they won't.

I remember when I was at college, I mentioned to one of my mates who lived on a local council estate (and was what some idiots would stereotype on appearance as a chav or rudeboy) that I enjoyed watching what I described as Japanese cartoons, and he was like "Yeah I love anime, I'm watching Full Metal Alchamist". It turned out that this guy who was a loose aquaintance of mine for years previous was a major anime lover! As I got to know him better I would see him chat to all the local estate heads (who definitely didn't watch anime, and who I certainly wouldn't have talked to about it) about anime like it was the most normal thing in the world and their responses were generally(aside from completely puzzled looks all round when he described FMA's plot in exacting detail) "That sounds sick, I should check that out, lend me it when your done". It's just about about confidence and perspective AF. As for Aspergers sydrome, same thing, loads of people have it.
Ok so if you could take the characters of the following shows and put them in the same show what would you do with them animefreak?

Soul Eater
Dragonball series
D-Gray man
One Piece

This includes plot and the bad guys as well dude!

Tell me the plot of that

i love how you give me these questions but

iv got and seen
Dragonball series

iv got but haven't watched
1 one piece ( iv got 2 collections so far)
2 D grayman (seasons 1 and 2 episodes 1 to 51)
3 soul eater ( iv got but its in my backlogs i just want to get though other series before watching it) )
im waiting till i get the rest of the series for D grayman and waiting for collections of one piece 3 and 4.

i haven't seen or got fairytail

however i believe
one piece

would make an awesome crossover
a three-way misunderstanding

team naruto vs team ichigo vs team luffy
ninja vs samurai vs pirate

a villain tricks them in to fighting each other so he can weaken them so he can get there powers and abilities. but it not any villain thats from there series its a hole new villain hes manipulating, sneaky, powerful and can give all 3 teams a run for there money but he whats there powers hes power hungry. he tricks them in to fighting each other.

now you can say you wouldn't want to see pirates a ninjas and a samurais go head to head at there fullest
Lawrence said:
animefreak17 said:
im waiting till i get the rest of the series for D grayman and waiting for collections of one piece 3 and 4.

There isn't going to be a rest of D.Grayman. Funimation stopped after the second season for little or no announced reason, I believe, but it's probably something to do with sales or a lack of.

dame you Funimation******************(