Animefreak17 And His All-Purpose General Chat Thread

Taka88 said:
team naruto win !

im going to be frank and wait til the 3 series finishes then compare ............................. or just get up to the latest episodes and compare i only watched 5 episodes of one piece on uk tv and im on episode 77 of naruto shippuden and episode 109 of bleach.
animefreak17 said:
Taka88 said:
team naruto win !

im going to be frank and wait til the 3 series finishes then compare ............................. or just get up to the latest episodes and compare i only watched 5 episodes of one piece on uk tv and im on episode 77 of naruto shippuden and episode 109 of bleach.

I did watched over 200 episode naurto shippuden and 110 bleach. I never seen one piece. My mate is big fan of one piece. I think bleach is very good 1-63 episode. But, after 63 episode is rapid downhill... Naruto shuppuden have some very good fight and decent story.
@Taka88 i agree bleach does go down hill after episode 63 but im going to get past the fillers and continue the anime i like bleach and naruto shippuden ( sasoris my fav) and im going to watch one piece when i get collections 3 and 4
animefreak17 said:
@Taka88 i agree bleach does go down hill after episode 63 but im going to get past the fillers and continue the anime i like bleach and naruto shippuden ( sasoris my fav) and im going to watch one piece when i get collections 3 and 4

I dislike filler because they alway ruin story. I wish they stop make filler. Anyway i just like long series because it made more interesting watch. why you like sasoris because he is weirdo !

i agree but at the time when started watching anime i didn't know what fillers was and i didn't take any notice e.g. dragonball z i thought they was part of the series and i think it was after the garlic jr saga and in the middle of the cell saga that got me thinking why didn't dr gero take garlic jrs cells. so i looked it up and that how i found out about fillers but sometimes i dont know whats filler and whats the main story but it keeps me in suspense.

so far im on episode 77 and sasori has given us the longest bestest dame fight in shippuden and (at first i thought the puppet master jutsu was lame but sasori and grandma ciyo made the puppet master jutsu look awesome) sasoris use of the puppet master jutsu was amazing. after seeing sasori use it i was like forget sharingun im in to puppets, also i feel so sorry for him
@Lawrence well lets see-

drinks - energy drinks are a yes but its better to drink your favourite drinks with me its iron brew.

snacks - i like to go japanese style and eat those chocolate sticks (there like rockys but there in a with packaging ) i think there called macono.
i like to eat noodles or a chicken and prawn chow main while watching naruto *gets me in the mood *

eating sweets is a yes to keep you alert * like the energy drink *but not too much otherwise you'll be sick

chocolates ok like macono but not to much

jaffer cakes are a yes but only so few at a time

but after you've had your fill of anime for the day go fot a 30min run ( thats what i do) to lose all that extra energy you have after eating all the sweet and drinking your pop/soda/juice/energy drink what ever.

i like bake well slices so cakes a good idea
big meals a no no cause you have to concentrate on eating with a knife and folk.

if your trying to watch a hole series in a day make you have a 10-15 min brake after ever disc
@Lawrence by the way how are ya.

just eat sweet things the keep you alert but to much makes you hyper and makes you run around so just take things in moderation a zip of pop there and lil munch there
Lawrence said:
animefreak17 said:
@Lawrence by the way how are ya.

just eat sweet things the keep you alert but to much makes you hyper and makes you run around so just take things in moderation a zip of pop there and lil munch there

I'm good, thanks.
How about you?
And fear not, I eat healthy foods while watching Anime, so I don't get to hyperactive, though I always have a bottle of curiosity cola, each day.
im good you know me .............watching anime lol
pizza while watching anime is awesome cause your eating your favourite food while watching your favourite thing
ham and mushrooms.
sausage and pepperoni .
anything with peppers.
i like meat pizzas.

the ones made at the pizza shops are the best but its so expensive.
the shops with pizza like asda and such are ok but the pizza shops are better
Lawrence said:
animefreak17 said:
ham and mushrooms.
sausage and pepperoni .
anything with peppers.
i like meat pizzas.

the ones made at the pizza shops are the best but its so expensive.
the shops with pizza like asda and such are ok but the pizza shops are better

Oh, all very good choices, the peppers are surprisingly nice and sweet on pizzas, though a little spicy for me.

Pizza hut is always fun to visit, don't you think? Especially with those cheesy crust pizzas.
as long as it doesn't have pineapple il be fine lol
dipping pizza in to mayonnaise tastes great or having it on your pizzas great too
well iv been watching
raman fighter miki (its freakin awesome)
girls high
watching kite and kite liberator tomorrow
i might watch venus vs virus or what ever comes in tomorrow might be midroi days .............depends really.

when my family goes away for a week on boxing day im going to watch FMA and brotherhood and continue watching bleach with a little bit of fan service animes.
but im going to watch fma and watch fma brotherhood when my family goes away cause i want to be completely alone when watching it on the big tv downstairs, same with bleach il watch the episodes iv already watched and watch the ones i haven't seen when my familys gone ( i haven't seen brotherhood )
Lawrence said:
That sounds like a really good idea Animefreak, perhaps I'll copy your idea and watch some good anime over christmas in the living room too :)

You have to tell me what you think of Ramen fighter Miki though, since you talk about it so much, I assume it is quite good?
you have no idea -
its funny funny funny
everyone should have a look its really good iv got it on dvd but heres episodes 1, 2 and 3

episode 1
episode 2 ... ure=relmfu
episode 3 ... ure=relmfu
Lawrence said:
That sounds like a really good idea Animefreak, perhaps I'll copy your idea and watch some good anime over christmas in the living room too :)

You have to tell me what you think of Ramen fighter Miki though, since you talk about it so much, I assume it is quite good?
watching it alones the best no one bothers you.
my problem is my family keeps asking me to do stuff so i do everything -
clean the house
feed and water dogs
the odd job there and there but i make sure to clean and do all my chores so i can watch my anime but the most annoying part is when im in the middle of a anime and when it -

gets to the good part or it getting good or your about to see the twist or you have 3 min til the episode ends then they call you to do something, that really annoys me
Lawrence said:
Aww, thanks AF, hopefully I'll buy it, if I get paid this Friday then :)

And since you ask, I really like Code Geass and Moribito and Darker than Black.
iv seen Moribito but im waiting for darker than black 2 and iv got code geass but haven't watched it yet, its in my backlog

*murder princess* it a short but sweet one
*ouran high school* funny
*lucky star* funny
*baccano* smooth
*ghost hunt * love it
*he is my master* freakin fun
ect i got more
hey just to let you know i dont like spoils so dont tell me anything about it ok id appreciate it could do me a favour and wipe off what you jst wrote otherwise its going to be a reminder....... sorry for being a pain ^_^