said:Zavvi is listing the Mobile Suit Gundam boxsets at 37.99 and 38.99 respectively - so they're already nearly 20 quid cheaper than Amazon. So, that's some better news!
Lossy codecs don't create distortion or crackling. If they did, I would have stuck to VHS.Mangaranga said:The dub track on Aniplex's release crackles/distorts a lot. If that's as a result of being a low quality audio track rather than being in the recording, I'd certainly appreciate a lossless track if it exists and you can access it.
You must have missed the arguments. It's as religious a war as sub vs dub.Buzz201 said:Based on Jerome Mazandarani's twitter rant the other week, there are apparently people who prefer yellow subtitles. Although, I'd personally be inclined to think they're all nutcases...
Nearly all Aniplex releases come out initially in parts.Buzz201 said:No, but they appear to have spotted that some Americans have been importing the much cheaper AL releases. Which is probably why they've had to split up SAO II into 4 chunks.
Buzz201 said:...
Fate Kalied Liner Prisma Ilya - will have collector's packaging, 48p artbook, 4 key art tarot cards featuring the classes of servant. Out at the end of September. Pack shots should be out soon, but approvals haven't been done yet.
Full Metal Panic - Ultimate Edition and Second Raid coming together nicely. Currently in the first round of approvals. Currently has an aprox. 76 pg artbook focussing on the entire universe, rather than just by show.
AL said on the last podcast that somebody else has 2wei, but they didn't know who.DesuDayo said:Regarding Fate/kaleid; Will Anime Limited be pursuing the sequels? Interested in picking up the Collector's Edition, but it feels like a waste if the other seasons/OVAs will remain unlicensed.
Also, will you be doing your own release, or is this a port from Sentai Filmworks? Not a fan of large yellow subtitles, so it'd be nice to get some intel on this! Not to mention their subtitle scripts, which i've found to be highly questionable...
Both the US and JP releases of FMP are upscales. Going by the very few comments of the JP release online, Funimation's upscale is apparently ever so slightly better. Not sure how much truth there is in that though or whether it extends to Fumoffu/TSR (The latter of which Funi were given dodgy masters to work with). I'd imagine Fate is a self author (at least subtitle wise).Rosencrantz said:Regarding the two I've singled out above I'm wondering if we have any encode news? Fate Kalied is a Sentai title and they tend to be heavily criticised for lacklustre encodes while I understand Funimations FMP encode has better materials now available? (Or could similarly be improved upon)
Buzz201 said:AL said on the last podcast that somebody else has 2wei, but they didn't know who.DesuDayo said:Regarding Fate/kaleid; Will Anime Limited be pursuing the sequels? Interested in picking up the Collector's Edition, but it feels like a waste if the other seasons/OVAs will remain unlicensed.
Also, will you be doing your own release, or is this a port from Sentai Filmworks? Not a fan of large yellow subtitles, so it'd be nice to get some intel on this! Not to mention their subtitle scripts, which i've found to be highly questionable...
I meant that the UK to US importation is probably why AL has been asked to go for 4 parts instead of 3-parts (Kill la Kill) 2-parts (was planned for Aldnoah.Zero, currently TBC) or a complete series.Shiroi Hane said:Nearly all Aniplex releases come out initially in parts.Buzz201 said:No, but they appear to have spotted that some Americans have been importing the much cheaper AL releases. Which is probably why they've had to split up SAO II into 4 chunks.
NormanicGrav said:Buzz201 said:AL said on the last podcast that somebody else has 2wei, but they didn't know who.
Well there goes the consistency! I guess Animatsu ended up with 2wei.
From what I remember, some elements of the first series of FMP were re-rendered for the BDs.Mangaranga said:Both the US and JP releases of FMP are upscales. Going by the very few comments of the JP release online, Funimation's upscale is apparently ever so slightly better. Not sure how much truth there is in that though or whether it extends to Fumoffu/TSR (The latter of which Funi were given dodgy masters to work with). I'd imagine Fate is a self author (at least subtitle wise).
NormanicGrav said:They reduced the price which matches what you would pay for a Monogatari arc. If you think about it, while each Monogatari arc only had a slipcover, artcards, booklet and one Blu-ray case. SAO II Set 3 will have a chipboard box, OST, two Blu-ray cases, booklet, Weiss card and a dub.
serpantino said:I don't care about the extrasbut it does seem like AL is trying to make it worth the money instead of charging £25 (or whatever the rrp was) for a bare bones like Manga did with series 1. The problem is I don't see this dropping much more in value and I doubt there'll be a standard AL release down the line as it's one of those series the original distributor is determined to sell for as much as possible even if it means less money & sales.
Elaniel said:![]()
I didn't give the show more than a few episodes (and was talking myself out of buying every AL release), but I really like this cover. I may need to have a think...
IncendiaryLemon said:I am planning on buying it (Funds allowing) but I also haven't seen the show before, I've just heard it's pretty good. It's a really nice box and it makes me more excited to get my hands on it. Interesting that there isn't a BBFC rating on the cover. Will this be on an O Card or something?