UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

So excited for the Edinburgh films to be released! Myself and 7 others from another anime forum have rented 2 apartments between us. £178 for 3 nights. Luuuush. We are making SLA a proper fest. I'm going to book every film regardless. Unless food somewhere nice falls when a showing would be as my foodie self loves a bit of haggis.

If MHA is bagged for Edinburgh, how far in the series do I need to be to not have it spoil anything as well as make sense please? I'm half way through Season 3 I think.
So excited for the Edinburgh films to be released! Myself and 7 others from another anime forum have rented 2 apartments between us. £178 for 3 nights. Luuuush. We are making SLA a proper fest. I'm going to book every film regardless. Unless food somewhere nice falls when a showing would be as my foodie self loves a bit of haggis.

If MHA is bagged for Edinburgh, how far in the series do I need to be to not have it spoil anything as well as make sense please? I'm half way through Season 3 I think.
Set in between season 2 and 3
I am now coming up to Edinburgh a day early by myself! Arriving the 18th as bagged hella cheap train tickets and a hotel with a pool. Going to book a facial, sight see, eat in the hotel and obviously, catch a film or 2 at SLA! Praise this multi booking discount, going to bloody need it :p
I mean two of the films I want are coming to cinemas anyway. I own one of the film already will have for 5 months by its time of showing and MHA I do believe will get shown somehow I want to rewatch s1 and 2 before so in no rush. And the film I was really wanting to see isnt even getting shown so im just glad I didnt plan to go as it would have been annoying.
I mean two of the films I want are coming to cinemas anyway. I own one of the film already will have for 5 months by its time of showing and MHA I do believe will get shown somehow I want to rewatch s1 and 2 before so in no rush. And the film I was really wanting to see isnt even getting shown so im just glad I didnt plan to go as it would have been annoying.

Ace that you're still supporting the industry too and patient enough to wait for other films to come your way :). In the end to me it's a great sign as between what we've done with Scotland Loves Anime and our work in general theatrical that we're starting to have an impact :). It shouldn't be essential to see at least the biggest films in SLA or not see them at all after all, like I say a festival is about the experience as well and that's a lot to rely on alone vs the content to travel for!

I always welcome whoever can make it though as it's a genuine pleasure to see so many friendly faces in either city throughout but never feel you have to if you get to watch your anime films legally in a way you're more comfortable with :).

Viva anime reaching more cinemas and homes than ever before I say!

If I ever wanted to go to SLA, it would be cheaper for me to fly from the south coast than go by train.

That's usually how I get down south as well by the by vs train unless there's a great deal on, depends on your local airport options etc as I get the south != London only but it's definitely worth checking if early as you can get some good flight deals.

It'll be cheaper for me to buy whatever film I wanted to see on BD then to travel from the south.

That's also totally fair if you're patient and willing to wait :3! Like a lot of experiences - there are cheaper ways to view stuff so it all comes down to how much you fancy the experience.

Would totally recommend it one day as it'd be nice to put a face to the name, but hopefully there'll be a film at one point you just can't refuse :3. For now though - you're doing an ace job by buying the films you want! Question is - what film would tempt you (if any)?

