UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

I don't think it's too bad. Totally you're missing stuff if you haven't seen the TV show but with stuff like keeping the iconic OP song in the movie I think it's clear they were aiming more for fans then newbies.

Was kinda hopeful they'd do the full series. Especially given at the fan screening the rep said AL/National Amusements were looking into expanding the cinema releases into something bigger.
It does worry me that there seems to be a big difference between AL wanting to push and sell Sunrise mecha stuff here and sadly apparently not the market to make it work.

They should licence Build Divers. Gundams in a VR game. SAO fans will love it!
Do we need Try? (Said the guy with the Fumina avatar).
Both Build Fighters and Try were at least decent (even though Try was just more of the same). I can't say the same about Build Divers sadly, and checking around on the internet neither do others.
No Liz and the blue bird or Free Take Your Marks.
Penguin and Mirai I can see in localer cinemas. MHA probs will just be a shonen film so I can wait and want to rewatch s1 and 2 first so none are what were needed to draw me to SLA

On a personal level, of the 9 years I have been programming the festival now I am really proud of the mix of films we do have this year. There's a great balance of classics and fresh in the line-up which is something I adore. That said, ultimately we'll never have every film people want in any given year.

We're all huge fans of KyoAni at the festival (first people to have a guest from them in the UK with K-On! The Movie! by the by) but sometimes you just have to weigh up the options vs the slots available - below is what happened if folks are curious:
  • Liz & The Bluebird: In the case of Liz & the Bluebird, it's unavailable for festivals just now or we'd have of course slotted it in. This happens a lot as after the first round of events (Annecy, Anime Expo etc) the licensor often settles down to license the properties first. After that the promotional responsibilities (aka festivals etc) falls to the Licensee but it sometimes leaves a bit of a grey space in between (nothing to note on my side there re licensing, just the why it happens).
  • in Free Take Your Mark's case, it's out on US BD / DVD on October 10th so would people have actually travelled for it or gone in for it? For example - something tells me in your case you may have observed how it's cheaper for you to import than attend. Scale that outwards though and you get a case study of what we have to consider as many can and do travel in from across Europe, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, the USA and even Japan on occasion so we want to present the best cinema experiences for them.
Film festivals aren't for everyone - you have to go in with the right mindset especially if travelling every year as the atmosphere along with the city itself it's hosted in are both strong parts of the charm. You're seeing the films earlier than anyone else often and get to enjoy a really cool city in either Glasgow or Edinburgh's case too so it really just depends on your perspective :).

Either way it sounds like you'll buy the films on video release so keep supporting the medium legally however you do it :)!

Very best,

Personally, I'm hoping to attend my first SLA this year. I'm just waiting for the Edinburgh line-up, so I can compare the costs of accomodation/travel in relation to the schedule, before I decide on the city and see if I can make it work financially. Really strong line-up this year and there's already at least 4 films I want to see (I Want to Eat Your Pancreas in particular).
Personally, I'm hoping to attend my first SLA this year. I'm just waiting for the Edinburgh line-up, so I can compare the costs of accomodation/travel in relation to the schedule, before I decide on the city and see if I can make it work financially. Really strong line-up this year and there's already at least 4 films I want to see (I Want to Eat Your Pancreas in particular).

Would definitely recommend Edinburgh as a first trip unless there is a guest or such you really want in Glasgow on my end, but I'm biased. Lived in both cities and would recommend the former as a first time for the festival just on account of stuff to do right now :)!

Edinburgh line-up coming up soon too! Should go up in next week or so :).

