I was not aware the film had an English sub, or a steelbook release with one till your msg. So thanks for that. It not even fansubbed in English outside machine translation afaik and dunno what taking discotek so long. Or why AL involved. But heyhoe.
Ryo Saeba, auch bekannt als City Hunter, erfüllt als Privatdetektiv alle Wünsche seiner Kunden. Gemeinsam mit seiner Partnerin Kaori kämpft sich Ryo durch die Schatten von Tokyos Unterwelt. Als er von der attraktiven Angie beauftragt wird, ihre verlorene…
Link for anyone like me that saw Scavenver's post. Unfortunately they ship almost every Europa locale bar England. They do however ship to Ireland. Brexit

I used a package forwarding company called 'Tiptrans'. Signed up, got German address, away we go.
Hopefully film better than last one, mind: CG drone warfare pre-Ukraine. Steelbook + Ryo's past tempted me.
PS: I hate how only French/Germans etc get the CH/Angel Heart manga.

More interested in that than anime these days, as anime amps of mokkori daftness.