Pretty disappointed to see Eureka Seven is UE or SE (although I suppose this was already known really) ;_; guess I'll just have hope they pull a Gurren Lagann/FMP and release a nice reasonably priced non daft sized edition someday.... Even more annoyed at myself for not getting the US set while it was super cheap on Amazon >_>
On a more positive note, I'll pick up AssClass Season 2 Part 2 (should probably get Part 1 at some point too....), Durarara!!x2 Ketsu, Hyouka CE, MSG ZZ and Princess Arte. Maybe Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash CE too as it looks interesting. *Edit* Actually having a look at some of these prices, maybe not :S I'm gonna hope this is Amazon just being Amazon, but some of these are gonna have to come down for me to buy.....
Re E7 - There's just not enough demand ever to do all three configurations really so either you print just the Collector's box with extras in the case of an insane project like FMA or you do like we did with GL and release the BDs as standards at the same time-ish. Ultimately we'll never keep everyone happy there and while I can never say for sure, I have a wealth of material and three E7 films to release now too so we're unlikely to not do something in the future but like Gurren Lagann or FMP - it won't be anytime soon for sure.
Re prices - When the data lists first, it goes in at SRP then the algorithm runs on if it needs to discount or such as far as I understand so it will either move or not over the next few weeks. Other retailers will price as they go too and we obviously list on our site in due course as well so stay tuned there if Amazon doesn't shift