UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

My FMA Ultimate Edition arrived today too - I can't believe how heavy it is!

A quick comment - mine doesn't seem to line up quite right either - though I'm not sure if that's due to the shape or the magnets not working properly? When I push the two halves together, there doesn't seem to be any sensation of things clicking into place. But basically there's still a gap between the two halves. I don't mind though - the show's the important thing for me!
My copy of Place Promised has dispatched from HMV! I can't believe after so long the set will finally be in my hands (had my eye on it since it was licensed). :D
My FMA Ultimate Edition arrived today too - I can't believe how heavy it is!

A quick comment - mine doesn't seem to line up quite right either - though I'm not sure if that's due to the shape or the magnets not working properly? When I push the two halves together, there doesn't seem to be any sensation of things clicking into place. But basically there's still a gap between the two halves. I don't mind though - the show's the important thing for me!

Probably an incorrectly inserted magnet like on mine, weakens the magnetic force the other ones as they then connect at an angle.
My copy of Place Promised has dispatched from HMV! I can't believe after so long the set will finally be in my hands (had my eye on it since it was licensed). :D

Hate to be that guy, but you blatantly just jinxed it.

Maybe we should do a sweepstake on what will be wrong with it now you've posted that before checking the disk... :p
Hate to be that guy, but you blatantly just jinxed it.

Maybe we should do a sweepstake on what will be wrong with it now you've posted that before checking the disk... :p

The only thing I found "wrong" with it was the lack of a lossless 5.1 Japanese audio track for Voices of a Distant Star.
Hate to be that guy, but you blatantly just jinxed it.

Maybe we should do a sweepstake on what will be wrong with it now you've posted that before checking the disk... :p

Well I said I can't believe it exists, not that it would be problem free. ;) I'm sure it's just fine and I totally didn't jinx it for everyone...
Got my FMA UE in today directly from Anime Limited. Very pleased with it, one of the best quality releases I've ever bought. The Gate is incredible! Now I just need to find somewhere perfect to put it as I'm quite paranoid about damage since I've never owned anything so fragile.

Also I must commend the quality of the Artbook, which is out of this world. The binding in this thing is magnificent, allowing each page to be fully viewed and no art cut off. Anime Limited really pulled out all the stops for this thing.

Now I cannot wait for the Eureka Seven Ultimate Edition, after Escaflowne and FMA I really hope Anime Limited can do something truly great as my expectations have been upped by these releases.