UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

It's not like AL are known for producing super limited runs of things, are they?
TBH I’d consider the usual 1000 copies as super limited, it’s just that they rarely sell out quickly enough to cause an issue, hence why we get some fantastic deals at Christmas which is the only time to be buying AL products 99% of the time IMO.
The idea of UE or even CE only releases always rubs me the wrong way, the collectors sets are fine when they are optional but forcing people to buy a CE just to watch the show is taking the mick, let alone an ultimate edition that costs almost the same as 3 AAA games or a boatload of indie games that’ll offer far more value than a few episodes of an anime, however good it may be, not to mention how much space it takes up and the fact that it’s limited nature puts pressure on people to buy it for the ridiculously high price.

All this wouldn’t be an issue if a standard edition was made available as well; at that price I’d honestly recommend finding a different anime to watch at a price that won’t empty your wallet and take the wallet itself for good measure.

TBH I’d consider the usual 1000 copies as super limited, it’s just that they rarely sell out quickly enough to cause an issue, hence why we get some fantastic deals at Christmas which is the only time to be buying AL products 99% of the time IMO.

I agree. I don't know how other anime enjoyers and collectors feel, but for me personally, my primary concern is owning the show physically and being able to play my desired show off a Blu-ray disc, where the picture, sound, and colour should be far superior to what I can find on streaming services or on the high seas. Unless it's a show that I absolutely love and/or I think is 10/10, then I'm not too fussed about booklets, art cards, rigid boxes, and so on.

Look at the Macross Plus collector's edition on the French AL site compared to the UE - in the CE you still get a nice box, a decently sized artbook, and some art cards for 53 Euro EB. The UE costs 97 Euro more and for that you get a nicer box, a more comprehensive hardback artbook, a poster, and a handful more art carts. I'm not sure all that is worth 97 Euro as a consumer. No doubt it's aimed at the super fans of the show, but when there's no word of any other edition coming out in the UK, it starts to reek of "don't miss out!".

You might be waiting a while.

View attachment 34408

If you read between the lines here on the above attachment, it really just says there's no collector's edition planned for release in English-speaking territories for at least the next 12 months. I'm guessing there's some contractual or financial measure in place which means they can't or have chosen not to release a CE in the UK for at least 12 months after the release of the UE - probably to drive up sales for the most expensive edition, they're maybe trying to find out if it's financially worthwhile releasing a CE in the UK by seeing if the demand is there. France has a bigger anime and manga market than the UK, which is probably why they can confidently release both side by side (the UE is already showing as sold out on the French AL website).

If you think about it, the upgrade from the CE to the UE is minimal, so they might as well test the waters in the UK with the more expensive edition.
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Look at the Macross Plus collector's edition on the French AL site compared to the UE - in the CE you still get a nice box, a decently sized artbook, and some art cards for 53 Euro EB. The UE costs 97 Euro more and for that you get a nicer box, a more comprehensive hardback artbook, a poster, and a handful more art carts. I'm not sure all that is worth 97 Euro as a consumer. No doubt it's aimed at the super fans of the show, but when there's no word of any other edition coming out in the UK, it starts to reek of "don't miss out!".
Another thing is how I might look at the artbook of a CE for like, 5 minutes and then move on with my life, unless there is something about the show that appeals to me personally, which is rarely the case with anime nowadays, or if the extra stuff actually has a purpose, like the contents of the Danganronpa V3 collectors edition way back when it released, then it’s all just a waste of both space and money IMO.
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@BrokenPhoenix agree. I think the thing I like about Discotek is that they just do the best version they can on the disc with as many extras or alternative subs etc and release that.

I’ll buy the CE of something if I find it at a competitive price second hand or for the same price new, but if I’m buying new at retail (or close to) then I’ll go for the standard every time.
@BrokenPhoenix agree. I think the thing I like about Discotek is that they just do the best version they can on the disc with as many extras or alternative subs etc and release that.

I’ll buy the CE of something if I find it at a competitive price second hand or for the same price new, but if I’m buying new at retail (or close to) then I’ll go for the standard every time.

Yeah, that's why I love distributors like Arrow too - the emphasis is on the disc and making sure that it is as good as it can be. I'd rather more extras and special features on the disc and more effort being put into subtitle and audio tracks, than things like booklets or art cards I may look at once or twice.
I was interested in the Macross release, I'm a sucker for all the content on disc and as apparently the OVA dubs are exclusive to the UE...

But then I saw that price... and I saw that the Farscape Blu-rays are getting a re-release this summer, with The Peacekeeper Wars included for the first time, and it's four and a bit seasons of TV....

It's not the first time I've complained about boutique labels pricing casual fans out of the content that they desire, and it won't be the last. Had to put up with the lesser version of the Escaflowne movie Blu-ray too for the same reason.
was interested in the Macross release, I'm a sucker for all the content on disc and as apparently the OVA dubs are exclusive to the UE...
If the OVA dubs are exclusive to the UE then that is quite frankly unacceptable IMO, given how the EU price of the CE indicates that it’s still way too expensive for what tiny amounts of content you get (not that I mind the idea of anime being shorter and more focused than usual but the price must be appropriate), at the very least, they should include all the content on all the versions rather than artificially gatekeeping it to create a false sense of value, obviously physical extras will be exclusive to collectors sets, that’s fair enough as it actually costs a fair bit extra to produce those but cutting out parts of the main product to make exclusive to a super expensive set that you can’t buy for very long anyway is disgraceful.

Personally I don’t have a horse in this race as Macross isn’t a series that interests me personally but if AL did this for a show I actually really wanted to watch (which to be fair there are not many of them), I’d be pretty livid and I can fully understand anyone else who takes major umbrage with this situation.

I also want to add that there are genuinely amazing games on Steam that go for less than a tenner and the anime industry in general still believes it’s owed our entire bank accounts and punishes western fans with needless restrictions, such as locked subs, for “only” spending around 20 to 50 quid, rather than the hundreds they so greedily charge in Japan for a show or movie that, more often than not ends up being mid anyway, this last paragraph wasn’t referring to Macross per se, I can’t say how that release will turn out other than it costing a fortune but it’s yet another indictment on the industry as a whole.
If the OVA dubs are exclusive to the UE then that is quite frankly unacceptable IMO, given how the EU price of the CE indicates that it’s still way too expensive for what tiny amounts of content you get (not that I mind the idea of anime being shorter and more focused than usual but the price must be appropriate), at the very least, they should include all the content on all the versions rather than artificially gatekeeping it to create a false sense of value, obviously physical extras will be exclusive to collectors sets, that’s fair enough as it actually costs a fair bit extra to produce those but cutting out parts of the main product to make exclusive to a super expensive set that you can’t buy for very long anyway is disgraceful.

Personally I don’t have a horse in this race as Macross isn’t a series that interests me personally but if AL did this for a show I actually really wanted to watch (which to be fair there are not many of them), I’d be pretty livid and I can fully understand anyone else who takes major umbrage with this situation.

I also want to add that there are genuinely amazing games on Steam that go for less than a tenner and the anime industry in general still believes it’s owed our entire bank accounts and punishes western fans with needless restrictions, such as locked subs, for “only” spending around 20 to 50 quid, rather than the hundreds they so greedily charge in Japan for a show or movie that, more often than not ends up being mid anyway, this last paragraph wasn’t referring to Macross per se, I can’t say how that release will turn out other than it costing a fortune but it’s yet another indictment on the industry as a whole.
The worst example of that has to be the Legend of the Galactic Heroes set, a ridiculously large and expensive CE only complete release to appease the licensors. Iirc it was $800.
I have to agree I'm not a fan of certain disc content being exclusive to LE / CE / DE / UE's. I feel even if it's in a years time we will get a more standard LE / CE of Macross Plus with the OVA's similar to NGE but if not that'll really suck.

Same goes for the SD version of Gundam SEED being exclusive to the UE as another example, I want to eventually collect Gundam but it's annoying some parts (even if they're just alternate versions of the main show) are locked behind the super pricey sets, especially when I'm just going to go for the standards for Gundam.

Way to late in the game to start collecting CE's of them all.
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The worst example of that has to be the Legend of the Galactic Heroes set, a ridiculously large and expensive CE only complete release to appease the licensors. Iirc it was $800.
My first thought was that you can technically buy a gaming pc for that price, sure it’ll be low end but by today’s standards, that’ll still be decent, how the licensors thought that charging that kind of money for a single show is acceptable is beyond me, heck, you can live off that money for a whole month, the greed this industry has is unbelievable.
And now that it's sold out it's price has gone up to over $2000 the last time I saw it on eBay...
And you can definitely buy a gaming pc for that kind of money, I think it’s safe to say that I won’t be watching LOTGH anytime soon lol.
In my opinion for the price that AL are charging for the Macross Plus Ultimate Edition, they should of really had the discs be 4K and it would of been nice to have the movie dubbed but sometimes you can't have everything.
Even at 4K that’ll still be a ripoff TBH, there are so many amazing titles at much more acceptable prices, including in the anime industry, I remember when I picked up FMA Brotherhood at HMV for 25 quid on DVD back in 2016, sure it’s the DVD’s and not the Blu-rays but what I got out of that 25 quid was a masterpiece, with about 25 hours worth of content, one pound for one hour and the overwhelming majority of the show was the best I’ve ever seen in an anime, if it came out today then it would probably set us back a hundred at least.

I have to agree I'm not a fan of certain disc content being exclusive to LE / CE /DE /UE's. I feel even if it's in a years time we will get a more standard LE / CE of Macross Plus with the OVA's similar to NGE but if not that'll really suck.

Same goes for the SD version of Gundam SEED being exclusive to the UE as another example, I want to eventually collect Gundam but it's annoying some parts (even if they're just alternate versions of the main show) are locked behind the super pricey sets, especially when I'm just going to go for the standards for Gundam.

Way to late in the game to start collecting CE's of them all.

Honestly if I were new to the anime medium and just starting out I’d probably only be watching whatever’s on Netflix and nothing else because collecting physical anime releases nowadays requires you to win the lottery for the privilege of watching a single anime on Blu-ray I looked at how some shows are charging around 40 quid for just the standard ed now, not to mention that it’ll probably punish customers for not spending more on top of that.

TLDR, there are much better things to spend your money on.
There's no way in hell I'm stumping up £120 for Macross Plus. I already have the old Manga Entertainment DVDs from ages back, and I'd only consider upgrading to blu-ray at a quarter of that insane price. I don't care how nice the box or extras are, I don't have the disposable income to spare on something so extravagant. I'd rather buy multiple other blu-rays of other shows for the same price.
Honestly if I were new to the anime medium and just starting out I’d probably only be watching whatever’s on Netflix and nothing else because collecting physical anime releases nowadays requires you to win the lottery for the privilege of watching a single anime on Blu-ray I looked at how some shows are charging around 40 quid for just the standard ed now, not to mention that it’ll probably punish customers for not spending more on top of that.

TLDR, there are much better things to spend your money on.

That's why I'll always champion CEX, eBay, Vinted, and other second hand marketplaces to pick up anime Blu-rays or DVDs. I've picked up some absolute bargains on there - 26 episodes for £10, for example. I actually managed to pick up Log Horizon seasons 1 to 3 for £33 total on CEX/Vinted today; which equates to 62 episodes or about 53p an episode.

I think what MVM do with their DOTW is amazing as well - a weekly Blu-ray for £10/£15, a great way for people to start collecting cheaply and try out new shows without breaking their wallet.

Buying the latest anime Blu-rays on release day is a very expensive hobby to have nowadays unfortunately. You kind of have to collect the cheaper, older stuff first and wait for the new stuff to become older and cheaper!

The anime market in the UK is only going to grow if you can capture the casual market, from the casual market you can create new hardcore collectors - that's why I'm very interested to see what AL do with Naruto and Bleach; two absolutely massive IPs in anime, that have huge cultural penetration. You can really capture the kinds of customers that are like "Oh yeah, I remember Naruto/Bleach, I fancy watching that again...", you don't really get that opportunity with more obscure titles.
The worst example of that has to be the Legend of the Galactic Heroes set, a ridiculously large and expensive CE only complete release to appease the licensors. Iirc it was $800.

And now that it's sold out it's price has gone up to over $2000 the last time I saw it on eBay...

And you can definitely buy a gaming pc for that kind of money, I think it’s safe to say that I won’t be watching LOTGH anytime soon lol.

Thankfully I'm not much of a fan of mecha series, especially the older mech series, so I'm not really interested in either Macross or Gundam - that has definitely saved me lots of cash over the years. Enough so that I was able to put it towards the purchase of the Legend of the Galactic Heroes PE from Sentai:

Legend of the Galactic Heroes Premium Box Set

Yeah, it did sell for $800, but I was able to afford it much easier by using PayPal Credit, so I split the cost over 6 months' payments with no interest for just $134 per month.
Thankfully I'm not much of a fan of mecha series, especially the older mech series, so I'm not really interested in either Macross or Gundam - that has definitely saved me lots of cash over the years. Enough so that I was able to put it towards the purchase of the Legend of the Galactic Heroes PE from Sentai:

Legend of the Galactic Heroes Premium Box Set

Yeah, it did sell for $800, but I was able to afford it much easier by using PayPal Credit, so I split the cost over 6 months' payments with no interest for just $134 per month.
Where can i get me a Legend of Galactic heros Like that ?

without paying a Loan Shark ? :p