Thousand Master
IncendiaryLemon said:You can like the show all you want but at some point you have to realise you're in the minority on something and just because you think that it's great doesn't mean it will sell a ton of copies and get critical acclaim or even get picked up by Anime Limited at all, which you seem certain of.
Minority opinions should be welcomed, but you're going to need to make your argument a bit stronger than 'X is underrated, Y is overrated deal with it' if you want people to take you seriously and not think you're being contrarian for the sake of it.
I hope that folks keep an eye on AL's blog, as there are some really fascinating pieces on there. Today Jasper Sharp reviews a collection of writing on The Atomic Bomb in Japanese Cinema - a subject that haunts anime from Astro Boy to Barefoot Gen to Evangelion.
@Andrew - The Optimum DVD of Barefoot Gen has been out for over 10 years now. They may well have renewed their rights, but if not then it's surely a shoo in for an AL release? One of the best animated films ever made.