UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

I think Gurren Lagann being a hell of a lot more expensive than the SE and the SE launching at the same time are big factors there. I'd have loved the GL LE but I couldn't justify the cost.
thedoctor2016 said:
Funny how hyped average shows like TG and SAO sell fast but good shows like GL still have CE around a year later

As much as I wasn't Tokyo Ghoul's greatest fan (I'm the one person in the world who preferred root A :p). I will not have it be called average by somebody who think GOD EATER is underrated...
thedoctor2016 said:
I doubt Gundam will sell out for a while

Andrew said it was tracking well, so I think it will sell out at some point within the first year. At least, I hope it does.

thedoctor2016 said:
God eater is underrated and Tokyo ghoul is overrated deal with it

You could not be more spectacularly wrong, but let's not keep this up as it will go on forever...
IncendiaryLemon said:
thedoctor2016 said:
Funny how hyped average shows like TG and SAO sell fast

thedoctor2016 said:
We will see that GE sells when AL get it and it sells well

First you say average shows can sell well then go on to say that GE selling well is a proof of it's quality.
Yes I realize it's slightly hippocrital sorry but also reviews will come out and say it's a 8 or a 9 I bet
thedoctor2016 said:
I'm the only active advocate of Free too but that is popular

I've seen Free! fans, just not on the forum. He doesn't go on about it as much as you, but NormanicGrav is a fan of sports anime. I think he likes Free! too, but don't quote me on that.
thedoctor2016 said:
I'm the only active advocate of Free too but that is popular

Didn't we already agree that popularity isn't equal to quality? Also, I don't think God Eater is even that popular to be honest. The only time I saw people talking about it is in a negative way.

I'm probably going to take a leaf out of Buzz's book and leave this. It's a circular conversation. You can like the show all you want but at some point you have to realise you're in the minority on something and just because you think that it's great doesn't mean it will sell a ton of copies and get critical acclaim or even get picked up by Anime Limited at all, which you seem certain of. I feel where you're coming from, I love Kiniro Mosaic, a show which a lot of people seem to think it just kind of average, and I also think that critically acclaimed anime like Ghost in the Shell and Samurai Champloo are vastly overrated, but I know that I'm very much in the minority on those and I wouldn't want to challenge anyone on their opinions of those shows or be delusional enough to think I could.
At one point, I believe it was confirmed a UK distributor was pursuing Free!, the fact they failed should you tell it's either impossible to do a deal or it's not financially viable. Choose whichever you want to believe.