UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

Dannielle said:
Just checked my MSG order, mine also says unfulfilled with no dispatch confirmation..still some hope.

I do hope it comes for you today, it's the worst when you're sitting around waiting for a package to potentially arrive.

Cheers for the help Dannielle.
I already own the noein dvd, so like claymore it will depend on how good the BD master is, is anything extra being added and price. For alot of these older shows that don't have film negatives i.e. cowboy bebop and gundam I often don't see the point in rebuying on blu as the master isn't significantly better.
It confuses me that the 0079 films are being skipped as the rest of UC is based of the film canon not the series and some people prefer the films and if DVD means it won't sell why will ZZ of TA sell on DVD
thedoctor2016 said:
It confuses me that the 0079 films are being skipped as the rest of UC is based of the film canon not the series and some people prefer the films and if DVD means it won't sell why will ZZ of TA sell on DVD

good point
Whoever at AL managed to get the Tokyo Ghoul standard edition out so quickly and so cheaply deserves a medal. I was fully expecting it to come out in February and maintain the £40-50 price tag the collectors edition had, so Monday's Facebook post was a pleasant surprise. I got my pre-order in this morning. :D

thedoctor2016 said:
It confuses me that the 0079 films are being skipped as the rest of UC is based of the film canon not the series and some people prefer the films and if DVD means it won't sell why will ZZ of TA sell on DVD

I believe the idea is that DVDs tanked before, so there's no point in releasing them again. Turn A hasn't tanked on DVD so it's still worth releasing, the films have, so they're trying something different.

And to be perfectly blunt, I think Andrew and Sunrise know a certain group of people will just import RightStuf's release and that's a risk they've chosen to take.
Yes, but Andrew isn't really losing anything by not releasing it. Chances are the costs in time and resources would outweigh the minimal financial gain they'd get from the release. (And it sounds like time is starting to become a problem from their comments on Ffumofu.)
IncendiaryLemon said:
If I'd known a Standard Edition was coming so soon for TG I might have held off the LE...

Andrew did say that the LE looked like it was going to sell very quickly, so they were fast tracking the SE, further back in the thread. I didn't quite believe him when he said it, and then seemingly everyone except Amazon sold out in the first week.

But hey, you got a nice collector's edition out of it, so you win. :)