The only 2 GTAs I didn't finish was 2 (the gang system made it harder than 1) and Chinatown Wars (I have it on Vita but haven't got into yet). I top 3 are IV, Vice City and San Andreas.
Both Pornography and Disintegration were contenders for my list also but in the end Faith won out because I love its atmosphere. Honestly most of their stuff up to 1989 is great, it’s just anything afterwards was more miss than hit for me.Shout outs to @HWR and @Patient-X for some good music taste. I like the Desert Island Discs approach, made me think pretty hard and resulted in a rather manic-depressive list.
Cheating a bit with Substance as it's a compilation, but Joy Division's best tracks are all split between albums and singles and there isn't really one stand-out album for me. It was difficult to choose between Disintegration and Pornography for The Cure, and between Join Hands and Juju for the Banshees. Different Light is the best all-around Bangles album, but it doesn't include Complicated Girl which is probably their best song.
If you like earlier, heavier Cure stuff then you definitely should (Robert Smith essentially was a Banshee for a while, playing for them on tour and the Hyaena album, and he and Steve Severin recorded an album together - The ties between the bands run pretty deep) They followed a similar route to The Cure really, mellowing a lot with time and experimenting with different sounds that sometimes worked, sometimes didn’t. Everything up to A Kiss in the Dreamhouse is great, but you can probably take or leave anything after that.Also I should really listen to some Banshee’s back catalogue at some point.
The Queen is Dead and Excitable Boy would probably both feature if I were to expand my square from 9 to 16.Albums
While I certainly feel the same, I don't think Rewind the Film would feature even if I made a 3x3 of nothing but Manics albums. And I have a signed copy of it...The manics are my most different choice I guess I just love most their albums
You do you. I really like Lifeblood and Know Your Enemy, which is not such a popular position either...I know a lot don’t like Rewind but I ain’t most people. And It’s the first one I saw live and I have signed so
Oh boy, there certainly are a lot of these now! Think I'll do my album one first, as I think that'd be easiest. Anime based ones will be so much tougher!
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Feel free to judge my taste in music
They’re not canon (asides from The Last which I’ve seen but seemingly forgot to add it to MAL) and since I’m rewatching it atm there’s enough episodes to get through as it is!Good anime taste @HWR
Any reason you havent tried the Shippuden movies? I watched the first one recently and enjoyed it.
Also, watch Space Brothers when you next reach S on Crunchyroll. Top tier SoL.
They’re not canon (asides from The Last which I’ve seen but seemingly forgot to add it to MAL) and since I’m rewatching it atm there’s enough episodes to get through as it is!
Space Brothers is on my Crunchyroll list I believe.
I finished uni for the term last week so I have some free time. Skipping filler is a necessity in Naruto-the only good filler is the Kakashi Anbu arc and that’s technically canon so whenever you reach that arc I wouldn’t skip it!Ive skipped every single filler episode of Naruto so far (Currently up to Shippuden 111) and i still had a good time with it.
I dont know if i'll ever be able to rewatch any of these long series again in my lifetime, let alone on a yearly basis.