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Pokémon Best Wishes Season 2 Episode N 1-2

So I finally managed to trudge through the crappy Unova league and get to Episode N. N really struck me as a creepy stalker in this episode - especially with his soft voice xD.
The only real thing I disliked about this episode was it kind of see-sawed on N's view of Pokémon trainers - he shown no hesitance or dislike when he referred to people as trainers and didn't really seem to care about Snivy being recalled into its Pokéball. However, when Ash mentioned he wanted to be a Pokémon master, N looked like he wanted to flip the table. So I guess N just only likes crappy trainers? :p
Chihayafuru e.24/25, s.2 e.1/2 - There's making a point, and then there's what they did to Shinobu. :-/ The reason behind it and her coming to realize what had happened was pretty amusing, though. I really want Nishida to confess his obvious love to Yumin, too, as socially inappropriate as many would surely consider it to be. The end of the first series really set up the next stage of the story nicely, can't wait to see Arata get his shot at Suo's title.

The start of the second series is obviously dominated by one new character - for a little while I thought Sumire was too much of an "obvious" joke for a series that usually deals in slightly more low-key humor, but of course I am now in love. The other guy... I am not so sure about.
gundam seed destiny disc 7 and 8


i like this series, i mean yeah it might follow a few things the first series did but i just like it.

if its today id like to start the simulawatch of lian now
@animefreak17 I think the main problem with SEED DESTINY was that SEED didn't really need a sequel.

Pokémon Best Wishes Season 2 Episode N 3

So...Oshawott less than half a dozen episodes ago, was able to take several blows from a Hydreigon, but got his ass kicked by a Herdier? Riiiiight. Sure, Cheren winning the battle was always going to happen as it suited the whole theme of the episode, but really?
Finished Princess Resurrection. My favourite episodes were Princess Cat Tongue and Princess Delinquent.
Finished Season1+2 UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie and the OVA which was quite funny.
Over the past 2-3 days i've watched a fair few bits and pieces.

Slayers 1-20 - 1-6 was a rewatch but now i've got stuck into it with a disk a day. It's an easy watch for sure, and definitely enjoyable. There is something about the quality of 90s series which you just don't get nowadays though, i just can't really put my finger on what.

Space Brothers 46-48 - Just have this weeks to put in, but this will be an interesting arc to watch. So far it's pretty good, so definitely looking to get in 49 soon.

Inferno Cop 12-13(completed) - 11/10 best show ever, must watch. On a serious not, it was hella good fun. Completely off it's rocker and had a surprise at every turn. All those references as well, just tucked into every episode was fantastic for something which was only 2-6 minutes per episode. Watch for that final episode, 12 minutes of amazement. 8 minutes of credits was a fantastic way to end. With so many game references, to end credits where a fantastic spoof to end on
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Amon81 said:

Just seen Bio Hunter for the first time in years.

Just took a look at Bio Hunter info and I wanna watch it now. Short and old school = I'm in.

I share the same opinion where old school has a different feeling from anime nowadays and that is obvious in many aspects. I do like a lot of stuff from the latest years (more than the last 2/3 years) but i like to watch old stuff from time to time.

I've created a thread regarding anime before 2000 a few weeks ago. Anyone who wanna share some good anime just leave there names or opinion. Maybe we can use that thread the share old school anime experiences.
