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Love Hina 9-12


Dat turtle.
i decided to watch ghost stories instead of eden of the east series.

ghost stories so far * the dub * is sooooo freaking silly on the boxset it says best dub but i say its the most silliest dub i ever heard it makes robotechs dub look perfect. it has lots of american pop culture reference instead of respecting the anime they make it sound like they didn't give a S***

its like the director gave his kids a chance to dub this series and they had fun with it. its funny but its just just just just ............... stupid silly

omg ghost stories dub is soooo f****** insulting, insensitive, racists, its like college students was given a chance to dub this series and they was pissing around with it, if you watch it with the subs its better but for F*** sake if i wanted to watch a insensitive insulting rude dub animation i would of watched south park that how bad the dub is.
Watched my copy of Whisper of the Heart this evening.

Gotta say without a doubt it's my favourite of the Ghibli films I have watched so far, not only is it charming, at times it is humourous, and it's heart is 100% in the right place.
The Bluray transfer is also absolutely lovely, visually the colour looks fine, and the amazing attention to detail and to 'life' really comes out. Gone are sterile, unlived in environments, and we're presented with places that feel full of life; things might be a little messy, the paint might be coming off some walls, there are weeds in the grass, but it feels alive, in a way that a lot of shows and even films just don't manage. Visually it's right up there with newer releases like Dissapearance, even despite the age.

The BD has a nice 5.1 Japanese DTS-MA audio track, the rear surrounds aren't used to heavily, but just accent touches at times, the clarity itself is absolutely fine.
The subs themselves have a little more oddity, but are actually fine, the font they've used is a little wierd though in that all the J, Ys and other such letters bounced 'above the line', as though the text was vertically centred, which is a little wierd. I also noticed one typo I believe, and also one point where I thought a tiny point was lost in translation

"It's a treasure"
"It's Grandfather's Treasure"

You could clearly hear ojiisan and tarakamono, so I felt it was a shame that's not preserved, because Im sure there is a line later in the film which vaguely references that line.

This being said I'm being overtly critical, the film is more than understandable and as someone who doesn't speak Japanese and only remembers a few 'other translations' that it doesn't feel like much has been lost, the visual transfer looks great and very smooth most of the time, sounds absolutely fine on the JP 5.1 and the heart of the film itself is timeless.
I am also glad to say the Studio Canal release preserves Seiji and Shizuku's declarations at the end of the film, I heard Disney in thier wisdom, cut them from some other earlier versions of the western release of the film, which somewhat surprised me.

It's a true shame that Ghibli lost a new director after the release of this film, because I genuinely believe based on Whisper, he might have produced some classics for them.


I would highly recommend anyone who likes warmhearted Dramas, or Ghibli who hasn't seen this film, goes and gets hold of it as quick as possible.
Love Hina 21-25

I'll be honest, Mitsune has to be my favourite character. She likes things to be interesting and I could really sympathise with her past. Besides, Naru can get pretty annoying. Honestly, sometimes when she bursts in and punches Keitaro, it really isn't deserved (some situations you can see why she'd react that way...others though?).
Mirai Nikki e.13 - things coming together very nicely in this episode, they seem like they are going to have plenty of time for the plot to play out naturally. Akise-kun still very shady imo.

Gundam AGE e.13 - fun, slick battle episode. Flit (perhaps inevitably) talking above his age is a bit incongruous, but other than that all good. They are still denying me my Yurin, though. :(
K-On! 12-14

As far as I'm concerned, there's a very fine line between "feel-good" and out-and-out cheese. Too often in these last three episodes in particular (mostly 12 and 14) that line is breached. The characters spend so much time with open-mouthed smiles and going "ahhhh!" in wonderment that I wonder if Mugi had been slipping something into that tea. Not enough funnies, for me. A disappointing end to a mostly entertaining series. (6-7/10 overall.)
Love Hina Spring and Christmas specials.

You know how I said that Love Hina's episodes go from being hilariously insane to deep and serious? Well, the Spring is the hilariously insane and the Christmas is the really serious xD.

I loved both of them - especially the Christmas special. It's just a shame that Love Hina Again wasn't included in the boxset...I've had to order that separately.

Also, they win for having Ken Akamatsu himself showing up at critical moments to help characters out.