Your viewing journal

fabricatedlunatic said:

(6-7/10 overall.)
Totally wussing out to keep your street cred with the intellectual crowd. :p

(I don't totally disagree with you about the back end of ! though, the series strength is definitely its comedy. !! is better though imo, so looking forward to when you get to see that).
fabricatedlunatic said:
K-On! 12-14

As far as I'm concerned, there's a very fine line between "feel-good" and out-and-out cheese. Too often in these last three episodes in particular (mostly 12 and 14) that line is breached. The characters spend so much time with open-mouthed smiles and going "ahhhh!" in wonderment that I wonder if Mugi had been slipping something into that tea. Not enough funnies, for me. A disappointing end to a mostly entertaining series. (6-7/10 overall.)
I found it really obvious that 13 and 14 weren't adapted from manga material. At least 12 had the typical "end of season" feel, but I felt that 13 and 14 fell flat.
Joshawott said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
K-On! 12-14

As far as I'm concerned, there's a very fine line between "feel-good" and out-and-out cheese. Too often in these last three episodes in particular (mostly 12 and 14) that line is breached. The characters spend so much time with open-mouthed smiles and going "ahhhh!" in wonderment that I wonder if Mugi had been slipping something into that tea. Not enough funnies, for me. A disappointing end to a mostly entertaining series. (6-7/10 overall.)
I found it really obvious that 13 and 14 weren't adapted from manga material. At least 12 had the typical "end of season" feel, but I felt that 13 and 14 fell flat.

Well, 13 and 14 were bonus episodes which don't appear in the four printed volumes. They might appear in future volumes.
Witch Hunter Robin episodes 6-7
The budgie in episode 7 was really adorable <3 and it made my budgie chirp whenever it was chirping lol

Moeretsu Pirates episode 2
Zero no Tsukaima F episode 2.
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Rena Ryuugu said:
Witch Hunter Robin episodes 6-7
The budgie in episode 7 was really adorable <3 and it made my budgie chirp whenever it was chirping lol
Glad you're enjoying it, I found the early half of the series somewhat tedious but it does get a lot better, at least IMO. A lot more focus on the overarcing plot in the later episodes.
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Bodacious Space Pirates episode 1

I'm not sure what to make of this series so far. It didn't impress me enough to be ecstatic about it, but it didn't disappoint me to the point where I don't want to watch episode 2.
iv been watching edan of the east disc 1 and i find this series * what the word im looking for?????* it feels like a unique series and i feel its going to get better i just cant think of a word to describe this series, its good but something about it gives me chills, if feels like its more reality then fiction, it sort of reminds me of (person's unknown)
I watched the first two episode of Bodacious Space Pirates and came away with a similar impression. I'm already tired of the schoolgirls and am impatiently awaiting the introduction of the eclectic-looking crew seen in the promotional materials. While it's possibly a symptom of my aversion to the frustrating drip-feed that is weekly-airing anime, I'm finding it annoyingly slow.
fabricatedlunatic said:
I watched the first two episode of Bodacious Space Pirates and came away with a similar impression. I'm already tired of the schoolgirls and am impatiently awaiting the introduction of the eclectic-looking crew seen in the promotional materials. While it's possibly a symptom of my aversion to the frustrating drip-feed that is weekly-airing anime, I'm finding it annoyingly slow.
When I saw the transfer student and her general attitude, my reaction was "Homura?"
Joshawott said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
I watched the first two episode of Bodacious Space Pirates and came away with a similar impression. I'm already tired of the schoolgirls and am impatiently awaiting the introduction of the eclectic-looking crew seen in the promotional materials. While it's possibly a symptom of my aversion to the frustrating drip-feed that is weekly-airing anime, I'm finding it annoyingly slow.
When I saw the transfer student and her general attitude, my reaction was "Homura?"
For me it was more like "Kuroneko?", an impression that became even stronger once she revealed her personality...
Her obvious sweet tooth also had me thinking of another (similar-ish) character, but I can't quite put my finger on who it was. I was expecting things to kick off "for real" in the first episode when the Maid Cafe was invaded by all the suits, but it has been perhaps overly reserved so far.

fabricatedlunatic said:
While it's possibly a symptom of my aversion to the frustrating drip-feed that is weekly-airing anime, I'm finding it annoyingly slow.
You just need to watch enough weekly shows that by the time you're finished, you're ready to start again. :p
Tatami Galaxy 1-6

An extremely enjoyable show, and aside from some weird echoing audio on the OP of episode 6 (perhaps it was just me..? I think one episode of House of Five Leaves had this too for one ED) it's pretty much reference quality for how a UK release should be in every way. I'll finish it off later in the week and then lament the fact that Beez seem to have disappeared just after bringing this delightful show over here. I love the retro feel to the visuals and the experimental presentation, it's simply a joy to watch.

Sora No Otoshimono (wherever I left off, to the end of the first season)

Really enjoyed this silly, saucy series. I would have bought the follow up on DVD had this been DVD-only, but since it wasn't (it's a very nicely done upscale instead) I'm going to have to wait an indefinite amount of time to see things continue. Bleh.

Nisemonogatari 2

Still enjoyable. It feels as though it's taking a long time to get to the core plot; it's good that it is letting the old characters have their spotlight time though, as the person I'm watching it with hasn't watched the previous show (yet). The actual script is nonstop entertainment and the minutes fly by. If I was watching this on disc, I'd be marathoning it.

Star Driver 2-7

I'm pleased that my original hope for Ishida Akira's character to get lots of time lying around being mysterious was not dashed, and the show continues to be good fun. The vivacious, sexy feel makes a nice change from the usual shows with this kind of premise. Part two shipped yesterday, hurrah.


This isn't the kind of thing I normally watch, but it was in a double pack with the next show so I gave it a viewing. Both OAVs on this disc have CG animation which wasn't entirely obvious from the packaging. It looks more natural in Coicent, thankfully, and is put to good use in a couple of spectacular scenes where there are some very detailed, motion-heavy crowd shots. Overall though I'm not a fan of the animation style. Coicent itself was a fairly typical romance adventure with some fun characters and odd seiyuu choices. Not particularly memorable, but fun.

Five Numbers/Norageki

Of the two shorts in this double pack from Sentai, I think this was the more gripping since it had a mystery theme. The dodgy floaty CG animation felt worse here since the visuals were quite simple, but the plot and characters kept things interesting for the brief runtime. I read a lot of short stories in manga anthologies and this was exactly the kind of thing I was expecting, in a similar vein.
