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Fang of the Sun Dougram - Episode 57

Is this the end of Earth Federation rule in Deloyer? Some big events in this episode setting up the run to the finish nicely.
Infinite Stratos episode 12 (complete) - Although the series has so many things bad going for it, it's not the worst Harem ever made.

As i've discussed before the series is predictable and sometimes mean-spirited that most of the female cast are unlikeable, it's also one of those rare times that I don't want the main female in this Harem to succeed because of her stupid two-faced attitude when alone with the main lead.

So what do I like about IS, the animated mecha fights are fun to watch showing fast, exciting scenes, its concept is interesting when discussed but the series doesn't do that too often, which does feel disappointing and the only one I opened up to in this harem is Charlotte, her small arc seemed to be the only one that I really enjoyed (although I swear at times, it did try to ruin it).

The last episode was pretty cool only to be ruined by a typical harem ending. Its a shame that this selling well in Japan and with the LN ongoing. Sequel ahoy! *sigh*

Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka episode 12 (complete) - This seemed to be one of those series where it would have a really terrific arc then drown back in mediocrity but as a whole; Kore Zombie was entertaining enough to enjoy it in the end.

The proper finale took place in episode 11, which was worthy of an epic battle. While Dragon Crisis failed at this, Zombie succeed. The last episode seemed to be more of an OVA extra package than a proper episode, it really wasn't worth watching unless your into the swimsuit & idol anime cliche.

You will find nothing new in this but it was a fun series in the end.


Fractale episode 12 (complete) - In the end it wasn't that emotionally gripping as I thought it would be, it had such an excellent concept and had that art style that reminded me of my trips to Ireland.

I think it just came down to the pacing of the episode, the series did well to capture the real impact of war and it's consequences, it did feel rushed at times, plus some of them felt boring.

The ending felt a bit confusing but it was more satisfying. The series didn't save anime but it was a decent try.

Wolverine 5/10
Finally finished it. Was better than Iron Man but not by a lot. Still filled with clichés and a random reference to The Graduate with Wolverine banging on the glass door at Mariko's wedding.

In a complete opposite approach to Iron Man there was too much action and all that there was, was pretty boring and certainly not Astonishing (geddit?)I'd probably have liked it better with a dub. Wolverine - Steve Blum is NOT Wolverine =P

The best non-live-action representation of Wolverine remains Hulk vs Wolverine, and I think Madhouse helped produce that, so if you want a decent vaguely anime influenced Wolverine cartoon, check it out. (Plus there's Deadpool in it =P)

Ah well, now I've started

X-Men Episode 1 7/10

Starts a LOT like Wolverine and the X-men, Phoenix goes mental, X-men disband, brought together for a common purpose. It's good that they're going with a 4 man team though, it means we won't get too bogged down with meteing out screen time to a massive cast.

That said, they clearly understand the characters and their relationships. Wolverine and Cyclops are antagonistic as ever and it looks like Scott will actually be leading the team for once which is probably a first since the 90's series.

The change in costume is explained away by them having astonishing suits in the prologue before switching to the new suits for the main series.

Dare I say this actually looks promising? Probably not, but I can hope.

Also the credits show images of Juggernaut, Magneto, Mystique and weirdest of all Stryfe. Will they actually be in the show? Who knows.
Hanasaku Iroha 1: damn this looks fantastic (how much animation budget?). Plot seems very strong.
Nichijou 1: total madness, I wonder if it will develop plot at some point.
Oh man, I wonder if I should test the character limit for posts once I'm fully caught up with stuff since I last made an update here. ^^; I think I will probably just keep it going as I go along from here:

Kimi ni Todoke S2 ep 7 & 8 - wellll, I guess things are finally moving along? It's been pretty good, not as good as S1 though. Ryu hasn't been in it much, so Ayane and Kento have been my favorite characters.
Star Driver episode 25 (complete) - Everything about ths episode was tense, blood-pumping and well executed. It was just a shame that the rest of the season wasn't like this.

Again my major problem with Star Driver is that it spent the first 14 episodes in the same repeative cycle over and over, really drowning the drama and excitement I first had for it. The later episodes were better but as Tauburn gained more trump cards the more boring it got. It was a series headed more into medioricty.

The last two episodes where significantly better to improve my final score but my overall impression leaves me very disappointed.


Kimi Ni Todoke Season 2 episodes 11 + 12 (complete)

After many episodes of frustration, Kimi Ni Todoke's second season was still successful in giving me such an emotional ride. I actually miss those days where I would shout at my computer "DAMN YOU CLIFFHANGERS, FUUUUUUU-".

All the characters were likeable, especially Kento who turned out to be an idiot (in a good way) rather than a rival, avoiding that love triangle that most anime tend to tread.

Art was brillant as always, Pin was chilidish as always and it was a conclusion that made me very happy. It's still one of the best romance anime series to date. It would be at No.1 if it wasn't for a certain series (I'm looking at you Madoka Magica)

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Nichijou episode 0 + 1 - So I decided to start the Spring 2011 latest Kyoto's copy + paste anime. A bit mean to say at this stage but it has already started to remind me of Lucky Star and Azumanga Daioh in both art and comical timing, only a bit more surreal.

Not to say that the series left me with a bad first impression, these episodes got a few chuckles out of me and the art is still high class. Love that cat character ^_^

I've just seen that this series is 26 episodes leaving me with the impression of how they can keep the series interesting for that long. (K-ON!! for example got boring early on). I'm still hoping for great things out of this.
Fang of the Sun Dougram - Episodes 58 & 59

For fear of sounding like a broken record, the action and politics in Dougram are just fantastic, there are so many twists and turns and the outcome is never predictable!
Fractale ep 6 - the descent into madness continues, very excited for how nuts this show could get.

KoreZom ep 7 - I've fallen in love all over again :~ Mael is amazing. Show has too many adorable characters.

Star Driver ep 24 - Oh. My. Days. This show has kicked off big time as they've brought it to a conclusion, nail the last ep and I will have very good things to say about it, Bones.
Kimi ni Todoke eps 9 -12 - beautifully done in the end, Kurumi was excellent absolutely the star character of the show overall. Satisfying ending, good humor, lovable characters, can't find much fault even with the meandering that season 2 went on for a bit.
The finale of Star Driver is pretty terrible and it's not one of those "You don't get it endings" it's just straight up poorly handled and I was really enjoying it too... ******* BONES. Fractale was also really terrible, but more so than Star Driver since that show had a lot of potential, at least I was content with Wandering Son's ending even if they threw in a random time skip near the end of the show.

Watched Nichijou, Tiger & Bunny and X-Men so far from this season. Nichijou is alright I guess it's entertaining enough, Tiger & Bunny I was really surprised by it's actually... enjoyable and here I thought it would be terrible. X-Men is decent so far, has some whack moments and I can see myself hating Cyclops, he's only bearable when he has a **** buddy with him and right now he has NO ONE, at least Storm is looking fabulous.
Star Driver ep 25 - The episode on its own felt ever so slightly rushed, especially the last few minutes but, like most of the rest of the show, benefitted massively from the superb background songs and voice acting. I would say just about a fitting conclusion to what had gone before, but not as entertaining as the run of episodes coming up towards the middle of the series.