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Started Magica last night and I plan to watch some more today. It's quite bizarre and I'm very much looking forward to that dreaded ep 3.

YuYu Hakusho is on my 'dar again. I watched the first episode of that forever ago and need to pick it up once more.

If anyone is watching Level E - how is it?
Watched the complete first season of K-On! over the weekend. Great series that I should have watched way before now. Closing credits has also made my top 10!
Madoka Magica episode 8 - **** got real in the past episodes....but now **** just got MASSIVELY real.

The theory of Magical girl's becoming witches has been confirmed, I do feel sorry for Sayaka espeacially in that last scene before she transformed

Favourite part has to be Kyuubey getting shot by Homura, multiple times at once. I laughed hard and celebrated when *it* died, however another Kyuubey came only and eat his remains. Disturbing man

I really want to know Homura's past now, best theory on blog's is that she is Madoka in the future, which would be awesome. It was also cool that we got some more action from her!

Is it Thursday yet.. :lol:
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 9

I'll just use this smiley to describe the episode..


Couldn't help but notice some Bokurano references in there but i wont go to deep into that
Jayme said:
Lupus said:
Jayme said:
If anyone is watching Level E - how is it?
It's by Togashi, you know, the guy who every Shounen manga-ka steals from, so it's bound to be good and it is.
Might have been a failed adaptation, but cheers. I'll get to it soon.

I would say after 8 episodes its probely the most under rated show this season and untill I started watching madoka I would have said it was the best this season.
What I've watched lately:

Panty & Stocking 8 - 13. I loved the ending of this show. I hated it initially, hated a lot of the jokes and a fair amount of the episodes but when it was good, like Gurren Lagann, it was really fun. Great ending.

Magica Madoka 2 - 9. This show is probably more batshit than P&S. Really good, not as good as people are calling it and if I'm being honest, I've found it a bit baffling at times but it's definitely doing more good than bad. The OP is so incongruous with the rest.

Berserk 23 - 25. I had to finish it sometimes. All right ending, I loved the beginning/middle part of the show more.

Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail 2 - 3. Amazing, I'm loving this OVA. It's a bit convoluted in places but its so good. I would need to rewatch the original to confirm but I think this arc is the strongest the show's produced. Intrigued at how its going to end, and wonder if the Revy/Rock stuff will stay on the backburner.

One Piece 473. Meh.

Toradora 17 - 18. It's nice. I'm not as in love with this show as I was at the beginning but its still well-written and the characters are fleshed out enough for the drama to be watchable - just not incredibly interesting.

Supernatural the Animation 1 - 2. I'm unsure if I would recommend this to newcomers to the series, since considering how its rejigged parts of the show its quite bizarre. Kinda entertaining and I can now somewhat confirm that in both mediums the show loses me at the half-way mark of every episode. Carry On My Waywaaard Sonn~~

Durarara!! Special 2. <333

Haruhi Season Two 1 - 9. I watched Endless Eight. And I liked it. I found the events interesting and I thought it gains just enough self-awareness each episode to pull it off. Considering the fact I found something decent in each rehash is saying something, and honestly, I've watched crappier anime for longer periods of time. The duration made my emotions change a few times, but the most interesting was how downright sad it made me feel for Yuki. Poor girl/thing. 'Bamboo' was all right too. Enjoyed the episode a lot and read its heavily involved in the story of 'Disappearance' so before I get to that I'll give it a rewatch.
Fang of the Sun Dougram - Episodes 48 & 49

The slump is over and lots of interesting things are beginning to happen again.
Twelve Kingdoms Episode 41

Needless Episodes 1 - 6 Enjoying this so far though it has to be said that it does not seem all that original (S-cry-ed anyone?)
Madoka Magica episode 9 - So Kyoko goes out with a bang and sacrfices herself to kill Sayaka's witch form which was very honorable of her, it has also given yuri fan artists to draw some fan art of Kyoko x Sayaka (although most of it are good)

InKyuubeytor is still playing the "I'm not evil" card by revealing its true motives. In comes the theory of Entropy (a thermodynamic idea) where it discuss that without gaining grief seeds, the universe will continue to build up energy and explode. Makes sense when you think about it, Kyuubey's still a bastard.

A bit underwhelming compared to the last episode imo but a great one none-the-less.

Infinite Stratos episode 1 - 9 (Recap) - Discussed on chat last night, I wanted to discuss my thoughts on this series:

First the good points - The Mecha battles are awesome showing great animation and excellent action.

The only character in the main female cast that I like is Charlotte, although the series throws her into stupid misunderstandings half the time, she doesn't hate Ichika out of consaint angst, since she was acting like a male through a few episodes she can see the hardships he was facing as the only male student in the school. I hope she somehow becomes the new love interest.

The Bad points continue through the spoiler:

So what is wrong with the supposedly main love interest Houki, well she is a typical tsundere that I can't seem to like; same goes for Ichika's sister, they both physically abuse him for simple misunderstandings to no reason at all, its not funny and it makes them more dislikeable (so far the worst). Same reasons go towards Rin & Cecilia although they shout more than threaten and Laura had a bad automatic first impression but has turned shy which i'm not buying.

Add to that the small to no plot, fan-service and short Mecha battles, its hard to recommend.
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