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Professor Irony [quote="Orgun said:
Fang of the Sun Dougram

I really want to see that, but I feel like I ought to finish watching Votoms first.[/quote]

I've always found the VOTOMS universe to be quite unique which sets it apart from a lot of other mecha anime and is one of the reasons why I think it is one of the best mecha franchises ever. I'm interested to how much Dougram influenced VOTOMS. From what I've seen of Galient, which followed VOTOMS, it seems like a medieval VOTOMS. I think Takahashi does do mecha slightly differently to a lot of other directors.

I'd be interested to hear what you think of VOTOMS, as I see that you have Roots of Ambition in your top ten OVAs
arakwa under the bridge x bridge ep 8 - not as good as last weeks but still quiet funny none the less
tales from earth sea - it was ok definitly the weakest out of the few studio ghibi films Ive seen
panty and stocking ep 8 - not bad this week the zombie and phoenix wright pariodes were nice
Orgun said:
I'd be interested to hear what you think of VOTOMS, as I see that you have Roots of Ambition in your top ten OVAs

Based on what I've seen of it, I think Votoms is my favourite of the 'real-robot holy trinity'. It seems to strike a nice balance between the swashbuckling, adventurous spirit of Macross and the intricate plotting of Gundam. The only thing holding me back from finishing the main series was my vague hope that I might have picked up the ammo tin box-set, but I've never managed to find it anywhere. Roots of Ambition struck me as a real crowd-pleaser though; it's full-on action all the way through, but it still manages to sketch in enough details of the wider plot to make it interesting.

I've heard of Galient before, but I'm afraid I don't really know anything about it at all. I'll try and check it out sometime as well.
:) Glad you're enjoying it Stu, more people need to watch this show! Can I guess your favorite characters so far from your post in the "Hot or Not" thread?


Fortune Arterial ep 7 - Much more interesting this week, although it still feels like maybe stuff isn't happening quite fast enough. I would also have like to see Shizuko-chan getting better dressed for the event, too. ^^;

Milky Holmes ep 7 - feels like they're getting bored making even what was already a pretty strange series, and just went for all-out nuts this week. I'm not quite sure why, when the series idea was outlined to them, they thought "right, we probably need as much nudity and cleavage as possible".

Fairy Tail ep 55 - This arc feels like it started at a slightly weird pace, almost like there the order of how the fighting started is being told slightly fractured, but there are all sorts of things to think about re: the overall plot (which, to this point, has hardly been touched on, even in some far-off goal "I will become the Pirate King" style) as well as how the Allies are going to deal with such powerful enemies this time around.
Escaflowne episodes 1-11. Well, I've finally started watching my anime legends set... it's not bad, really, but I'm not sure if that's due to nostalgia from when I watched it on Fox Kids all those years ago... I will say that the score and mech designs are as great as I remembered.
Kodocha 1-8

The world of Kodocha is one in which a lifetime of emotional abuse and neglect can be halted by a heartfelt TV drama and a loudmouthed 11 year-old girl. And yet in the face of implausibility, Kodocha's drama is somehow more endearing than it should be.

Hyperactive main character Sana treads a fine line between entertaining and irritating--seriously, she's nuts--but her antics are the source of most of the show's comedy, and on occasion it has made me lol.

It should be mentioned that Kodocha has the best OP ever.
The only implausible aspect of Kodocha's story, out of the first set's episodes, is Sana's manager; the way she was allowed to... recruit him. That's all. Everything else too crazy to swallow results from the show's nutty sense of humour.

(Sana's method of making her point to Akito's sister by showing her her she was treating him was most touching.)

Oddly, the early drama flowed from arc to arc without striking me as forced, at all. I liked that. And I also liked how heavy issues got dealt with in a manner more fitting for an all-out comedy; there even being an apology at one point when an episode was devoid of comedy for a bit, iirc.
Professor Irony said:
Based on what I've seen of it, I think Votoms is my favourite of the 'real-robot holy trinity'.


I nearly agree there, I love Tomino's original vision of the future but I still find VOTOMS to be quite unique. I have the ammo tin box set of VOTOMS, I bought it in a TRSI sale about six years ago, it's a nice set with some interesting extras.

Super Robot Wars OG: The Inspector - Episode 8

Continues to be a great series.

Star Driver - Episode 8

Star Driver is finally finding some consistency and becoming an decent series and will hopefully go out on a bit of a bang.
AironicallyHuman said:
The only implausible aspect of Kodocha's story, out of the first set's episodes, is Sana's manager; the way she was allowed to... recruit him. That's all. Everything else too crazy to swallow results from the show's nutty sense of humour.
Whereas I never thought twice about the way in which Sana "recruited" Rei because it seemed just like something the little nutcase would do. EDIT: oh, wait, you said "allowed". In that case I didn't think twice because her mother is batshit as well...

I had enough trouble believing that a father and sister could behave in the way that Akito's did, but I suppose it could happen. It all wrapped up too neatly and suddenly for my liking. But (and I say this not in a derogatory way) it's worth remembering that Kodocha was made for girls of Sana's age, so to criticize it for not being a hundred percent realistic would be to miss the point a bit.
No mother would let a tramp stay in her house, and allow her daughter to sleep with him. Drive around in toy car in the house though she does, she isn't dumb enough for that, and that's the one plot point that made me think the humour had crossed the drama line too far.

...But, yeah: it fitted with Sana's busybody, always-willing-to-help personality for her to drag a tramp into her house and make him her manager/'boyfriend'. (Her stalking method of saving Akito near the start amused me, very much. You gotta love her, if only for her inability to leave people alone.)

The subject matter Kodocha deals with is fitting for 10-year-old girls, in your opinion?... Extremes aren't required for stories to be genuinely touching and hit home, you know.

Not to be an ****, but methinks you're, as ever, looking to put down a series because of where it was serialized. There's no way to take what you said in anything other than a negative light. I've said a number of times that characters are aged to match-up with the majority of readers... when the characters are high school aged. In Kodocha's case, the characters are tweens yet act far more mature and intelligently than adults in other stories, and that's because no adult can create an accurate representation of a child. In the end, the mangaka's writing shone through, and Sana only comes across even remotely childish in a romantic sense.

(Akito's voice actor not sounding like a brat - instead sounding like the adult the voice actor is - makes it even harder to see the main two as tweens.)

When I mentioned Kodocha to an e-woman, one of the first things she did was praise it for its characterization; citing the difference in quality between its cast and the cast of most other shoujo with far older characters. Just sayin'...


Blassreiter - 1-12

Following the gaudy full-on CG beginning at a racetrack, where a 'demoniac' (machine-thing) came to life from the corpse of a woman, without any explanation as to wtf was going on (back of DVD case >>> anime itself), I was ready to write it off. But I was pleasantly surprised by the episodes that followed the fairly awful start.

Blassreiter gives me exactly what I want: characterization taking complete priority over story, lots of flashy action, and no goody-goody ********.

The first arc covered the descent into despair of a once famous motorbike racer as he discovered his love had been a joke; soon earning the wrath of a fickle public as he was first declared a hero and then a monster. Then, with him out of the equation, the second arc dealt with a bullied kid as he suffered; his friend's betrayal and the tragedy that ensued pushing him over the edge as the clearly evil, recurring scientist lady (nice rack) handed him the ultimate happy pill.

In both arcs, there was a very human edge about proceedings. Yes, people do turn into machine-things, and there is some sort of special task force with skin-tight suits in a church-like building, but the drama that went on in the background allowed me to relate to the characters and care to the point of getting teary-eyed. In particular, the bullied kid being forced to handle everything alone due to his sister working 24/7, and the sister realizing too late she was losing him, pulled on my heart-strings.

I don't doubt that the story will turn out to be horrible, even though I'm only halfway through. I mean, there's a smiling villain riding around on a horse, allowing the hero to live after beating him down (in his human form, FYI) in typical, cliche I'll-let-live-but-you'll-kill-me-at-the-end fashion. But the characterization has been bang-on, the CG actually looks pretty darn sexy after the unpleasant beginning (yay for fast movement; yay for no speed-lines!) and nearly all of the starting cast have been wiped out, in Ga-rei EP1 style.

When there's no white knight to prevent suicides or save bullies from being slaughtered at the last second, Aion likes this.
Kanon episode 9

getting depressing now, it's bad enough Makoto is my fav char bar Ayu but added to the fact
shes a fox, one of my favourite animals[/spoilers] it's making even more depressing for me. The opening music doesn't make life any betters XD, least Air had an upbeat tune to listen too
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AironicallyHuman said:
Not to be an ****

It doesn't take much to get you frothin' and rantin', does it? I mean, all I did was express my view that the emotional abuse and neglect of Akito was resolved in a sudden, frivolous way but that I shouldn't expect totally realistic outcomes in a show made for pre-teen girls. And you, as always, start replying to things I haven't written. Where did I criticize the show's characterization?
fabricatedlunatic said:
it's worth remembering that Kodocha was made for girls of Sana's age

Suggesting 10-year-olds should exclusively be able to relate to Sana >>> suggesting the characterization is at a level fitting for 10-year-old girls >>> insulting manly Aion for 8-10/10ing Kodocha / loving Sana.

You not even seeing why you annoy me irritates me even more. I'm hoping S&W is already wrapped and ready to make up for these repeated insults against my taste, or...
Ryo Chan said:
Kanon episode 9

getting depressing now, it's bad enough Makoto is my fav char bar Ayu but added to the fact shes a fox, one of my favourite animals it's making even more depressing for me. The opening music doesn't make life any betters XD, least Air had an upbeat tune to listen too

Just finished watching this series myself. Easily one of my most favourite of all time. And yes, I agree with you.

Wait until 'The Bucket'...

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I just finished Xam'd and I found it a meh series with little to remember which is odd as I can normally find something I like about most series even if others hate them. For me it just bought nothing new to the table, everything felt like it had been done before. The best I can say is that it was not horrible and the animation is pretty.
Fortune Arterial ep 8 - Series is really coming together now, starting to love Erika a little bit. Some exciting moments and good story hints.

KamiNomi ep 8 - but of a let down after the really good previous arc, nice concept for the episode but it didn't keep me too entertained.

Kuragehime ep 6 - Brilliant episode, very pleased that the series has the character and backbone to support its comedy. Kura(ko) is really the star, but there is depth all over the place. Shouko, the redevelopment project woman, is a great character, some hilarious moments, but I really hope Shuu brings her crashing down to Earth somehow.
SoreMachi ep 8 - one of the most enjoyable episodes of any show this season, for me. Kon-sempai is amazing, and the comedy is just the perfect tone for my taste.
Fortune Arterial episode 8 - Its such a big improvement, the flow of the episode was great since it came back into the vampire plot. It makes up for some of the series shortcomings so far!

The World Ends With You epsiode 8 - Another one parter filler and with multiple character viewpoints, a few chuckles from Elsea's balloon dummy but apart from that, a meh episode.

Panty and Stocking episode 9 - Although the first part was good, the second part at the later stages was a good tribute to Romance/Drama shows and was well executed. Again the series gets better and better.

Durarara episode 1 - Even at the start I feel there is something really special from it, I don't know if its a mixture of the characters or the atmosphere of Tokyo but it has impressed me already!