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Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn episode 2 "The Second Coming of Char" - I'll make it brief for now, and post something in the Gundam thread later. This is definitely the best anime series currently running. And no disrepect to 00 or ∀, but my current (slightly knee-jerk at this stage) thinking is that it is the best Gundam series since at least 0083. Very annoying place to leave us hanging for four months, the next episode looks like it will kick up the "epic" another notch.
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - Episode 2

Absolutely f**king awesome!!

That was a masterpiece, Unicorn has the potential to be the best mecha series for the last ten years by some way.
Girls Bravo 1-3

A fairly standard harem comedy in which the usual milquetoast lead finds himself the centre of attention for several attractive girls. Well, actually, he's not quite that typical; unlike most other male harem leads who are obviously gay, he is quite literally allergic to women.

There is one other thing that sets this show apart from others, and that's the sheer amount of fanservice and raunchiness. In the last few years we've seen other TV anime push the boundaries a bit further, but in terms of English language releases (at least that I'm aware of) there's very little that's this in-your-face.
Iron Man Episode 6

Christ all-friday I swear it gets more boring and unoriginal every episode. A virus takes over the city causing electronic equipment to go nuts and Iron Man punches a flying shark (that's a lot less awesome than it sounds).

Also rewatching Trigun. It's weird the latest release of it (brickset) seems to have changed all eye-catches to red instead of alternating colours for no apparent reason, I thought they might've put in the episode specific openings too but they didn't.

EDIT: Iron Man Episode 7

Wow, more unoriginality, a stranded on an island bonding episode, bloody hell... though I have to say, though I am now almost completely soured to Iron Manime I still really love the orchestral motif. It's certainly better than the score for Iron Man 2.
Started rewatching Paprika for the nth time and I've noticed a few things I hadn't before;

After Konikawa wakes up at the start, Paprika switches from plain clothes to bathrobe and back, it's a pretty neat yet subtle indication that Konikawa's still dreaming at that point.

I also noticed how in the opening when paprika turns into chiba in the first cut her hair is still down and flowing, but in the next it's tight in a bun, telegraphing her transition from the outgoing paprika to the repressed Chiba.

Finally, while I noticed the director looked like Prof. Xavier before I never gave it much thought since I assumed it was a coincidence (it's not like it's an original concept) but thinking about it Prof X has the power to control minds, but chooses not to (usually) while the director wants to control minds to become a god via dreams. it's an interesting mirror of personalities.[/b]
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Index II ep 7 - Kuroko! ^__^ Last Order! ^__^ Series really does have the most entertaining female characters to draw from.

A slightly "all ages" adaptation, but some great moments. Awaki's attempt to win Kuroko over, and the spectacular interpretation of Touma's rescue in particular.
ilmaestro said:
Koe de Oshigoto! OVA 1
Watched this today and... yeah. Aion first alerted me to the show around the time I started watching REC, and I was expecting something like the bastard love child of that and Ore no Imouto. Which might explain why I was taken aback by how far it pushed the boundaries. The OP had me like O_O

As anyone who's ever paid attention to what I've written here (all two of you) will know, I'm certainly no prude when it comes to boundary pushing. But I was not as amused as others by the way in which this underage girl was prodded by her sister and emotionally blackmailed by her mother into becoming an eroge voice actress. It left a bit of a bad taste.

The ironic thing is that if I went into this expecting porn, I wouldn't have thought much of it. But I didn't and the veneer of sweetness about the whole thing just makes it a bit creepy.
Heartcatch Precure 7-15
Still awsome, filler spread evenly amonst the bits that seem to be overarching plot. God how I wish shounen shows learned not to do solid blocks of filler.
Sgt Frog Epsiodes 40 - 47 Keroro and The Red-Blooded Keroro Platoon's ending was especially funny - deep into injury time and Keroro scores an own goal from an attacking corner using his hand :lol:.
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fabricatedlunatic said:
ilmaestro said:
Koe de Oshigoto! OVA 1
Watched this today and... yeah.
No, I totally agree - like I say, the mangaka does do porn, but Koe de Oshigoto! really isn't supposed to be it, and I do wish that the OVA had not pushed it as far as it did. I highly recommend the manga, which is very much more obviously a comedy, if you like the sound of the general idea (I do think I mentioned it to you a while ago on another forum). I do think you're slightly overthinking the "emotional blackmail" part of it - Kanna does actually have the chance to turn her sister down, but really decides of her own accord to help out, and does get quite into it (and I don't mean in "that" sense) once she gets started.
On Eurogamer? If you did mention it to me and I forgot about it, I do apologize.

It's likely that I am overthinking the emotional blackmail thing, but I just didn't like the contrived way it played out. Does Kanna's mother even know the nature of her other daughter's work? I must have been too busy lifting my jaw back into place to have picked up on that.

If the manga's ever released in English I'll certainly give it a look.
I've got to be honest I would have my doubts about an English release, or maybe I should say a UK release. Even though it's a lot tamer than the way it's done in the OAV, Kanna does still "imagine" the scenes playing out, so I would think that would come under a minor witnessing a sex act (I'm fairly pessimistic when it comes to that law, though).
fabricatedlunatic said:
ilmaestro said:
Koe de Oshigoto! OVA 1
Watched this today and... yeah. Aion / God first alerted me to the show around the time I started watching REC, and I was expecting something like the bastard love child of that and Ore no Imouto. Which might explain why I was taken aback by how far it pushed the boundaries. The OP had me like O_O

As anyone who's ever paid attention to what I've written here (all two of you) will know, I'm certainly no prude when it comes to boundary pushing. But I was not as amused as others by the way in which this underage girl was prodded by her sister and emotionally blackmailed by her mother into becoming an eroge voice actress. It left a bit of a bad taste.

The ironic thing is that if I went into this expecting porn, I wouldn't have thought much of it. But I didn't and the veneer of sweetness about the whole thing just makes it a bit creepy.

The odd thing is, I dropped both the Koe de and Imouto manga for similar reasons. Both have art lacking in effort and... for want of a better word, class - there being very little background work and the faces not being drawn in a manner where age is readily apparent; everyone looking much too similar. Unsurprisingly, both artists handled porn previously.

From my perspective, Koe de comes across very... fake. The characters are more role-players than believable people. The supporting cast are there to make socially unacceptable comments about getting erections over school girls / getting turned on by them saying naughty words, and the heroine knowing NOTHING about sex at 16 - needing everything explained to her - reeked of otaku pandering.

In the case of REC, I was willing to view the main two and their struggles as they were drawn together and pulled apart by voice acting as somewhat realistic. But the same isn't true of Koe de - an anime I'm going to stick with purely because it's mildly entertaining watching fingers being sucked erotically, with far better eye candy than the manga offers + actual voices. (It'd be great in English!)
Martian Successor Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness

An enjoyable if disappointing sequel to the TV series but is a real treat for fans of high quality hand drawn animation because it looks gorgeous!

Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3 - Episode 11

More of the same!
Eden Of The East. Interesting idea for a show but it felt a little wasted and unrealised. I wanted to find out more about all the saviours especially their ideas for saving Japan but in reality this was the least fleshed out part of the show. The main characters were pretty well developed and you did get some answers about Akira but whilst he appeared intelligent he did not seem to have a plan to save Japan set out he just seemed to react to the other saviours. For me the most interesting character was the Doctor he admitted what he did was for selfish reasons but at least he had an idea that was fleshed out and I think given more time, money and the ability to work with some of the smarter saviours he could have possibly come up with an idea that could work.

In the end it was a decent enough series with a story that moves it away from the usual tedium. I feel it should have been a 26 episode show developing all the saviours and their plans, but I don't think the writers knew where to take things and had no idea how they wanted it to end so decided to end it at a reasonable point before they messed it up.