Your viewing journal

mangaman74 said:
Sgt Frog Episodes 29 & 30 - Very funny.

I can agree with that despite the fact people bitched and moaned about the dub. Which I guess is one reason why Funimation dropped it recently...then again now whenever I watch a Funimation dub I can't help but go "Ku Ku Ku!" whenever I hear the VA for Kululu
ilmaestro said:
I have to salute you just for the sheer amount of old mech stuff you manage to acquire and watch through, Orgun, regardless of quality (of which, in this case, I have no idea either way).

Why thank you ilmeastro, I do try my best! I've been a mecha fan since before I understood what it was and tried to watch everything that I could. Then about seven years ago I bought a book from Japan that chronicled all of the mecha anime from 1967 to 1999 and that has spurred me on to watch everything and DVD and digital fansubs has helped alot there.

I watch everything even if I know that I'm possibly or probably not going to like it just so that I have watched it and I have an opinion. Daitarn 3 is a good example of this. It's one of only two of Tomino's shows that I haven't seen yet and I know that it is meant to be silly and not one of his best but I still want to see it just so I've seen it, if that makes sense.


Super Robot Wars OG: The Inspector - Episode 6

Obari steps things up a notch and this was the best episode of the series so far.
Fairy Tail ep 53 - Good action, pretty funny, can't wait for next week!

NuraMago ep 19 - Another mostly slow ep this week, but should be better next.

Shiki ep 15 - Amazing, as always. Natsuno's enigmatic cameo was great, Toshio's state of mind is perfectly on edge.

To Aru Majutsu no Index ep 6 - Lot of good, intriguing stuff going on in this ep, most notably, of course, being lots of Kuroko. ^_^

Yosuga no Sora ep 6 - This show is sort of losing me, but maybe it will improve as it moves on to Sora's arc (sort of).

Otome Youkai Zakuro ep 6 - A very well executed ep, the girls when they were younger are predictably as cute as anything, and the character building interaction in the show is fantastic across the whole cast.

KamiNomi ep 6 - A much better arc, overall, Kanon's personality and the "role reversal" of sorts has been a breath of fresh air.

Ika-musume ep 6 - First part had the hilarity of the Hero Show, but again featured Ika too much on the wrong end of things for my liking, whereas the second part was especially awesome as Ika gets a measure of revenge on Eiko, and the third part was also pretty funny. Show has slotted into a fairly consistent position for me, not quite as high as I thought it might be after one ep, but certainly still very good.
ilmaestro said:
Orgun said:
Star Driver - Episodes 3 & 4

After episode 3's mediocrity episode 4 was actually quite good, I'm not holding my breath but things may be looking up for Star Driver.
My thoughts exactly.

Orgun said:
Star Driver - Episode 5

No I was wrong, Star Driver returns to being decidedly average.
And my thoughts exactly, haha.

I thought ep 6 was again an improvement, but I'll make a separate post in a bit once I remember what else I watched.

Star Driver - Episode 6

Agreed, episode 6 was an improvement, but I'm still not sure if Star Driver is going to be a great series.
Shaft Maid Show 6

There were a lot of non sequiturs, poko.

Some more detective action might be good, but this is still a nice little series. It's good to see comedy that isn't totally reliant on references to other series or 'wacky hijinks' of the "My hand is on your breast, lolz" variety.
Ah yes, Star Driver ep 6 - similar to ep 4 (iirc), leaving most of the episode to Takuto and Wako worked a lot better than having TOTALLY RANDOM stuff happening. Some more nicely planned plot progression, and a pretty cool ending also helped. The show is still up and down, but two out of the last three eps have done enough to keep me watching it.
Invisible Crane said:
mangaman74 said:
Sgt Frog Episodes 29 & 30 - Very funny.

I can agree with that despite the fact people bitched and moaned about the dub. Which I guess is one reason why Funimation dropped it recently...then again now whenever I watch a Funimation dub I can't help but go "Ku Ku Ku!" whenever I hear the VA for Kululu

I am watching the Jap version with subtitles not the dub version. I may go back and watch the dub version some point in the future.

Tears to Tiara Episodes 11 - 16
I dun finished Excel Saga. I think the shows biggest problem is, for all its swapping of genres, the quality remains constant, there's no real change in formula or style so if you aren't grabbed by the start, nothing else will either.
I watched a couple of things last night, one to check something and one to marathon:

Naruto Shippuden 1-3 - So i made a quick wee start with this to see how it was. It's ok, but slow. I'm pretty sure a lot of this could have been covered in 2 episodes instead of three. I did hear about the whole "chapter per ep" bit, i just hope it isn't as bad as i hear.

Gintama 124-134 - I needed something to get me back in a good mood and to help drive me to study, and it's worked. I've noticed though that since hitting the "Second half of it's third year" that it has become more arc-like. Obviously sticking to about 2-5 episodes tops for an arc, but it is more frequent. I'm not complaining though, they are usually about the right length to get the most out of it, and never feel dragged out. Only 67 episodes to go until i'm done

Also planning on watching some more stuff later on. Either Escaflowne or The Big O, not decided as of yet.
wertwow said:
Bakemonogatari ep 1-2 bit strange so far but the srt styles quiet nice and I like it.

Stick with it! It's one that divides people, I love it and I love the art. But some find it tedious and annoying... (they're wrong.)
OreImo 7
Great first scene, and respective reactions to the Stardust Witch Meruru marathon.
The amount of not quite trademarks realy is racking up. Still tempted to work out what all the games in the eyecatches have been.

Katanagatari 11
only stuck on this as a cliffhanger for a month. *sigh*
Amagami ep 19 - Rihocchiiiii~~ she is a great heroine from the point of view of this series and its light-heartedness. Nice arc, especially taking us through a different time period to what we've generally seen before.

MM! ep 7 - lacked a bit of focus compared to the better episodes, still amusing... can't quite put my finger on what was wrong this week.

Bakuman ep 7 - good mix of topics and atmosphere. Relationship stuff is interesting, need more Eiji though, he's ace.

Star Driver ep 7 - maybe the first case of this series following up a decent ep with another decent ep. Actually feel like they're telling the "real" story now. Need to go back and re-listen to all of Fish Girl's story about Sam(ekh) (edit: actually, a quick google throws up a great page

Yakumo ep 7 - Yakumo and Haruka make for some pleasant enough entertainment, not sure the "main" story is being handled so well, though. Rushed and a little bit confused. Liking the ED a lot these days, though.

Kuragehime ep 4 - Hmm, didn't expect this development quite yet for Kuranosuke, but then again I guess it is only 11 eps in total. Very fun series to watch.
Panty & Stocking episode 7 - Angels in Disguise much? Yeah it was good tribute to the Transformers and one of my highlights of the series so far, second part was decent but nothing special.

Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru episode 6 - Hotori using Kon's bass in her room was one of the best moments in the episode. Again I haven't been disappointed with the series so far and hope it continues that way.

The Big O episode 1 to 6 - Really enjoying this, brings back alot of nostalgia from watch cartoons like Batman - The Animated series and I have to credit the music from the OP's to the background music.
As for the episodes themselves, they are mostly one parters but they are none-the-less brilliant.

Fortune Arterial episode 6 - As dramatic the creators wanted the episode to be, its nothing new, very cliche, it still feels like a typical average Harem anime atm. Plus the dress-up announcement was soooo predictably maid costumes.

I might put on hold Bakuman, not because I dislike the series, I just want and chance to watch other anime piled up in my house.
Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Phantom Arc - Episode 4

Another series that I am really enjoying at the moment.

Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3 - Episode 6
Samurai Harem. It really gave me the impression of an updated Ranma without the changing when wet. The main character Yoichi is a martial artist sent down to the city from the mountains where he has got too good for his father to train anymore. Yoichi finally arrives at the dojo of his fathers friend or other clan family and is met by the four daughters which he has already had somewhat perverted incidents with on his way. Yoichi is referred to as the samurai by nearly everyone due to him wearing traditional cloths carrying a bokken and speaking in a very polite/archaic way. He tries to uphold the traditional ways but is not beyond the nose bleeds when catching a glimpse of panties or flesh. Most of the comedy is supplied by Yoichi getting caught in totally coincidental perverted situations by the eldest daughter who beats him up for it. The rest of the comedy is supplied by the bad boy rival (think Harima from School Rumble)
who is in love with the eldest daughter. As usual there is plenty of unrequited love with everyone fancying someone other than the one in love with them.

It is an okay series though nothing special with so many of these shows out there. If you like Ranma or Kenichi you might find this a not too bad light watch at 12 episodes.
Paranoia Agent ep. 1 - 7

Having watched Kon's Paprika and Millennium Actress, some of the techniques on display here are familiar. This does not make it any less enjoyable though, and it's absolutely holding my attention so far and is deliciously unsettling in places. The character designs are wonderful - the variety on display is refreshing (I'm sick of having to tell characters apart by their hair colours).

8/10 - I'll likely raise the series' rating if the rest (and the ending) doesn't falter.