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Sparrowsabre7 said:
The first 13 eps are more or less episodic nonsense and the latter half is more character oriented, but frankly if you don't like the episodic nonsense you should probably just stop, it doesn't sound like it's your cup of tea. (Not trying to be a jerk about it, I'm just saying if you're not enjoying what is pretty much the bulk of the show's appeal then to continue would only waste your time, just lookin' out for you buddy =))

It isn't so much a case of me having issue with the episodic silliness: my issue lies with the varying quality levels from episode to episode. Episode 7, where the group took on alligators in an artificial jungle and the shota-brat used his martial arts skills, was retarded. As was episode 12, where the shota-brat spent the entire episode whining because he couldn't have sweets, as well as creeping me out with the 'motherxdaughter' relationship he has with the lanky blank-slate. And episode 13 was filler at its worst - some kind of pointless Alice in Wonderland parody where previous lines were repeated.

There have been good episodes involving some decent character development, such as the one where the posh boys all visited the heroine's home and Tamaki was as entertaining as ever, but few have been great.

Up to yet, Ouran has struck me as a slightly less entertaining version of Special A. It suffers from many of the same issues - such as the supporting cast being one-dimensional and being present only for comedy purposes - but lacks the romantic hook that kept me interested in the smart boy vs. dense girl developments Special A had. Both series are totally over-rated by easily pleased little girls, though.
AironicallyHuman said:
It isn't so much a case of me having issue with the episodic silliness: my issue lies with the varying quality levels from episode to episode. Episode 7, where the group took on alligators in an artificial jungle and the shota-brat used his martial arts skills, was retarded. As was episode 12, where the shota-brat spent the entire episode whining because he couldn't have sweets, as well as creeping me out with the 'motherxdaughter' relationship he has with the lanky blank-slate. And episode 13 was filler at its worst - some kind of pointless Alice in Wonderland parody where previous lines were repeated.

ilmaestro said:
mangaman74 said:
Black Rock Shooter - A 50 minute OVA based on an AMV
Not exactly.
Indeed an AMV is a music video made from an anime. BRS's PV is original.
Also it's based on the song itself not just the PV.

Marathoning Nanoha A's again, as I have the TV (house) to myself.
Confirmed the horrible interlace does look better going through a dedicaed player.
Now if only they animated it well in the first place it wouldn't all need to be so touched up for the DVDs (often in a differnt framerate, hence interlace problems).
Finished Eden of the East, having started watching it yesterday. I was initially mystified as too how they would wrap up the series in just 11 episodes. It was rapidly becoming my favourite with sci-fi, entertainment, some laughs and nothing to annoy me. I got to episode 11 and was thinking "this could be the first 5/5 I give" (for me full marks requires no annoyances.) I was watching the last episode got about 10 minutes and then I thought "oh no, they're not going to do something like that...." Then in the last 5 minutes they bottled it. I RAGED ALL OVER THE PLACE, THE SERIES WAS SO PROMISING AND THE END IS STUPENDOUSLY WEAK . Uggg by the end I was trying to decide between 4 or 4.5. The ending was so infuriating that I'm still not calm about it 2 hours later.
Out of interest, Reaper, can you think of any other anime based on a song or a music video, rather than the other way around? Not counting something like Interstella 5555.

edit: Aogu, don't forget there are a couple of movies to come after that.
ilmaestro said:
Out of interest, Reaper, can you think of any other anime based on a song or a music video, rather than the other way around? Not counting something like Interstella 5555.
Damn that's hard sort of counts, I assume there might be others like that. i.e folk song adaptations.
Also (lol) or other adapts from opera.

Can't think of anything coming from a pop-ish route, that isn't just a music video itself.
Hah, I like the way of thinking about it, I certainly couldn't think of anything else taken directly from a "song" song. I wonder if BRS is unique in its own sort of way, at least for the moment.
ilmaestro said:
edit: Aogu, don't forget there are a couple of movies to come after that.

Ahh, Im not convinced it will redeem it at all though... The ending was kind of lame with the (marriage?) proposal. And the "Juiz make me King" I mean if it was that simple... It felt like half way through the last episode the writers were told they have to cut it and wrap it up now, and that they were working on what was to be the last episode.
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I kind of know what you mean given that the show felt like it had so much scope for more than 11 episodes while it was going along. I can't *promise* you'll love the series any more after seeing the movies, but I would be very interested to hear your opinion after you see them.
'Quite liked TWGOK 5. Not so sure about her singing, but Kanon's arc is better than I remembered it being. Also the dpad swastika was hilarious.

Shaft Maid Show 5 was also quite good. Sadly no Mr. Moriaki this week, but Takeru's secret girlfriend adventure was amusing.
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Professor Irony said:
Also the dpad swastika was hilarious.
That was actually a parody of the Zeon flag from Mobile Suit Gundam. Keima was even wearing a uniform that the military leaders wear.
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Lupus said:
AironicallyHuman said:
It isn't so much a case of me having issue with the episodic silliness: my issue lies with the varying quality levels from episode to episode. Episode 7, where the group took on alligators in an artificial jungle and the shota-brat used his martial arts skills, was retarded. As was episode 12, where the shota-brat spent the entire episode whining because he couldn't have sweets, as well as creeping me out with the 'motherxdaughter' relationship he has with the lanky blank-slate. And episode 13 was filler at its worst - some kind of pointless Alice in Wonderland parody where previous lines were repeated.


I agreed with you about CG Envy, and this is how you repay me?

It isn't as if I hate Ouran, or anything. I'm actually slightly gay for Tamaki, and I can see why the non-shoujoish lead is appealing... to females. It's just that everything else kind of sucks, up to yet.
Maxon said:
That was actually a parody of the Zeon flag from Mobile Suit Gundam. Keima was even wearing a uniform that the military leaders wear.

Ah, I should probably have guessed. My general ignorance regarding Gundam is quite shameful.
AironicallyHuman said:
I agreed with you about CG Envy, and this is how you repay me?

It isn't as if I hate Ouran, or anything. I'm actually slightly gay for Tamaki, and I can see why the non-shoujoish lead is appealing... to females. It's just that everything else kind of sucks, up to yet.

I like Haruhi =P but then I'm gay for Ouran as a whole so...

anyways on topic

MOAR Excel Saga.

I'm upto 17 now and Ropponmatsu (x2) have been introduced, I have to say I don't know why but I don't find this show funny. I feel like I should because I like all the characters (even the child-obsessed scientist) but I just don't think it pulls together in a way that's inherently amusing. Maybe it's too japanese-humoured for my tastes =P
Stuart-says-yes said:
PAnty and stocking episode 6
Not very interesting, same jokes, new characters, which were just dulicates of panty and stocking. meh.

I love original character creation methods, it just adds so much to the series...
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru episode 5 - I agree with both Irony and maes, he is a very entertaining character.

Still without him, this episode was another fantastic one. Loved it when Tatsuno jumped down the steps and ends up hitting that history teacher and shouts "LU-THHERRR!!.......CZAARR!!" , funny stuff.

Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge episode 5 - Some great production on manga part of the episode and the Billy part was very cool.

To Aru Majutsu no Index episode 8 - 24 - I can't really fault the series for anything except for its complexity sometimes but apart from that its been a series that i've constantly watched and liked every story arc, I liked pretty much all the characters and I look foward to catching up with the second season. Unless I watch Railgun first?

MM! episode 6
The World God Only Knows episode 5
Stuart-says-yes said:
Imouto episode 6 come on kyou you know you want to go for the childhood friend and not the siscon route, also it seemss some-ones jealous that kyou has better things to do than be at home.

Yes indeed, I really hope it doesn't go incest, besides the grandparents are pretty hilarious
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