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Has Kenpachi owned yet with his kenpo style :p? As just by saying if that has of hasn't happened yet will give me a definite point
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Finally finishing up Chevalier (I stopped halfway through for some reason, so have rewatched it from the start). I'm through episode 16, and it has been truly excellent. Exciting and intriguing, although a little odd.

Okay, it's a bit simpler than that - exciting and intriguing, but I wasn't expecting the cross-dressing to play quite such a large role. ^^;

Also, since this is my first post, hello all!

BlackWolf said:
Has Kenpachi owned yet with his kenpo style :p? As just by saying if that has of hasn't happened yet will give me a definite point

he did use it, if I'm not mistaken, (or talked about it) on the last episode.
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Death Note Volume 8. I am starting to feel the story has gone on long enough. It could have been one of those amazing 24-26 episode series leaving people wanting more, now however that greatness is starting to be watered down. Although I did enjoy some of the new elements in these episodes and thought they were beyond just filler. But these episodes are mainly about the main characters just posturing.
Once Mikami (best character aside from Light and L) comes into the picture and the road to the finale opens you'll think differently. Part 2 starts a little weak and becomes as epic as part 1 towards the end. The anime team actually improved the early parts of part 2 by removing all the uniteresting stuff.

You've already seen the worst DN has to offer when you watched the pre-Higuchi Yotsuba episodes. The Solid Matsuda Snake episode was painful.

Edit: If I recall, it gets really good again once you hit the episode that went through 8 manga chapters, "Father."
Mikami is looking like a good character and probably the main reason the episodes of volume 8 did actually hold my attention when it started to wane due to all the Light, Near and Mello posturing. Mikami seems to open a new dimension and is possibly going to go further than Light/Kira in those he will punish, although he is still letting Light control him
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It's ironic that, out of all the new members, the one who hasn't posted in the welcoming section looks likely to stick around for more than a few days. Attention whores and actual posters must differ in some way.

Hello, by the way. I would say nice to meet you but it's a bit late for that after I became the official EG rapist for a rather lengthy period of time.

I've probably said this before but Le Chavvy Don bored me to tears after the first episode ended. If I want to see French characters speak Japanese then I'll rewatch Gankutsuou.
City Hunter The Movie,

Better than I expected but I really didn't like the comedy moments, would prefer it to be serious but I did know it was like that before I watched it :D
I've been trying to finish watching my SaiKano set since February 12th, 2008 according to my MAL profile and I've finally decided to just go for it and get it done and over with. It's not that it's a bad series, but it's really not very compelling. There is no action whatsoever, which makes the overbearingly emotional plot harder to take episode after episode. There is also an insane amount of crying, which starts to grate after a while. That said, it is a worthwhile series and I'm finishing it out of a curiosity as to where the story goes rather than simply finishing it because I paid €20 for it.
Nadesico 10-12: I'm really not sure what to make of this anymore. It seems as though the same result could be acheived by splicing Excel Saga clips into a Gundam series. It has it's moments but isn't working for me as a series.

Hellsing Ultimate II: Pure stylish cool. With a lot of blood and an awesome British dub. I know the Nazis are coming soon but they fit with Hellsing, it is dark and occult and violent.
Aion said:
Hello, by the way. I would say nice to meet you but it's a bit late for that after I became the official EG rapist for a rather lengthy period of time.
Heh, I had been... warned... that you were here. :p Thank you for the welcome.

I've probably said this before but Le Chavvy Don bored me to tears after the first episode ended. If I want to see French characters speak Japanese then I'll rewatch Gankutsuou.
Well, you could say that for a lot of things, since the Count does almost everything better than any other series.

But I'll say now (in case the last three episodes somehow take a nosedive in quality) that I've thoroughly enjoyed Chevalier, and that the one flaw I thought the show had has been totally turned around into awesomeness (to do with trying to put too many story arcs into a 24 ep series, and neglecting one of them... that they haven't actually neglected).

chaos said:
Gankutsuou Volume 4 - A W E S O M E
Damn stright! Everyone should love the Count. If DBZ hadn't been my gateway drug into anime, it would have lost it's place as my favorite as soon as I saw Gankutsuou.
Watched 1st 3 eps of Trinity Blood

Really disappointed, I was expecting big things and tbh I've given up on it.

Even the animation isn't up to much and the use of CGI is terrible, I don't think everything Gonzo does is rubbish but this has me losing faith in them even more.
FINALLY finished Saikano. Really thought I was enjoying at one stage, but it was an absolutely struggle to get through and a chore to watch. If I wasn't such an ardent completionist (not a word, I know, but you get the point) I would have given up early on. I'll watch the OVA and I hope it's better!
i watched peach girl for the sake of watching it trough FUNimation
plus watched Tenchi Muyo ova's 1-2, been i while since i say that, forgot how good it was :3