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Aria 1-10

I'd love to be able to write more words about this show, but I can't, because nothing happens. Nothing. It's taken me several months to watch the first ten episodes as I keep falling asleep every three minutes.

It's time to acknowledge that I'm just too cynical for anime like Aria. Everything about it is so artificially happy that it actually makes me seethe. And I really want to punch that cat. WAI NYUIIIIIIII
Niea Under 7. Odd series I can't quite place, I thought it might be like DearS with the aliens crash landing on earth but it is very different. It starts off starts off very much as a comedy, but later on has some quite depressing moments.
You're under arrest V8, V9 and halfway through V10.

Dracos said:
Niea Under 7. Odd series I can't quite place, I thought it might be like DearS with the aliens crash landing on earth but it is very different. It starts off starts off very much as a comedy, but later on has some quite depressing moments.
It's possibly the most laid back series I've ever seen, nothing really happen there, but it's a good show.
Genshiken 1-4

I'm not quite sure why I bought Genshiken. I own and love the manga but the anime adaptation, which seems very faithful, doesn't add anything meaningful. Satsuki Yukino's performance as Saki is definitely the highlight of the anime so far and perhaps the only reason it's worth owning both versions.

Most disappointing is the shoestring budget on which this was apparently made: the animation is limited and characters frequently appear off model, particularly poor Saki. You'd think that with no demanding action scenes to animate they could have made the show look better than this.
Just watched Appleseed (the 2004 version) Was quite a good film, a bit slow at the start but once it got going it was great. I watched the dub which seemed alright, some familiar voices in the mix. Will have to watch the subs though to see if any stuff got lost in translation :p
Spent the last few days trying to get caught up with Naruto Shippuuden. I watched through to episode 57 now. It's a bit slow in places and some of the fights are unnecessarily drawn out, but overall it's been enjoyable. Have started the filler arc now though :( and I'm wondering if I should just skip it.
Just been watching the new Bleach (and DtB, but no one cares where I am, its on MAL anyway).

Was just curious, anyone else following Bleach still? Also can someone tell me what manga chapter we're up to cause I'm tempted to read ahead.
Darker Than Black Volume 2. Bit of an odd set of episodes this time the first being quite straight advancing the story only slightly. Then we get a couple of light, almost comedic episodes that may have been introducing new regular characters but I can't be sure unless we see more of them. Then back to something a bit more serious with some back story for one of the previous main characters.

Tsubasa Volume 10. Still the same Tsubasa although we get some more character background on Kurogane in these episodes. It is a shame the series has been cancelled in Japan but I think after a while it could get quite tiresome only collecting a feather about every 3-4 episodes on average. I think 2 episodes a feather may have been better setting up and finishing.
Dracos said:
Darker Than Black Volume 2. Bit of an odd set of episodes this time the first being quite straight advancing the story only slightly. Then we get a couple of light, almost comedic episodes that may have been introducing new regular characters but I can't be sure unless we see more of them. Then back to something a bit more serious with some back story for one of the previous main characters.

I just watched ep 15 today 8)

Kakusei Heroism ftw 8)
Spyro201 said:
Was just curious, anyone else following Bleach still? Also can someone tell me what manga chapter we're up to cause I'm tempted to read ahead.
I'm still uptodate with the anime like. Well maybe two or three episodes behind. I like to watch it in bunches, one off episodes just don't cut it. I just find it to be easy watching now like, been awhile since I've got excited about Bleach.

Sorry, couldn't tell you which Chapter your upto on Bleach either. But why read ahead, you'll only get to a waiting point again. Though I suppose the manga is less dragged out storyline (fight) wise.
I can tell you that Spyro (or you could of just asked me on MSN :p) Bleach is currently at Chapter 342 and its a point that the anime probably won't reach for another year :lol:
BlackWolf said:
I can tell you that Spyro (or you could of just asked me on MSN :p) Bleach is currently at Chapter 342 and its a point that the anime probably won't reach for another year :lol:
I think he wanted the chapter that the anime is upto... I could have told him that Black. :lol:

... no pain intended ;)
Voddas said:
BlackWolf said:
I can tell you that Spyro (or you could of just asked me on MSN :p) Bleach is currently at Chapter 342 and its a point that the anime probably won't reach for another year :lol:
I think he wanted the chapter that the anime is upto... I could have told him that Black. :lol:

... no pain intended ;)

Ah...well in that case i would guess just before the "turning back the pendulum" arc so that would be around the early 300s i'll check it out for him later.
Black... in case you didn't know where the anime was upto. >>>


The anime is upto - Everyone is in Hueco Mundo to save Orihime. Ichigo has already died once and nearly died twice and Nel got all grown up. Captains turned up to kick **** and they've been fighting for the last 5 episodes... soo... that's where the anime is upto, roughly. ^__^
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