Your viewing journal

I haven't watched anything new in what feels like ages. I've been trying to get into rewatching S1 of AMG but, due to my lack of motivation, it isn't easy.

chaos said:
Gankutsuou Volume 4 - A W E S O M E

That volume doesn't have episode 18 on it, does it? If not, then you should save spelling "awesome" in capitals and with spaces until you watch it. It's the best ever anime episode in history of best ever anime episodes.

It's kinda ironic that the best episode of the anime is the one where an already loose adaptation of the novel went into a totally different direction. Gonzo do, from time to time, take risks and get a result. But, no matter how great Gankutsuou is, I'd still like to see the real Edmond Dantes in animated form at some point.

Maes Hughes said:
Heh, I had been... warned... that you were here.

After my honourable exit from the EG forums, I demanded that the admin of AUKN, who had given me a lifetime IP ban (it was a 1 month ban at first, and not for internet sex crmes) prior to the events that unfolded on EG, unban me. He was very agreeable after the bribe money was sent.

I'm sure you'll bugger off, leaving this lifeless, soul destroying forum to die faster at some point, but it's nice to see another poster and I welcome you to this lifeless, soul destroying forum. Hopefully you'll post more than Fabio, who only ever seems motivated to post when he disagrees with me about something.
CitizenGeek said:
FINALLY finished Saikano. Really thought I was enjoying at one stage, but it was an absolutely struggle to get through and a chore to watch. If I wasn't such an ardent completionist (not a word, I know, but you get the point) I would have given up early on. I'll watch the OVA and I hope it's better!
That's excatly how I felt when I watched it. Took me a few weeks like. Thought I enjoyed it because of how extreme it got in places but the handfull of episodes that could be classed as entertaining weren't enough to carry the anime for me. Got bored often. At least I only paid £7 for the boxset.

Watched the fisrt 8 episodes of Gungrave again last night. Been a while since I watched this. Was such a random buy at the time but so glad I did. Great story with a nice helping of trust and betrayal. Tasty.
ayase said:
Nadesico 10-12: I'm really not sure what to make of this anymore. It seems as though the same result could be acheived by splicing Excel Saga clips into a Gundam series. It has it's moments but isn't working for me as a series.
I know exactly what you mean. Am I supposed to take the show seriously or not? I've tried to watch Nadesico multiple times over the last few years, and each time I can't make it past the second disc. Having made another failed attempt this week I've decided that I'm wasting no more time on it and will ebay the whole thing as soon as possible.
fabricatedlunatic said:
ayase said:
Nadesico 10-12: I'm really not sure what to make of this anymore. It seems as though the same result could be acheived by splicing Excel Saga clips into a Gundam series. It has it's moments but isn't working for me as a series.
I know exactly what you mean. Am I supposed to take the show seriously or not? I've tried to watch Nadesico multiple times over the last few years, and each time I can't make it past the second disc. Having made another failed attempt this week I've decided that I'm wasting no more time on it and will ebay the whole thing as soon as possible.

taking nadesico seriously is like taking Death Note as a comedy :p
Ryo Chan said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
ayase said:
Nadesico 10-12: I'm really not sure what to make of this anymore. It seems as though the same result could be acheived by splicing Excel Saga clips into a Gundam series. It has it's moments but isn't working for me as a series.
I know exactly what you mean. Am I supposed to take the show seriously or not? I've tried to watch Nadesico multiple times over the last few years, and each time I can't make it past the second disc. Having made another failed attempt this week I've decided that I'm wasting no more time on it and will ebay the whole thing as soon as possible.

taking nadessico seriously is like taking Death Note as a comedy :p
Admit it, Light's laughter is infectious. :p

I wasn't taking it seriously at all until that episode where all those people got killed - and that was treated seriously. As previously stated, Nadesico seems to evoke a feeling I've only ever experienced before watching the worse-written episodes of MASH. Ha ha ha, oh no wait, a tragedy. Should I still be laughing? Actually, I don't like this uncomfortable feeling. TV goes off now.
I was going to add that Fabio thinks of Death Note as comical. I'm skilled at reading the minds of others.

Death Note made my cheeks tingle and laugh at its awesomeness. The only unintentionally comical moment in Death Note was when Madhouse transformed crisp eating into an epic plot twist. It was hard not to laugh with Light as he looked into his packet of crisps. Without a doubt it was the best crisp eating sequence ever.

I have 5/6 volumes of Nadesico. Haven't got around to it, and I won't be doing so for a long time if anything reminiscent of Retarded Retard Saga is included. I need to get around to selling my that woeful series in order to get back as much of the £18 spent as possible.

On topic, I tried to watch more AMG last night and, for the third night in a row, I put the DVD in to late and was falling asleep whilst watching. I need to get through it so I can move onto S2, which I put on-hold months ago and never got around to going back to. If I could get my hands on the S2 and didn't need to watch it on my PC then I'd be much more motivated.

In truth, I'm more likely to go on a manga reading marathon than I am likely to get back into AMG right now. Genshiken Vol. 1-8 should be arrived soon and, after feeling the need for more NHK style goodness after finishing everything NHK, I'll probably start reading it as soon as the parcel arrives.
So, having finished Chevalier (thoughts to come later) I'm moving on to a series that I have actually seen before - Gunslinger Girl.

I've come to realize that my collection is full of series that I've either seen half of when they were coming out as singles, and then decided to wait until I had all the volumes to finish watching them, but never actually finished them - or series that I've seen via downloads, bought the DVDs, and never rewatched them.

GG falls into the latter category, so we'll see how it holds up some five years later.
Aion said:
The only unintentionally comical moment in Death Note was when Madhouse transformed crisp eating into an epic plot twist. It was hard not to laugh with Light as he looked into his packet of crisps. Without a doubt it was the best crisp eating sequence ever.
And you've never seen it in dub...
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
If I was forced to watch a story about a person murdering criminals that attempts to be serious then a high school student who writes in a book to kill anything that moves and an overly chatty demon sidekick are not good. A sense of reality is required for serious material to be respected and, in my mind at least, Death Note was just too daft. I would've respected it a lot more if the lead had been a full-grown adult and the demon had been of the non-existent variety.

Ah, you see I like Death Note (so far). The plots are so cleverly constructed and absorbing that the fact the Light kills people with a book given to him by a god of death barely matters. To me it's good storytelling - I didn't have to consciously suspend my disbelief before going into it, the story did it for me by dragging me into that world.
ayase said:
Ah, you see I like Death Note (so far). The plots are so cleverly constructed and absorbing that the fact the Light kills people with a book given to him by a god of death barely matters. To me it's good storytelling - I didn't have to consciously suspend my disbelief before going into it, the story did it for me by dragging me into that world.

You tell him, my Death Note brother.

Comparing a Death God and a random talking bike...not the best comparison you'll ever make. I'm guessing the bike doesn't run over Kino at the end.
Aion said:
I'm guessing the bike doesn't run over Kino at the end.
I laughed, IRL.

Death Note; when I was originally reading the manga, then afterwards watching the final few episodes of each arc made me uncontrollably excited. It makes death funny.

The only disappointing part of Madhouse's adaptation is that of the tennis match. In the manga, it was so damn epic and fast-paced. The anime, it's one of the least exhilarating parts of the entire series. With a story, where writing names in a notepad looks/is extreme and hardcore - I would have thought making an actually exciting sports event awesome would be easy... I was wrong.
Just back from the Barbican where I've seen Dororo. I must buy the manga. Now! seriously, Tezuka is always amazing.

Also, just finished Gankutsuou. Only thing I've got to say is - I'm speechless. Words like great or awesome are an understatement.
fabricatedlunatic said:
If I was forced to watch a story about a person murdering criminals that attempts to be serious then a high school student who writes in a book to kill anything that moves and an overly chatty demon sidekick are not good. A sense of reality is required for serious material to be respected and, in my mind at least, Death Note was just too daft. I would've respected it a lot more if the lead had been a full-grown adult and the demon had been of the non-existent variety.

Baccano! Volume 1. Okay the beginning was a bit weird and a little disjointed but sort of worked to set up the story. I love the 1930's setting, but with so many characters seeming important at the moment it is a little hard to keep track of everyone. The back stories and how they came to be on the train have taken up most of the episodes on this disc, so hopefully the next set off episodes will round that off and get more into the on going story.