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Dragon Ball Z - 1-6

Not as bad as I expected it be. Everything moves at a slow pace but not unbearably so up to yet; I haven't felt any boredom whilst watching. Going on what I've read, the pacing gets real slow later on... I just hope the slowdown doesn't occur before episode 20!

What's helped me get into it is knowing a little about some of the cast prior to watching. I real Vol. 1-5 of the DB manga before getting into DBZ, so I'm at least familiar with the beginnings of the story. It's just a shame I wasn't able to read everything prior to the timeskip - It would've been the perfect way to start watching DBZ.
V Gundam 17-20

The way to introduce an important character is *not* with a recap episode. Still, some interesting developments in these eps, some good mysteries yet to be revealed and some Mobile-Suit-head-kicking-off space battles.
GaoGaiGar eps only 8 eps left, also seems the format of the show has changed with the last set of eps with the introduction of the 31 Machine Primevals (though luckily we've been spared sperate encounters for them as another 31 eps to go through would be seriously pushing it)
GaoGaiGar eps 42-45 now as a fan of the mecha genre i should be okay with those deaths that seem to come out of no where but jeez poor Leo...burnt up in jupiter's orbit that couldn't of been pretty
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Ground defence force Mao-Chan episodes 2-7

These episodes were really funny and I can't wait to get the next volumes and the episodea were also awesome especially the reference to Tama-Chan from Love Hina as well as a character who looks simillar to Naru
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V Gundam 21-23
Thought there was the makings of a good rivalry there (grizzled war veteran vs. 13 year old) but sadly it was not to be.

Gundam F91
Very good. Like all the best ideas in Gundam fully realised - a shame it had to be crammed into 2 hours. Just DON'T BUY the R1 DVD. It's letterboxed and interlaced to hell.
After watching all the DBZ DVDs I have (the first 7 DVDs), I moved onto rewatching Escaflowne; an anime I hadn't seen for years and had near enough forgotten. Watching the rather disappointing movie was what triggered me to order the Anime Legends set from DVD Pacific.

I enjoyed the first half of the series a lot - The pace was fast, the action exciting and it was generally just good entertainment. Then, once the story moved onto to the Mystic Valley, it all started to go downhill quickly, with lots of dull psychological chatter and people coming back from the dead to point out obvious stuff.


Allen: Father! What are you doing in my mind when you're dead!?
Father: I'm here because I love you. I may have abandoned you and your mother, causing her to die from heartache, but I never stopped loving either of you.
Allen: F-father... I forgive you! <3

Or, for another...

Van: What the *** am I doing back in my destroyed country!?
Van's dead master: Van, although I died near the start, I'm here to tell you what I told you then: Stop being such a pussy and start killing people.
Van: N-no...I can't!!! *starts crying* get the idea. Lots of pointless chatter, lots of people coming back from the dead to give speeches/items without explanation and lots of boredom. This was mixed in with plot no justu; stuff happening just because the main characters can't die that wasn't explained.

I now understand why I couldn't remember much about Escaflowne; it was because most of the show wasn't worth remembering. Any series with an episode titled 'Operation: Golden Rule of Love', where people use a fate alerting machine to change how a school girl feels about others, has issues.
Outlaw Star was one of my first anime series. It wasn't by any means the best out there but it was enjoyable and, if only for old times sake, I'd like to own the Anime Legends set.

I'll probably wait until the dollar is weaker than it currently is against the pound and then order it.
Macross F - Finished- Odd they left the triangle unresolved, but they may be hoping for a sequel. Otherwise pretty much as expected.
Code Geass -Finished- Pretty much as expected, was hoping for something a little more... something else, but it was good enough.
ROD TV Vol 3 - forgot it was a 26 episoder and was expecting it to finish in this vol. Wonder what they are going to do for the next 3 dvd's.
Birdy Might Decode- 12 forgot it was a 13 episoder and was expecting it to finish in this episode. Can see where this is going and can see away around the inevitable dead of Nakasugi , just wonder if they'll think of/ use it.
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GaoGaiGar eps 46-49...And there we go another series finished, the latter half of the show was definitely better once it got out of the monster of the week format. Now onto the GaoGaiGar Final OVA...