Vampire Ninja
Canaan ep 1 - 5
Bloodivories ep 7
Poco's Udon World ep 6
Twin Star Exorcists ep 31
Girlish Number ep 5
Bloodivories ep 7
Poco's Udon World ep 6
Twin Star Exorcists ep 31
Girlish Number ep 5
Still stands. Still love the Keion's and whatever they do. And watching on a better TV than previously brings out the sumptous visuals even moreso.A Younger Kris H! from a few years back during the @MangaUK Community Event for this movie said:K-On! The Movie is a heartwarming, visually pleasing film, an absolute TourDeForce of emotion, fun, music and of course Cake! #K_OnMovie
Yeah - Seven Deadly Sins seriously needs a physical release - as not everyone has Netflix.
I finished powering through the manga version this weekend - and I have mixed feelings about it. The author is an incredibly talented artist - far above and beyond many other Shonen series running at the moment, but the plot can be pretty slow moving at times. I found I only really started getting into it around the 100-150 chapter mark as a bigger, higher stakes arc kicks off.
And you're right - the body count is pretty light. Pretty much no-one dies in it - although to be fair, it's nowhere near as bad as Fairy Tail, which has taken some absolutely ridiculous 'back from the dead' liberties recently.
From what I've heard the anime is better paced as it manages to cram 70+ chapters into 26 eps - so a pretty brisk pace compared to stuff like One Piece where it's 1 chapter = 1 episode.
The Tatami Galaxy-Episodes 4-6
Oh God, that Johnny bit was amazing. Also, I must praise Shintaro Asanuma's English, it was surprisingly good compared to when other attempts at JP voice actors speaking in English.
Konosuba - Episode 1 - I saw someone mention it on here and remembered it was something I wanted to check out....not convinced it's for me based on the first episode but I feel I should wait til the mage looking girl turns up before I properly judge it as she looks a laugh (not that Aqua didn't have her moments, she had a lot of arse shots too though....).