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Watched the first three episodes of K-On and I'm enjoying this much more than I ever though I would. Ending credits are brilliant, hope to get more music out of this show, even though ive heard season 2 is a bit too light on actual music playing.

Talking about season 2, for the life of me i'm sure I saw a post a few days back talking about season 2 of k-on and how a couple of characters rarely appear in it as the writers were given a bit more freedom in what to do versus what was in the original 4 panel comics, but I can't find it and now I think i;m going mad and it probably never happened.
britguy said:
Watched the first three episodes of K-On and I'm enjoying this much more than I ever though I would. Ending credits are brilliant, hope to get more music out of this show, even though ive heard season 2 is a bit too light on actual music playing.

Talking about season 2, for the life of me i'm sure I saw a post a few days back talking about season 2 of k-on and how a couple of characters rarely appear in it as the writers were given a bit more freedom in what to do versus what was in the original 4 panel comics, but I can't find it and now I think i;m going mad and it probably never happened.

I'd say there is about the same amount of music in S2 but because it's double the length it probably feels like less. Glad you're enjoying the show, one of my all time favourites. By the end of Season 2 you'll be blubbing like a baby, I guarantee it!
Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon ep 7.

Attack on Titan: Junior High ep 7-8. The comedic interpretations of the characters are still very one-dimensional, which is holding this series back. It's modestly amusing, but only to AoT fans.

Chivalry of a Failed Knight ep 8. I actually enjoyed this story arc a lot more than the previous ones, so I'm hoping the next arcs can match it.
Love, Delusions and Other Chuunibyou-Episodes 1-3

Episode 1: I've been meaning to watch this show since the BD came out but now but I've just never got around to watching it for some reason. Glad I did as I quite enjoyed this first episode. Every time I watch a KyoAni show, I am always immediately hit by how great the visuals are and this show is no exception. KyoAni is probably my favourite studio, they manage to knock it out the park every time. I also want to mention that they know how to make an excellent ED. K-On always had amazing EDs and they seem to continue that trend. Rikka seems pretty cute, as does Nibutani but it's far too early to start calling a best girl. Decided to go Sub for this show after listening to the dub for half the episode and not being impressed. People tend to give Sentai a lot of crap for their dubs but I usually don't take issue but this Rikka's voice seemed super off to me. Not bad, just not fitting. Also, is THAT how you're supposed to pronounce Chuunibyou? I've only read the word before watching the show and I always said it chew-knee-bye-oh in my head. I'm never going to unlearn that...

Episode 2: Holy crap, that animation is sublime! This is really making me want a legit fantasy action show by KyoAni. Also, I adore Kumin already.

Episode 3: I think that's all the girls introduced now. Sanae seems kind of fun, nice to see Rikka have someone to play off against now. Nibutani remains the cutest out of all the girls, though given that she is the most popular girl in the class, that's obviously by design. She just needs more screen time to define her personality. Still early days I know, I'm sure that will happen given what happens at the end of the episode.