Eps 1-12 of Chain Chronicle: The Light of Haecceitas [complete]
@Rui Dinosaurs and blue blood make everything cooler.Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective ep1: An inoffensive medical mystery show in the exact same vein as House (only with a petite cutie serving as the grumpy doctor). I found the lead quite annoying but she has potential and the central mysteries are interesting, so I'm willing to overlook how daft (or smug, in her case) everyone is and continue to watch for now. At the very least, I'd like to see the next episode because the first one ended partway through a mystery! This is how all first episodes should be; a limited amount of introductory scene-setting before hinting at an actual hook to show off what the rest of the series has to offer. Most of the shows I grumble about annoy me because they rely on their existing audiences and don't do any work to draw new viewers in with the narrative. Also, dinosaurs make everything cooler.
Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective ep1: An inoffensive medical mystery show in the exact same vein as House (only with a petite cutie serving as the grumpy doctor). I found the lead quite annoying but she has potential and the central mysteries are interesting, so I'm willing to overlook how daft (or smug, in her case) everyone is and continue to watch for now. At the very least, I'd like to see the next episode because the first one ended partway through a mystery! This is how all first episodes should be; a limited amount of introductory scene-setting before hinting at an actual hook to show off what the rest of the series has to offer. Most of the shows I grumble about annoy me because they rely on their existing audiences and don't do any work to draw new viewers in with the narrative. Also, dinosaurs make everything cooler.
Wallace and GromitListen Girls, I Am Your Father episodes 7-12+OVA: Still unsure if I liked this or not. Why is no-one prepared to offer them financial support? So much makes no sense. I prefer the realism of Isekai.
Please Twins complete series: No idea when I bought this or from where. I did have it when it was first released, but my teenage nephew "borrowed" it and I never saw it again. Very stretched out story that could have been told in about 3 episodes. Also some dodgy family dynamics.
Made In Abyss two films Journey's Dawn and Wandering Twilight: compilation of season 1 with a couple of extra scenes. Total running time of over 3.5 hours means it's not much shorter than the actual series once you remove the credits and previews. I'd forgotten how traumatic it gets.
Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Foul: Lots of fun and perfect for New Year's Day viewing.