Your anime viewing journal

I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World etc
Episodes 8-11.

By the Grace of Gods S2
Episodes 1-3
Ooh, big fight and Lebiala is fanservice.

As it seems the rules on posting have been cancelled (Wallace &Gromit)

Samurai Jack
Jack and the Scotsman
Jack Vs Zombies
Watched the DVDs made by Manga entertainment.

Wait u mean Wallace and Gromit isn't an anime? I'm so confused! :p

Also Samurai Jack is very cool :)

Kiznaiver (English dubbed) - I really enjoyed this series and thought the way it explored empathy as a concept was v interesting, I also liked that from what I recall at least it didn't lean too strongly into the idea that empathy is the only motivator for kind human behaviour (which as an autistic person is important to me cuz I think you can be kind out of compassion or a more abstract understanding of other's hurt and pain, without necessarily having a strong sense of empathy in the feeling others' feelings sense), and did consider/acknowledge that trying to alleviate someone else's pain cuz you feel what they're feeling is not entirely unselfish. One of my fave Trigger series of the ones I've seen, dub was pretty good too, and I liked the varied cast of characters and the visuals :)

A Cheeky Angel Episodes 1-2 -(English subbed) - I think this series flew under the radar cuz the visuals leave something to be desired but it's got a great premise and I am very much enjoying it so far, the comedy is very funny in places and it slightly reminds me of Video Girl Ai with the accents (I wonder if Ai and Miki have the same VA?) :)

Natsume's Book of Friends Season 2 Episodes 1-10 (English dubbed) - Such a lovely series and me and my mum watched a few episodes together during my stay with her and she really liked it too, I think this is one of the closest things to a Ghibli movie in TV anime that I have seen with the wholesome and spiritual slice of life vibes :)
I've guilted myself into moving the post into the correct category:

Ah My Buddha! episodes 8-13: A lot of the time this turns into a typical Japanese high school anime romantic comedy with the occasional obscure Buddhistic reference and hints of a growing threat to our gang of religious apprentices. Episode 13 was an OVA, and suddenly all the girls had nipples (until this point, the rude bits had been glowed/whited out). Entertaining enough but I'm still mystified by a lot that's going on.
Blue Exorcist - The Blue Night Saga episode 1 Looking back.

Detective Conan episode 1148 Beach body.

Medalist episode 1 Iron will.

Okitsura: Fell in Love with an Okinawan Girl, but I Just Wish I Know What She's Saying episode 1 Language barrier.

Ooi! Tonbo 2nd Season episode 26 Love of the game. (Complete. I’ve talked enough about this series for the website but this second season was very solid - hopefully not the last we’ll see of these characters.) 4/5

Solo Levelling: Arise from the Shadows
episode 13 Training.

Dragon Ball (Rewatch) episodes 72-78, 84-100
Beheneko: The Elf-Girl's Cat is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster! Episode 2

I'm Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class Episode 1

I'm Living with an Otaku NEET Kunoichi!? Episode 1-2

Okitsura: Fell in Love with an Okinawan Girl, but I Just Wish I Knew What She's Saying Episode 1

Sorairo Utility Episode 1
Just finished watching my Sentai set of Iroduku-The World In Colors. This is the third time I've watched it, the first 2 times were the downloaded subbed only version. So this was the first time I've watched it dubbed and it's a very good dub. If you've never watched this show I highly recommend it, it gets 8 1/2 points out of 10 from me.
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest episode 25 Onwards. (Complete. A better watch than the final season of the core storyline, but FT as a franchise has fallen a bit in my estimates since its heyday.) 3/5

Shangri-La Frontier Season 2
episode 38 Dangerous bunny.

Dragon Ball (Rewatch) episodes 101-118
Last edited:
Medalist ep1: I had a bad feeling in the opening moments of this episode when the narration talked about how spellbinding ice skating could be, only for the visuals to show a CG animated routine with that sluggish, unfocused, soulless style typical of CG anime; for me it provoked the exact opposite emotion to what the script was trying to convey. Strangely, the rest of the episode looked absolutely fine, so I'll chalk the opener up to a weird choice and hope that future skating routines can look as lively as everything else. I was already familiar with Medalist from Sarah's reviews of the manga on AUKN so it was fun to see everyone brought to life; at heart it's a formulaic sports drama but it brings genuine passion to the table, and the characters are quickly establishing their own unique quirks even at this early stage. I enjoyed the technical details about the skating moves that were shown and the wry sense of humour in the interactions; not sure whether I'll follow the entire show but my partner is already hooked.

Tasokare Hotel ep1: Another mystery show, this time with a supernatural theme. Our heroine ends up in a hotel for souls on the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead, where the visitors have to solve the mystery of whether or not they're meant to be dead or not. It's extremely similar to Death Parade, except a bit more accessible at the expense of the older show's stylishness. I found it perfectly watchable but not deep enough to truly grip me. Annoyingly this series can only be watched on one of two platforms I don't like using (Prime or YouTube) so there's a significant chance that I'll forget to watch the rest. I've since seen the second episode of Ameku M.D. and the medical setting is proving more interesting than Tasokare Hotel, even though some of the side characters from the latter look fun.

ZENSHU. ep1: It's another isekai show! At least this one is interesting, leaning on nostalgic tropes from old anime and portraying its main characters as understandably flawed without laying anything on too thick. It also saved the day at the exact moment when I started to feel bored by masterfully pulling off a gorgeous set piece which really changed the tone in all of the right ways. The core premise isn't actually all that different to No Longer Allowed In Another World, which in spite of its stupidity was one of the tiny handful of isekai shows that offered enough entertainment for me to be able to watch it all the way through. I'm not sure I'm in for the full series but this one earns a second episode.

I Want to Escape from Princess Lessons ep1: An odd full length episode in which nothing much happens other than watching the heroine suffering meekly through years of 'princess training', pushing the boundaries of what can be called entertainment to the limit until she finally gets some relief and the episode ends. There's a heavy dose of Bridgerton in the styling and everyone other than the lead is very passive and/or evil. To its credit, the show doesn't start out by randomly labelling anyone a villainess or involve a reincarnated cynic stealing the lives of its young heroine, but it does commit the inexplicable sin of ending right as everything is resolved, offering absolutely zero incentive to keep watching. Presumably the boring prince will chase after her and the princess lessons will resume once more, but would it have killed them to cut five minutes from the repetitive scenes of the lead being scorned by everyone she meets to communicate to new viewers why they might want to stick around? I was also saddened by the CG horses, which looked atrocious and moved like zombies. Why do they do this when the rest of the show looked perfectly fine? The choice to subtitle her dithery 'hoe?' as 'wuh?' is kind of hilarious every time it comes up.

Natsume's Book of Friends Season 2 COMPLETE (REWATCH, English dubbed) - Love this sweet gentle series with a likely aro-ace protagonist, will rewatch Season 3 dubbed soon as well probably :)

A Cheeky Angel Episodes 3-6 (English subbed) - So so fun and funny I love this show so far :)
Watched ep1 of The Vexations Of A Shut-in Vampire Princess today on I'm not saying where. It's really kinda meh-been there, seen that-not very original. I might watch some more but I've got a lot of much better stuff to watch right now. 5 out of 10 points
I Want to Escape from Princess Lessons ep1: An odd full length episode in which nothing much happens other than watching the heroine suffering meekly through years of 'princess training', pushing the boundaries of what can be called entertainment to the limit until she finally gets some relief and the episode ends. There's a heavy dose of Bridgerton in the styling and everyone other than the lead is very passive and/or evil. To its credit, the show doesn't start out by randomly labelling anyone a villainess or involve a reincarnated cynic stealing the lives of its young heroine, but it does commit the inexplicable sin of ending right as everything is resolved, offering absolutely zero incentive to keep watching. Presumably the boring prince will chase after her and the princess lessons will resume once more, but would it have killed them to cut five minutes from the repetitive scenes of the lead being scorned by everyone she meets to communicate to new viewers why they might want to stick around? I was also saddened by the CG horses, which looked atrocious and moved like zombies. Why do they do this when the rest of the show looked perfectly fine? The choice to subtitle her dithery 'hoe?' as 'wuh?' is kind of hilarious every time it comes up.

Having read the books what actually happens is the Prince chases after her, kidnaps her and imprisons her in the castle (in the lap of luxury it has to be said) and she continuously runs away with him chasing after her, as well as the brother being on the Prince's side and helping capture her. It sounds mean-spirited but was better in execution than it sounds like. When the novels were licensed there was a huge stink on the J-Novel Club forum about the series tho, due to them feeling the romance was Stockholm syndrome (it isn't) and ignoring that a lot of the tropes are common in those kinds of romance novels... Kidnapping perhaps aside lol. The translator even came in and had to point out that hey, neither of these leads actually have brain cells and they're just being dumb dorks.
Still grumbling about Medalist being on Disney+ but apart from having to deal with too much buffering while trying to watch the first episode, I'm nevertheless very optimistic about this version and feel that it's captured much of the energy and the feels of the manga really well so far. (I'm longing to see 'Mittens' brought to animated life on-screen too.) Early days, of course, but for me, it's off to a good start.