Your anime viewing journal

As someone new to Medalist, I also enjoyed the first episode and was relieved by the overall quality given what that same studio has been doing to Unnamed Memory. :rolleyes:

I'm wondering @Sarah how you feel about them allegedly toning down how Inori was treated at school and by her mother? I've seen comments from other readers suggesting that Inori's outburst toward the end of the episode is made weaker because of the anime toning down certain thing. Personally, I thought it was still bad enough to make sense from what we did see though.
I'm wondering @Sarah how you feel about them allegedly toning down how Inori was treated at school and by her mother? I've seen comments from other readers suggesting that Inori's outburst toward the end of the episode is made weaker because of the anime toning down certain thing. Personally, I thought it was still bad enough to make sense from what we did see though.
Yes, I was wondering about that response too - and my feelings at the moment are that the script writers have been pretty faithful to the manga. The mother-daughter relationship still comes across as the major problem for Inori and like you, I felt enough weight was given to the mother's reluctance (after what happened with the older daughter) to make us understand Inori's frustration.

The mother is well depicted, I think; even if we don't agree with her (we're rooting for Inori!) we can understand why she behaves the way she does - and they didn't cut very much from her attempts to discourage her younger daughter. There are interesting developments to come on that front and I imagine they didn't want to unbalance the first episode by packing too much in! ⛸️
SSSS.Dynazenon episodes 1-12
Gridman Universe (movie)

Similar style with SSSS.Gridman but with mostly new characters (plus the return of 2 characters although it took me a while to figure out who 'Second' was. With both worlds coming together in the movie.

All the fighting and robots
OKITSURA: Fell in Love with an Okinawan Girl, but I Just Wish I Know What She’s Saying ep1: As per the title, the hero of this comedy romance moves to Okinawa and struggles with the local dialect, especially when it's being spoken by his cute, bubbly classmate who lapses further into her native language the more excited that she gets. The object of the lead's crush does seem to understand (and be capable of speaking) standard Japanese as well, albeit with an accent, but it falls upon a second girl to act as a go-between in every conversation. Unfortunately, this occasionally leads to conflicts of interest because the translator girl has a crush on the lead herself! The central love triangle isn't all that interesting so far, not least because there doesn't seem to be much basis for the lead's crush on someone he's not really spoken with, but there's still entertainment value to be had in the abundant educational tips about Okinawan life and culture. It's a bit basic at the moment but I hope that the lead will try to meet his crush halfway and quickly start learning more about his new home.

(Regarding I Want to Escape from Princess Lessons...)

Having read the books what actually happens is the Prince chases after her, kidnaps her and imprisons her in the castle (in the lap of luxury it has to be said) and she continuously runs away with him chasing after her, as well as the brother being on the Prince's side and helping capture her. It sounds mean-spirited but was better in execution than it sounds like. When the novels were licensed there was a huge stink on the J-Novel Club forum about the series tho, due to them feeling the romance was Stockholm syndrome (it isn't) and ignoring that a lot of the tropes are common in those kinds of romance novels... Kidnapping perhaps aside lol. The translator even came in and had to point out that hey, neither of these leads actually have brain cells and they're just being dumb dorks.

Thank you for the summary - it sounds as though that feeling could have translated to the anime with only tiny changes required, but perhaps they want to keep the 'reveal' about the Prince's nature/actions for later episodes, at the expense of actually drawing new viewers in or clearly establishing the tone? 🤔 I liked the way they showed her rubber-faced reactions to the climax, then it all kind of petered out into nothing and ended!

On the Medalist conversation, I agree that the anime seemed to do a good job with the character motivations in the first episode. Sometimes people who have read the source material can be quite precious about changes in adaptations because they want new viewers to have the exact same reaction that they did to the manga, but they don't appreciate how changing to a new medium can make tricks which work well in prose (e.g. protagonists who narrate internally about their personal backstory for entire chapters) come across as boring in animation. Having never read it I felt that Inori's mother's conflict was clearly communicated and there is obviously plenty of room for future development on that front. If things have been shuffled around a little to allow the first episode to stand on its own: good! My partner certainly felt that it was a very strong debut.

This is definitely a frustrating season in terms of having everything spread across different platforms. I've let my HIDIVE subscription lapse as I can't subscribe to everything so I guess I'll be missing out on a few shows (nothing that looks essential, though). And it's not just the cost; simply keeping track of all of the different episode releases each week is a chore when they're all in different places, and I can't keep up with broadcast change announcements because I don't want to subscribe to the main social media account for every single platform! Please sort it out, anime industry.

This is definitely a frustrating season in terms of having everything spread across different platforms. I've let my HIDIVE subscription lapse as I can't subscribe to everything so I guess I'll be missing out on a few shows (nothing that looks essential, though). And it's not just the cost; simply keeping track of all of the different episode releases each week is a chore when they're all in different places, and I can't keep up with broadcast change announcements because I don't want to subscribe to the main social media account for every single platform! Please sort it out, anime industry.
Oh yes, I feel this too! I also didn't renew my HIDIVE subscription because Medalist won out for me over HIDIVE's Winter offerings. There really is too much spread over too many platforms atm and as it's very expensive to subscribe to all the platforms, it would be good if maybe the industry could license series to two platforms simultaneously (as with DAN DA DAN). I guess that's too much to ask though...
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War (English Dub) Episode 35

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Episode 25 (Complete)

Headhunted to Another World: From Salaryman to Big Four! Episode 2 Obstinate ogre.

I Have a Crush at Work Episode 1 Secret relationship.

I'm a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic Episode 1-2 A new life.

Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms Episode 1 Centre of attention.
Red Baron - Episodes 4 - 17

A third of the way through the series and Red Baron has so far been incredibly formulaic and predictable with it but at the same time I have found it to be entertaining fun, it's quite funny (I find it hilarious that Robby the sidekick robot character is designed like a bottle of Kewpie mayonnaise) and the action scenes are really good.

It's interesting that Red Baron started airing only 4 days after G Gundam started airing, there are a lot of similarities between the two up to this point beyond just the basic mecha fighting in some form of global tournament premise and while G Gundam sets the dark undertone running from the outset, Red Baron started to lean into a similar undertone from episode 16 so I am very curious to see how the story continues to develop.

The new eye-catch for episode 13 reveals some upgrades to Red Baron that still haven't been incorporated into the story by the end of episode 17!!!!

It's a shame the anime never had a western release. Maybe Discotek will get to it one of these days.

Have you seen the original live-action series?

I've seen only the first episode of the live action series, I watched it when I watched the first handful of episodes of the anime back in the 00's so that I could understand the reference.

It is an obvious candidate for a Discotek license, they've announced a big Discotek day for 20th January so here's keeping my fingers crossed :)
Not the greatest start to the season so far but if I can make it to the weekend I'll be rewarded with the sequels to two old favourites, so I'll keep scraping the bottom of this barrel in the hope that something else can surprise me!

I’m a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic ep1: Another uninspired isekai show which adds absolutely nothing to the genre. A middle-aged (I guess?) worker of some kind (his backstory is irrelevant as everything else that happens) is reborn into the body of a young noble whose family desperately needs to rise in prominence or the nation will strip them of their nobility due to some arbitrary rule. As usual for this type of story, the issue of the body's previous inhabitant isn't covered at all; 'Liam' repeatedly jokes to himself that he's not the original boy but what in the world happened to him? The show doesn't care. Anyway, he decides to learn magic and discovers that he has a natural affinity for it, picking up some books that were lying around in his house and mastering 'all' novice spells within a few weeks via a time skip. There are no pop-up menus but nothing feels earned or special when it all comes so easily - and then a complete stranger pops up and teaches 'Liam' how to cast hundreds more spells in literal seconds, together with a silly-looking technique for casting loads of spells at the same time to be 'more efficient', then vanishes with the vague insinuation that he'll be back the next time the show needs a new plot device. 'Liam' spends the rest of the run time using his frankly insane levels of magical power to make mundane goods for trade, foiling his nonsensically evil older brother's attempts to thwart him by magically cloning himself and having the clone act as a remote trader on his behalf since they can both use the same overpowered magical item box that every single show of this type gives its protagonist at first level. The next episode promises generically cute girls and a new direction as 'Liam' becomes an adventurer with all of the usual tropes. There were plenty of opportunities for interesting subversion during this first episode and yet at every junction it chose the most mundane path possible. Utterly pointless.

Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My Charms ep1: A cute schoolgirl is frustrated because no matter how much she flashes, assaults and stalks her new classmate, he doesn't show even the slightest interest in fawning over her or reciprocating her inappropriate advances. That's the whole show; if you like abusive anime schoolgirls you will probably like this more than I did. She appears to have no personality or interests beyond being popular (for no reason - she has been blessed since birth and does nothing to earn it), which isn't at all endearing, and she's the irrational type who will thrust her breasts unsexily in someone's face in one scene then panic and blush in the next to emphasise her purity. Ugh. The male lead is just kind of there; he's not disinterested because he's not into girls (or because she's an annoying disaster who anyone with a brain would avoid); it's an active aversion on his part for Reasons, which serves as an excuse for the girl to continue her attempts to convert him into one of her followers. There are some seeds of potential entertainment on show but the directionless horniness is doing nothing for me and the softer manga art has been converted to a very generic anime style, leaving me with little reason to want to continue. If you like the designs or goofy romantic comedies in this very specific subgenre, you'll get exactly what you expect from the key art.

Promise of Wizard ep1: I was surprised that this wasn't terrible. It screamed 'mobile game with gacha elements' throughout but some of the designs are genuinely quite good, so even the cheap-looking animation holds up well as it goes through the motions of telling a story. Playing out like the common route of every mobile game ever made, this is a standard isekai setup where the self-insert main character is summoned to save another world. She meets a bunch of colourful, eccentric wizards with magic powers and actual character motivations, and quickly chooses to side with them instead of the blatantly evil faction which summoned her (thus displaying more personal agency and capacity for independent thought than female characters have had in a lot of other shows this season, which is sad). I assume that the rest of the series is just going to introduce the bajillion other handsome guys in the opening one by one, serving mostly as an extended fan service parade for fans of the game's characters, voice actors and designs, but it could have been a lot worse. Games like this are always impossible to adapt in the long term; if you focus on a couple of characters to tell a strong story you annoy all of the fans who like the less popular guys, and if you focus on everyone at once the narrative falls apart. I thought that this attempt was decent for what it was.

A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! episode 13 Self solution.

Flower and Asura episode 1 A good voice.

Dragon Ball (Rewatch) episodes 139-153 (Complete. Revisiting this series again was quite a joy and it’s interesting to see how different the series was in its earlier arcs, and whilst not every arc was perhaps as strong as what we’d get in Z, the sense of adventure here is something I do miss a bit with Z and Super.) 4/5
Haibane Renmei (dub) eps 9 & 10

My Happy Marriage OVA
Was looking through Netflix and saw there was a new season of this, but it said OVA. Wasn't much going on in the episode, just the couple going to a formal party and the Prince apologising for his father's actions in the events leading up to and during season 1.
Still very pretty.

After it finished it went to play episode 1 of season 2, but seems they are releasing episodes weekly, so I'll wait to binge it.
Ameku M.D: Doctor Detective episode 3 Grudge.

Honey Lemon Soda episode 1 Stand up.

Ishura 2nd Season episode 1 Pouring rain.

Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle (Film), Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure (Film), Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone (Film), Dragon Ball Z (Rewatch) episodes 1-7
Ameku M.D: Doctor Detective Episode 1-3

Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Episode 2

Magic Maker: How to Make Magic in Another World Episode 1

Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time Episode 2