Your anime viewing journal

Dragon Ball Daima episode 12 Snake.

Desert Punk episodes 22-24 (Complete. I’ve been meaning to pick this series up for ages but since it was on CR that did the job, and as is, DP is a fun watch and worth giving a look.) 3.5/5

Dies Irae
episodes 0-11, Dies Irae: To the Ring Reincarnation episodes 12-17 (Complete. Messy and often poorly executed, this series left me feeling underwhelmed to say the least.) 2/5
Dragon Ball Daima (Japanese) - Episode 12

We finally get to see Vegeta go Super Saiyan 3 for the first time in the main canon (he has a number of times across various video games though).

Things are really ramping up now, looking forward to the coming weeks.
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War - The Conflict episodes 405-406 Responsibilities. (Complete. TYBW continues to impress with this latest season, and remains a seasonal highlight.) 4/5

Blue Lock Vs. U-20 Japan
episodes 37-38 Mangle and meaning. (Complete. A disappointing sequel season overall, which is a shame as I enjoyed the first.) 3/5

Whisper me a Love Song
episodes 11-12 Reconciliation. (Complete. After some delay we finally got the concluding episodes and they didn’t serve the story in an especially satisfying fashion for me unfortunately.) 3/5

episodes 1-12 (Complete. Having not played any of the games I can only judge this as an anime and it was a very middling watch.) 2.5/5

episodes 1-8
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War (English Dub) Episode 35

Beheneko: The Elf-Girl's Cat is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster! Episode 1 A Cat's Life.

BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 39 - 40 (Complete... for now. Another solid cour of episodes from TYBW that continues to build up to next years highly anticipated finale.) 4/5
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku Dash - Episodes 6 - 12 [Final]

From episode 6 Dash took a more serious tone with weightier character stories which elevated the series as whole and actually was pretty good in the end despite my early misgivings about it.

Red Baron - Episdoes 1 - 3

A 90's remake of a 70's tokusatsu show and a mecha anime not from a traditional mecha studio, I watched a few episodes of this back in the late 00's but the fansub fizzled out quickly and I remember liking the mechanical design in the show. I've been sat on a full fansub for years which was updated with video from the Japanese Blu-ray last year. Getting back into it, it has that lovely 90's aesthetic that I really like, the mechanical design is still awesome and enjoying the show as a whole so far.

Tokyo Godfathers

I haven't seen this for a while and watched it with Lewis while he was back over Christmas, still a fantastic film.
It begins! I'll censor my condemnation of the latest title under a spoiler tag but there are few actual spoilers here for anyone who has ever watched a crummy isekai-adjacent reincarnation show before.

BEHENEKO: THE ELF-GIRL’S CAT IS SECRETLY AN S-RANKED MONSTER! ep1: My HIDIVE subscription is about to expire and content like this isn't a very strong argument for signing up for another year. Derivative from start to finish, it's another tale of some person getting reincarnated as a novelty creature and the only relevant element of the reincarnation gimmick is that he used to be a (less-than-successful) knight, which means that he gets to inwardly criticise the female lead's combat skills now and then. The stat screens, training montages and other genre trappings crept in within seconds of the start of the episode and somehow made the idea of being a baby behemoth way more boring than it should be. I should have known the lead was no good when had the choice of an innate fire skill and chose rock instead. Who chooses earth magic over anything else?!

It feels as though nothing in this show makes sense and that everything happens just because the 'story' needs it to happen. How was the behemoth born if there were no other behemoths around? Do they always look like kittens when they're born? Why was the lead reincarnated in the first place? Who did it? Is this normal in their world? Could the dragon which popped up at one point possibly have looked any less cool? How many awkward shots of the lead's furry testicles did we actually need to see in one episode and were any of them more important than answering basic questions about the setting? Is it possible for an isekai to depict a male lead being heroic in any way other than having them beat up comically exaggerated misogynists? Does the chained collar in the brief flashback scene and apparent cultural acceptance of guys beating women up to force them to marry them mean that we're going to have female slavery elements later? (Of course it does.) Is it really plausible, even in another world where everyone levels up through stat screens, that a local big-shot runs crying to get a death warrant signed by a local lord when someone's pet kitten scratches him? And the death warrant is... for the kitten?

I don't really care about the atrocious world-building as this is all an excuse for horny camera angles and little more, but nobody in the show seems to care either, which made it all feel boring and detached whenever the female lead's comically large breasts weren't on screen to provide some focus to the episode. The fantasy world-building might be lacking but whoever engineered her tiny top to keep her chest looking so well-supported as she jumps around truly performed a miracle.
I suppose the animation wasn't terrible but everything else was such an uninspired waste of time that I will probably forget I ever watched this by tomorrow.

Shangri-La Frontier Season 2 episode 37 Beyond.

Tower of God Season 2 episode 26 Date. Complete. This has overall been slightly better than the preceding season and the animation quality did pick up in places but I still found it a bit of a lacking watch.) 3/5

episodes 9-12 (Complete. A sports drama that was worth a look though also wasn’t anything too special.) 3/5

Dog Days
episodes 1-13, Dog Days’ episodes 1-3
I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too.
Episodes 4-8
Nothing special but it's fun. He's so handsome, I think I'm hypnotized.
Some cute doggy fanservice.

The Irregular at Magic High School S1
All finished. Enough fights to keep it rocking along.

Red Baron - Episdoes 1 - 3

A 90's remake of a 70's tokusatsu show
It's a shame the anime never had a western release. Maybe Discotek will get to it one of these days.

Have you seen the original live-action series? That had a US DVD release, at least. It's a lot of fun and completely bonkers. The opening song is a banger too, though it's weird that most of the opening sequence takes place in a school gym.

It's a shame the anime never had a western release. Maybe Discotek will get to it one of these days.

Have you seen the original live-action series? That had a US DVD release, at least. It's a lot of fun and completely bonkers. The opening song is a banger too, though it's weird that most of the opening sequence takes place in a school gym.

Would be cool being one of the kids at that school if they were there while they were filming it! :)