Dragonball ep7-9

It wouldn’t be my first choice of metaphor, just sayin’
Some of the gags continue to be a bit cringey (can Goku please stop patting people’s crotches to determine their genitalia?), but honestly, I kind of prefer this over Z so far. The goofy adventure-schtick of original DB appeals to me far more than the battle/training/battle/training/driving lessons/battle setup of its more illustrious successor. Seeing Master Roshi using the kamehameha for the first time did make me wonder though if ‘feeble looking old man can power up to Hulk proportions’ was an existing trope prior to this or if Dragonball coined that one. It struck me that there’s a very similar character in Fatal Fury who has the same power, and I just wondered if this was where the archetype came from.

It wouldn’t be my first choice of metaphor, just sayin’
Some of the gags continue to be a bit cringey (can Goku please stop patting people’s crotches to determine their genitalia?), but honestly, I kind of prefer this over Z so far. The goofy adventure-schtick of original DB appeals to me far more than the battle/training/battle/training/driving lessons/battle setup of its more illustrious successor. Seeing Master Roshi using the kamehameha for the first time did make me wonder though if ‘feeble looking old man can power up to Hulk proportions’ was an existing trope prior to this or if Dragonball coined that one. It struck me that there’s a very similar character in Fatal Fury who has the same power, and I just wondered if this was where the archetype came from.