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Dragonball ep7-9


It wouldn’t be my first choice of metaphor, just sayin’

Some of the gags continue to be a bit cringey (can Goku please stop patting people’s crotches to determine their genitalia?), but honestly, I kind of prefer this over Z so far. The goofy adventure-schtick of original DB appeals to me far more than the battle/training/battle/training/driving lessons/battle setup of its more illustrious successor. Seeing Master Roshi using the kamehameha for the first time did make me wonder though if ‘feeble looking old man can power up to Hulk proportions’ was an existing trope prior to this or if Dragonball coined that one. It struck me that there’s a very similar character in Fatal Fury who has the same power, and I just wondered if this was where the archetype came from.
Dragon Ball Daima episode 11 Watch and see.

Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II
episode 12 Continue. (Complete. A better season in my eyes than the first, though still not one of the stronger watches of the season.) 3/5

The iDOLM@STER Shiny Colors 2nd Season
episode 24 Own answer. (Complete. Also a slightly stronger season than the first, though SC in general isn’t quite as good as the mainline series.) 3/5

Cowboy Bebop (Rewatch)
episodes 23-26 (Complete. This is one of those signature anime titles that gets recommended to newcomers - I recall it being one of the earlier pre-2000s watches of mine back in the day and it remains a strong series to this day.) 4/5, 4/5

Crying Freeman
OVAs 1-6 (Complete. CF was an entertaining though messy OVA series that I enjoyed despite its flaws.) 3.5/5

Cyber City Oedo 808 (Rewatch)
OVAs 1-3 (Complete. Another OVA series that was due a rewatch owing to the re-released BD set. This time I opted for the Manga UK dub and it was rather entertaining.) 3.5/5
Dragon Ball Daima (Japanese) - Episode 11

We've had Majin Buu, then Majin Kuu and now we have Majin Duu.

Kuu and Duu are such fun, goofy characters, love their sibling dynamic.

Glad to see Vegeta finally get a chance to shine as well as getting some new lore on Piccolo, with the reveal of his fathers name... I assume they're not referring to King Piccolo though? as King Piccolo and Piccolo are kind of the same person through reincarnation though at the same time I've always seen King Piccolo as Piccolo's father as there is a significant amount of differences where I wouldn't say they're the same person. By that logic Kid Buu and Uub are the same person as Uub is the reincarnation of Kid Buu but they're clearly different characters, best not to think about it though at the end of the day, isn't a complaint at all, just a tangent of mine really 😅😂

EDIT: Considering King Piccolo and Kami were the split of one Namekian and then Kami fused with Piccolo during the Cell Saga, I guess Piccolo technically is King Piccolo again as King Piccolo and Kami were one at one point as well.

Namekian's are a fictional species so trying to make sense of it in human terms and biology isn't the way to go about it.

Anyway, even if just in a flashback I hope we get to see what Piccolo's father looks like.
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Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War - The Conflict episode 404 Foresaw.

Blue Exorcist -Beyond the Snow Saga- episode 12 More than power. (Complete. Another very solid entry into the series - The Blue Night Saga airs next season so not long to wait for that.) 3.5/5

Blue Lock Vs. U-20 Japan
episode 36 To bloom.

Ooi! Tonbo 2nd Season episode 25 Keep swinging.

Ranma 1/2 (2024) episode 12 Loss and gain. (Complete. So far, this remake has been decent, and I’ll tune in to season two next year.) 3.5/5

Cyberpunk Edgerunners
ONAs 1-10 (Complete. Technically a partial rewatch as I watched parts of this when playing the game it’s based on last year, but upon properly watching in full this was a very solid anime, and in my view played no small part in rejuvenating interest in the IP after its troubled launch.) 4/5

episodes 1-10
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War (English Dub) Episode 34

BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 38

Ranma ½ (2024) Episode 12 (Complete. Having never seen the original, this has been a fairly decent first outing from this remake for which ill definitely continue watching with its second season.) 3.5/5

The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest Episode 12 A hidden power. (Complete. A fine outing despite this not being a standout series from the fall season.) 3/5

You Are Ms. Servant
Episode 12 Proposition. (Complete. Though nothing special, this did have its own unique charm when it came to the endearing relationship between the central pair.) 3/5
As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World 2nd Season Episode 12 Recognition. (Complete. A combat focused continuation that made this a stronger outing than the first. I'll definitely be watching the newly announced 3rd season.) 3.5/5

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest  Episode 24
Days with my stepsister 1-12 (subbed)
Enjoyed this all things considering i never watch subbed and always dub
Its very slow paced and the background music all the way through fits in so well

Only thing was the characters had no facial expressions at all, just looked blank all the way through
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest episode 24 Face.

MF Ghost 2nd Season episode 24 Down. (Complete. Another good season though now to wait for season 3.) 3.5/5

Shangri-La Frontier Season 2
episode 36 Trigger.

Tower of God Season 2 episode 25 Overcome.

Cybersix episodes 11-13 (Complete. This series was a Japanese-Canadian co-production based on an Argentinian comic book, and felt reminiscent of the Batman and Superman animated series’ from the same time period. This made for a fun watch and something a bit different from the other anime I’ve watched this month.) 3.5/5

OVAs 1-4 (Complete. Despite being a Mamoru Oshii project this was an underwhelming watch overall.) 2.5/5

Danganronpa: The Animation (Rewatch)
episodes 1-13 (Complete. As I played through the game trilogy this year I figured to revisit this first anime adaptation as it’s a decent watch. However, I’d still recommend playing the game it’s based on first for the full experience.) 3.5/5
Monster Girl Doctor complete series: I enjoyed the medical and mystery aspects of this, but could have done without all the moaning from the monster girls as Glen checked their bodies. Another series that ends with "and now the story really begins". It's like their begging the producers for the money.

Lister To Me Girls, I Am Your Father episodes 1-3: strange and slightly disjointed story so far. Hopefully it'll get better. Or it'll descend into another semi-incestuous harem show.