Your anime viewing journal

Knights of Sidonia.

All of it.

In two days.

It is INSANE how much better that show was than I was led to believe - not only in terms of the story and pacing, but the animation too.
Asterisk War episode 5
Seraph of the End: Battle in Nagoya episode 4
Attack on Titan Junior High episode 5
Young Black Jack episode 5
Mobile Suit Gundam episodes 7-14
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders episodes 23-24 (COMPLETE)
Fate Kaleid liner Prism Illya: 2wei Herz! episodes 1-3
Full Metal Panic! episodes 1-4
Seven Deadly Sins episodes 1-2
Attack on Titan: Junior High ep 5.

Chivalry of a Failed Knight ep 5. It's unusual to see a romance between the two lead characters actually go somewhere, so I'll give this show credit for that at least.

The Perfect Insider ep 4. Oh no, it's doing it again. Lots of dialogue which is supposed to be meaningful but is actually empty gibberish.

Young Black Jack ep 5. If only this wasn't so over the top in that typical shounen style...
Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans ep5

Much as I think the character dynamic between Mikazuki and Orga is interesting, it was nice to see some other members of the squad in action for a change. Also Todo getting sent back like that was pretty funny - guessing it was a little reference to Con-Air...
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans episode 5 - the art/animation during the battle in this episode was awesome
Comet Lucifer episode 5 - the series started VERY well but now, apart from the cool Mecha, it's becoming a bit jarring, not sure why though.
One Punch Man episode 5 - that fight between Saitama and Genos was amazing.
Dragon Ball Super episode 17
Seven Deadly Sins episodes 3-9
Owarimonogatari-Episode 5

A way better episode than last week. Love the amount of development that Sodachi is getting. The only thing I find slightly confusing is how
Araragi keeps forgetting about Sodachi. Unless I'm misunderstanding, he met her first when his parents took her into protective custody, then he failed to recognize her when he started meeting her in the abandoned house, then he failed to recognize her in middle school and again in high school.
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Is The Order A Rabbit??/Gochumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka?? (Season 2) Episode 4.

Another pretty good episode, maybe needed more Syaro. I did like the bits with Blue Mountain Aoyama, maybe she's not normal but it's in a good way I'd say.

The next episode should be interesting, especially finding out exactly what the new character is like.

Mr. Osomatsu/Osomatsu-san Episode 4.

I thought I'd commented on this one but apparently not. It was a pretty good episode, I think I prefer when they focus on a couple of larger stories instead of the more sketch based format.

I do like that they're developing the main characters a bit, although it feels like the side characters are being a bit left behind and exist more to fill the requirements of the story/joke than be characters in their own right.

Tantei Team KZ Jiken Note Episode 4.

So they decided to end the case in one of the worst ways I can think of. At this point, I don't think the show has been self-aware at all and it's gotten a bit too stupid as well. I could forgive a lot of what it's done before but this episode basically undermines anything that had potential in the show, even the life lessons and friendship stuff is kind of undermined by failing to point out that most of what the kids get up to in this episode is a terrible idea.

I can't say I was expecting a lot but it's a shame to see things go this way. I think the biggest problem is that the show doesn't seem to have a strong enough fantasy element to justify what it wants to do but doesn't seem willing to be realistic either, it kind of ends up with the worst of both worlds.

I don't know if I'll bother watching any more, it's not a huge investment of time but that end was fairly disappointing and I can't see it getting a lot better.

Anime De Training! Ex Episode 3.

I'm still watching this (though I'm behind now, I think), I'm still not sure why. It's kind of an interesting tour of character archetypes, with occasional education on how to carry out certain exercises. This episode felt a bit weaker than the other two, which is probably more of a comment on the kind of characters I like than the show itself.
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